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Mark RWebster 9:34  But they held their peace: for by the way they had disputed among themselves, who should be the greatest.
Mark EMTV 9:34  But they were silent, for on the road they had discussed with one another who was the greatest.
Mark NHEBJE 9:34  But they were silent, for they had disputed one with another on the way about who was the greatest.
Mark Etheridg 9:34  But they were silent: for they had contended in the way one with another, who should be greatest among them.
Mark ABP 9:34  And they were silent; [2with 3one another 1for] they were reasoning in the way, who was greater.
Mark NHEBME 9:34  But they were silent, for they had disputed one with another on the way about who was the greatest.
Mark Rotherha 9:34  And they were silent; for, with one another, they had discussed in the way, who should be greatest.
Mark LEB 9:34  But they were silent, because they had argued with one another on the way about who was greatest.
Mark BWE 9:34  But they said nothing, because on the road they had been talking among themselves about who was the greatest person.
Mark Twenty 9:34  But they were silent; for on the way they had been arguing with one another which was the greatest.
Mark ISV 9:34  But they kept silent, for on the road they had argued with one another about who was the greatest.
Mark RNKJV 9:34  But they held their peace: for by the way they had disputed among themselves, who should be the greatest.
Mark Jubilee2 9:34  But they were silent; for on the way they had disputed among themselves, who [should be] the greatest.
Mark Webster 9:34  But they held their peace: for by the way they had disputed among themselves, who [should be] the greatest.
Mark Darby 9:34  And they remained silent, for by the way they had been reasoning with one another who [was] greatest.
Mark OEB 9:34  But they were silent; for on the way they had been arguing with one another which was the greatest.
Mark ASV 9:34  But they held their peace: for they had disputed one with another on the way, who was the greatest.
Mark Anderson 9:34  But they were silent. For they had been disputing with one another along the road which was greatest.
Mark Godbey 9:34  And they were silent: for they were disputing to one another in the way, who was the greater.
Mark LITV 9:34  And they were silent, for they argued with one another in the way as to who was greater.
Mark Geneva15 9:34  And they helde their peace: for by the way they reasoned among themselues, who should bee the chiefest.
Mark Montgome 9:34  But they were silent, for on the road they were disputing together which one was greatest.
Mark CPDV 9:34  And sitting down, he called the twelve, and he said to them, “If anyone wants to be first, he shall be the last of all and the minister of all.”
Mark Weymouth 9:34  But they remained silent; for on the way they had debated with one another who was the chief of them.
Mark LO 9:34  But they were silent; for they had debated amongst themselves by the way, who should be greatest.
Mark Common 9:34  But they kept silent; for on the way they had discussed with one another who was the greatest.
Mark BBE 9:34  But they said nothing: because they had had an argument between themselves on the way, about who was the greatest.
Mark Worsley 9:34  But they held their peace; for they had been disputing with each other by the way who should be the greatest.
Mark DRC 9:34  And sitting down, he called the twelve and saith to them: If any man desire to be first, he shall be the last of all and be minister of all.
Mark Haweis 9:34  But they held their peace. For they had been disputing with each other on the road, which was the greatest.
Mark GodsWord 9:34  They were silent. On the road they had argued about who was the greatest.
Mark Tyndale 9:34  And they helde their peace: for by the waye they reasoned amonge the selves who shuld be the chefest.
Mark KJVPCE 9:34  But they held their peace: for by the way they had disputed among themselves, who should be the greatest.
Mark NETfree 9:34  But they were silent, for on the way they had argued with one another about who was the greatest.
Mark RKJNT 9:34  But they kept quiet: for along the way they had discussed which of them was the greatest.
Mark AFV2020 9:34  But they were silent because, while on the way, they had discussed who would be the greatest.
Mark NHEB 9:34  But they were silent, for they had disputed one with another on the way about who was the greatest.
Mark OEBcth 9:34  But they were silent; for on the way they had been arguing with one another which was the greatest.
Mark NETtext 9:34  But they were silent, for on the way they had argued with one another about who was the greatest.
Mark UKJV 9:34  But they held their peace: for by the way they had disputed among themselves, who should be the greatest.
Mark Noyes 9:34  But they were silent; for on the road they had been disputing with one another, who was greatest.
Mark KJV 9:34  But they held their peace: for by the way they had disputed among themselves, who should be the greatest.
Mark KJVA 9:34  But they held their peace: for by the way they had disputed among themselves, who should be the greatest.
Mark AKJV 9:34  But they held their peace: for by the way they had disputed among themselves, who should be the greatest.
Mark RLT 9:34  But they held their peace: for by the way they had disputed among themselves, who should be the greatest.
Mark OrthJBC 9:34  But they were keeping silent, for baderech they were discussing with one another which of the talmidim was hagadol.
Mark MKJV 9:34  But they were silent. For in the way they had disputed among themselves who was the greatest.
Mark YLT 9:34  and they were silent, for with one another they did reason in the way who is greater;
Mark Murdock 9:34  And they were silent; for by the way they had contended with one another, which should be the great among them.
Mark ACV 9:34  But they were silent, for on the way they discussed among each other, who is greater.
Mark VulgSist 9:34  Et residens vocavit duodecim, et ait illis: Si quis vult primus esse, erit omnium novissimus, et omnium minister.
Mark VulgCont 9:34  Et residens vocavit duodecim, et ait illis: Si quis vult primus esse, erit omnium novissimus, et omnium minister.
Mark Vulgate 9:34  et residens vocavit duodecim et ait illis si quis vult primus esse erit omnium novissimus et omnium minister
Mark VulgHetz 9:34  Et residens vocavit duodecim, et ait illis: Si quis vult primus esse, erit omnium novissimus, et omnium minister.
Mark VulgClem 9:34  Et residens vocavit duodecim, et ait illis : Si quis vult primus esse, erit omnium novissimus, et omnium minister.
Mark CzeBKR 9:34  Ale oni mlčeli. Nebo hádali se byli na cestě mezi sebou, kdo by z nich byl větší.
Mark CzeB21 9:34  Oni však mlčeli, neboť se cestou mezi sebou hádali, kdo z nich je největší.
Mark CzeCEP 9:34  Ale oni mlčeli, neboť se cestou mezi sebou dohadovali, kdo je největší.
Mark CzeCSP 9:34  Oni však mlčeli, neboť se cestou mezi sebou dohadovali, kdo je největší.
Mark PorBLivr 9:34  Mas eles se calaram; porque eles haviam discutido uns com os outros pelo caminho, qual deles seria o maior.
Mark Mg1865 9:34  Fa tsy nahateny izy, satria efa niady hevitra teny an-dalana izy ny amin’ izay lehibe indrindra.
Mark CopNT 9:34  ⳿ⲛⲑⲱⲟⲩ ⲇⲉ ⲛⲁⲩⲭⲱ ⳿ⲛⲣⲱⲟⲩ ⲛⲁⲩⲥⲁϫⲓ ⲅⲁⲣ ⲡⲉ ⲛⲉⲙ ⳿ⲛⲛⲟⲩ⳿ⲉⲣⲏⲟⲩ ϩⲓ ⳿ⲫⲙⲱⲓⲧ ϫⲉ ⲛⲓⲙ ⳿ⲙⲙⲱⲟⲩ ⲡⲉ ⲡⲓⲛⲓϣϯ ..
Mark FinPR 9:34  Mutta he olivat vaiti; sillä he olivat tiellä keskustelleet toistensa kanssa siitä, kuka oli suurin.
Mark NorBroed 9:34  Og de var stille; for de diskuterte på veien mot hverandre, hvem er større.
Mark FinRK 9:34  He olivat vaiti, sillä he olivat matkalla väitelleet keskenään siitä, kuka oli suurin.
Mark ChiSB 9:34  他們都默不作聲,因為他們在路上彼此爭論誰最大。
Mark CopSahBi 9:34  ⲛⲧⲟⲟⲩ ⲇⲉ ⲁⲩⲕⲁⲣⲱⲟⲩ ⲛⲉⲩϣⲁϫⲉ ⲅⲁⲣ ⲙⲛ ⲛⲉⲩⲉⲣⲏⲩ ϩⲛ ⲧⲉϩⲓⲏ ϫⲉ ⲛⲓⲙ ⲡⲉ ⲡⲛⲟϭ ⲉⲧⲛϩⲏⲧⲟⲩ
Mark ArmEaste 9:34  Եւ երբ նստեց, կանչեց Տասներկուսին ու նրանց ասաց. «Եթէ մէկն ուզում է առաջին լինել, բոլորից վերջինը եւ բոլորի սպասաւորը պիտի լինի»:
Mark ChiUns 9:34  门徒不作声,因为他们在路上彼此争论谁为大。
Mark BulVeren 9:34  А те мълчаха, защото по пътя бяха спорили помежду си кой от тях е по- голям.
Mark AraSVD 9:34  فَسَكَتُوا، لِأَنَّهُمْ تَحَاجُّوا فِي ٱلطَّرِيقِ بَعْضُهُمْ مَعَ بَعْضٍ فِي مَنْ هُوَ أَعْظَمُ.
Mark Shona 9:34  Asi vakanyarara, nokuti munzira vakange vakakavadzana kuti mukurusa ndiani.
Mark Esperant 9:34  Sed ili silentis; ĉar ili diskutis inter si sur la vojo pri tio, kiu estas la plej granda.
Mark BeaMRK 9:34  Aghoo atu yachutyehlon: aghatai hahte atghunni otichi hoonchati inchi sooghatatyechlon, mea otehchi chatinchai kha.
Mark ThaiKJV 9:34  เหล่าสาวกก็นิ่งอยู่ เพราะเมื่อมาตามทางนั้นเขาได้เถียงกันว่า คนไหนจะเป็นใหญ่กว่ากัน
Mark BurJudso 9:34  သူတို့သည် တိတ်ဆိတ်စွာနေကြ၏။ အကြောင်းမူကား၊ အဘယ်သူသည်သာ၍ ကြီးမြတ်အံ့နည်းဟု လမ်း၌ အချင်းချင်းငြင်းခုံကြ၏။
Mark SBLGNT 9:34  οἱ δὲ ἐσιώπων, πρὸς ἀλλήλους γὰρ διελέχθησαν ἐν τῇ ὁδῷ τίς μείζων.
Mark FarTPV 9:34  آنها ساكت ماندند، چون در بین راه، صحبت ایشان بر سر این بود كه در میان آنها چه كسی بزرگتر است.
Mark UrduGeoR 9:34  Lekin wuh ḳhāmosh rahe, kyoṅki wuh rāste meṅ is par bahs kar rahe the ki ham meṅ se baṛā kaun hai?
Mark SweFolk 9:34  Men de teg, för på vägen hade de talat med varandra om vem som var den störste.
Mark TNT 9:34  οἱ δὲ ἐσιώπων· πρὸς ἀλλήλους γὰρ διελέχθησαν ἐν τῇ ὁδῷ τίς μείζων.
Mark GerSch 9:34  Sie aber schwiegen; denn sie hatten unterwegs miteinander verhandelt, wer der Größte sei.
Mark TagAngBi 9:34  Datapuwa't hindi sila nagsiimik: sapagka't sila-sila ay nangagtalo sa daan, kung sino ang pinakadakila.
Mark FinSTLK2 9:34  Mutta he olivat vaiti, sillä he olivat tiellä keskustelleet toistensa kanssa siitä, kuka oli suurin.
Mark Dari 9:34  آن ها خاموش ماندند، چون در بین راه صحبت ایشان بر سر این بود که در میان آن ها چه کسی بزرگتر است.
Mark SomKQA 9:34  Laakiin way aamuseen, waayo, intay jidka ku socdeen waxay ka wada hadlayeen kan ugu weyn.
Mark NorSMB 9:34  Dei tagde; for på vegen hadde dei tala med einannan um kven som var størst.
Mark Alb 9:34  Dhe ata heshtën, sepse rrugës kishin diskutuar se cili ndër ta ishte më i madhi.
Mark GerLeoRP 9:34  Sie aber schwiegen; denn sie hatten unterwegs miteinander debattiert, wer größer [sei].
Mark UyCyr 9:34  Уларниң һеч қайсиси зуван сүрмиди, чүнки улар йолда кимниң әң улуқ екәнлиги тоғрисида талаш-тартиш қилишқан еди.
Mark KorHKJV 9:34  그들이 잠잠하니 이는 그들이 길에서 누가 가장 큰 자인가 하는 일로 자기들끼리 논쟁하였기 때문이라.
Mark MorphGNT 9:34  οἱ δὲ ἐσιώπων, πρὸς ἀλλήλους γὰρ διελέχθησαν ἐν τῇ ὁδῷ τίς μείζων.
Mark SrKDIjek 9:34  А они мучаху; јер се путем препираше међу собом ко је највећи.
Mark Wycliffe 9:34  And he sat, and clepide the twelue, and seide to hem, If ony man wole be the firste among you, he schal be the laste of alle, and the mynyster of alle.
Mark Mal1910 9:34  അവരോ തങ്ങളുടെ ഇടയിൽ വലിയവൻ ആർ എന്നു വഴിയിൽവെച്ചു വാദിച്ചതുകൊണ്ടു മിണ്ടാതിരുന്നു.
Mark KorRV 9:34  저희가 잠잠하니 이는 노중에서 서로 누가 크냐 하고 쟁론하였음이라
Mark Azeri 9:34  شاگئردلرئن هچ بئرئندن سس چيخمادي، چونکي يولدا هانسينين لاپ بؤيوک اولدوغو باره​سئنده موباحئثه اتمئشدئلر.
Mark GerReinh 9:34  Sie aber schwiegen, denn sie hatten untereinander auf dem Weg verhandelt, wer der Größere wäre.
Mark SweKarlX 9:34  Men de tigde; förty de hade handlat emellan sig i vägen, hvilken af dem ypperst var.
Mark KLV 9:34  'ach chaH were tam, vaD chaH ghajta' disputed wa' tlhej another Daq the way about 'Iv ghaHta' the greatest.
Mark ItaDio 9:34  Ed essi tacquero; perciocchè per lo cammino aveano fra loro disputato chi di loro dovesse essere il maggiore.
Mark RusSynod 9:34  Они молчали; потому что дорогою рассуждали между собою, кто больше.
Mark CSlEliza 9:34  Они же молчаху: друг ко другу бо стязашася на пути, кто (есть) болий.
Mark ABPGRK 9:34  οι δε εσιώπων προς αλλήλους γαρ διελέχθησαν εν τη οδώ τις μείζων
Mark FreBBB 9:34  Et ils se taisaient ; car entre eux ils avaient discuté, en chemin, lequel était le plus grand.
Mark LinVB 9:34  Batíkálí nyê, zambí o nzelá bazalákí kowélana sókó náni alekí bonéne.
Mark BurCBCM 9:34  သူတို့မူကား တိတ်ဆိတ်စွာနေကြ၏။ အကြောင်းမူကား မိမိတို့တွင် မည်သူသည် အကြီးမြတ်ဆုံးဖြစ်သည် ကို လမ်းခရီး၌ သူတို့အချင်းချင်းပြောဆိုငြင်းခုံခဲ့ကြသော ကြောင့်ဖြစ်၏။-
Mark ChiUnL 9:34  門徒默然、因其爭辯孰大也、
Mark VietNVB 9:34  Nhưng họ đều im lặng vì khi đi đường đã tranh luận với nhau ai là người lớn hơn hết.
Mark CebPinad 9:34  Apan sila wala motingog, kay diha sa dalan nanaglalisay man ugod sila kon kinsa kanilay labing daku,
Mark RomCor 9:34  Dar ei tăceau, pentru că pe drum se certaseră între ei ca să ştie cine este cel mai mare.
Mark Pohnpeia 9:34  A irail nennenlahte, sohte sapeng; pwe re akahkamaiki kohdo ihs me keieu lapalap rehrail.
Mark HunUj 9:34  Ők azonban hallgattak, mert arról vitatkoztak az úton egymással, hogy ki a legnagyobb?
Mark GerZurch 9:34  Sie aber schwiegen; denn sie hatten sich unterwegs miteinander besprochen, wer der Grösste sei.
Mark GerTafel 9:34  Sie aber schwiegen stille; denn sie hatten auf dem Wege unter sich besprochen, welcher der Größte wäre.
Mark PorAR 9:34  Mas eles se calaram, porque pelo caminho haviam discutido entre si qual deles era o maior.
Mark DutSVVA 9:34  Doch zij zwegen; want zij waren onder elkander in woorden geweest op den weg, wie de meeste zou zijn.
Mark Byz 9:34  οι δε εσιωπων προς αλληλους γαρ διελεχθησαν εν τη οδω τις μειζων
Mark FarOPV 9:34  اما ایشان خاموش ماندند، از آنجا که در راه با یکدیگر گفتگومی کردند در اینکه کیست بزرگتر.
Mark Ndebele 9:34  Kodwa bathula; ngoba endleleni babephikisene ngokuthi ngubani omkhulu.
Mark PorBLivr 9:34  Mas eles se calaram; porque eles haviam discutido uns com os outros pelo caminho, qual deles seria o maior.
Mark StatResG 9:34  Οἱ δὲ ἐσιώπων, πρὸς ἀλλήλους γὰρ διελέχθησαν ἐν τῇ ὁδῷ, τίς μείζων.
Mark SloStrit 9:34  Oni so pa molčali; prepirali so se bili namreč po poti med seboj, kdo je največi.
Mark Norsk 9:34  Men de tidde; for de hadde talt med hverandre på veien om hvem som var den største.
Mark SloChras 9:34  Oni pa molče; spotoma so se bili namreč med seboj prepirali, kdo da je največji.
Mark Northern 9:34  Heç kim dillənmədi, çünki yol boyu öz aralarında kimin ən böyük olması barədə mübahisə etmişdilər.
Mark GerElb19 9:34  Sie aber schwiegen; denn sie hatten sich auf dem Wege untereinander besprochen, wer der Größte sei.
Mark PohnOld 9:34  Irail ari nenenla, pwe re akamaiki nani al o, is me pan laud re ’rail.
Mark LvGluck8 9:34  Bet tie cieta klusu; jo tie savā starpā bija sarunājušies uz ceļa, kurš esot tas lielākais?
Mark PorAlmei 9:34  Mas elles calaram-se; porque pelo caminho tinham disputado entre si qual d'elles havia de ser o maior.
Mark ChiUn 9:34  門徒不作聲,因為他們在路上彼此爭論誰為大。
Mark SweKarlX 9:34  Men de tigde; förty de hade handlat emellan sig i vägen, hvilken af dem ypperst var.
Mark Antoniad 9:34  οι δε εσιωπων προς αλληλους γαρ διελεχθησαν εν τη οδω τις μειζων
Mark CopSahid 9:34  ⲛⲧⲟⲟⲩ ⲇⲉ ⲁⲩⲕⲁⲣⲱⲟⲩ ⲛⲉⲩϣⲁϫⲉ ⲅⲁⲣ ⲛⲙⲛⲉⲩⲉⲣⲏⲩ ϩⲛⲧⲉϩⲓⲏ ϫⲉ ⲛⲓⲙ ⲡⲉ ⲡⲛⲟϭ ⲉⲧⲛϩⲏⲧⲟⲩ
Mark GerAlbre 9:34  Sie schwiegen (beschämt); denn sie hatten unterwegs davon geredet, wer von ihnen der Größte sei.
Mark BulCarig 9:34  А те мълчаха; защото в пътя беха се препирали помежду си, кой е по-голем.
Mark FrePGR 9:34  Mais ils se taisaient ; car ils avaient discuté entre eux en chemin quel était le plus grand.
Mark JapDenmo 9:34  しかし彼らは黙っていた。途中で,だれが一番偉いかについて互いに論争していたからである。
Mark PorCap 9:34  Ficaram em silêncio porque, no caminho, tinham discutido uns com os outros sobre qual deles era o maior.
Mark JapKougo 9:34  彼らは黙っていた。それは途中で、だれが一ばん偉いかと、互に論じ合っていたからである。
Mark Tausug 9:34  Na, di' na sila makasambung kan Īsa, sabab in piyaglugatan nila ha dān pasal bang hisiyu in mataas tuud sin sila manga mulid niya.
Mark GerTextb 9:34  Sie aber schwiegen, denn sie hatten unterwegs mit einander davon geredet, wer der größte sei.
Mark Kapingam 9:34  Gei digaula digi leelee, idimaa, digaula nogo lagamaaloo i nadau mehanga be-di ma koai dela koia e-aamua.
Mark SpaPlate 9:34  Mas ellos guardaron silencio, porque habían discutido entre sí, durante el camino, sobre quien sería el mayor.
Mark RusVZh 9:34  Они молчали; потому что дорогою рассуждали между собою, кто больше.
Mark GerOffBi 9:34  Sie aber schwiegen, denn sie hatten auf dem Weg (unterwegs) miteinander [darüber] diskutiert, wer der Größte (größer) [sei].
Mark CopSahid 9:34  ⲛⲧⲟⲟⲩ ⲇⲉ ⲁⲩⲕⲁⲣⲱⲟⲩ ⲛⲉⲩϣⲁϫⲉ ⲅⲁⲣ ⲙⲛ ⲛⲉⲩⲉⲣⲏⲩ ϩⲛ ⲧⲉϩⲓⲏ ϫⲉ ⲛⲓⲙ ⲡⲉ ⲡⲛⲟϭ ⲉⲧⲛϩⲏⲧⲟⲩ.
Mark LtKBB 9:34  Jie tylėjo. Mat kelyje jie ginčijosi, kuris iš jų didžiausias.
Mark Bela 9:34  яны маўчалі, бо дарогаю разважалі паміж сабою, хто большы.
Mark CopSahHo 9:34  ⲛ̅ⲧⲟⲟⲩ ⲇⲉ ⲁⲩⲕⲁⲣⲱⲟⲩ ⲛⲉⲩϣⲁϫⲉ ⲅⲁⲣ ⲛⲙ̅ⲛⲉⲩⲉⲣⲏⲩ ϩⲛ̅ⲧⲉϩⲓⲏ ϫⲉ ⲛⲓⲙ ⲡⲉ ⲡⲛⲟϭ ⲉⲧⲛ̅ϩⲏⲧⲟⲩ.
Mark BretonNT 9:34  Met int a dave, rak en em dabutet o doa en hent war an hini a vije ar brasañ.
Mark GerBoLut 9:34  Sie aber schwiegen; denn sie hatten miteinander auf dem Wege gehandelt, welcher der Grotite ware.
Mark FinPR92 9:34  He olivat vaiti, sillä he olivat väitelleet siitä, kuka heistä oli suurin.
Mark DaNT1819 9:34  Men de taug, thi de havde bespurgt sig med hverandre paa Veien, hvilken der skulde være den Største.
Mark Uma 9:34  Uma-ra winihi, apa' to rapomehonoi' hi lengko ohea we'i, ba hema-ra to meliu kabohe tuwu' -ra.
Mark GerLeoNA 9:34  Sie aber schwiegen; denn sie hatten unterwegs miteinander debattiert, wer größer [sei].
Mark SpaVNT 9:34  Mas ellos callaron; porque los unos con los otros habian disputado en el camino quién [había de ser] el mayor.
Mark Latvian 9:34  Un Viņš, apsēdies, piesauca tos divpadsmit un sacīja tiem: Ja kas grib būt pirmais, tas būs no visiem pēdējais un visu kalps.
Mark SpaRV186 9:34  Mas ellos callaron; porque los unos con los otros habían disputado en el camino, quién de ellos había de ser el mayor.
Mark FreStapf 9:34  Ils gardèrent le silence ; car ils avaient discuté en chemin sur celui d'entre eux qui était le plus grand.
Mark NlCanisi 9:34  Hij zette Zich neer, riep de twaalf, en sprak tot hen: Zo iemand de eerste wil zijn, dan moet hij de laatste van allen zijn, en de dienaar van allen.
Mark GerNeUe 9:34  Sie schwiegen, denn sie hatten sich auf dem Weg gestritten, wer von ihnen der Größte wäre.
Mark Est 9:34  Aga nad jäid vait; sest nad olid teel isekeskis vaielnud selle üle, kes on suurem.
Mark UrduGeo 9:34  لیکن وہ خاموش رہے، کیونکہ وہ راستے میں اِس پر بحث کر رہے تھے کہ ہم میں سے بڑا کون ہے؟
Mark AraNAV 9:34  فَسَكَتُوا، إِذْ كَانُوا فِي الطَّرِيقِ قَدْ تَجَادَلُوا فِي مَنْ هُوَ الأَعْظَمُ بَيْنَهُمْ.
Mark ChiNCVs 9:34  门徒一声不响,因为他们在路上彼此争论谁为大。
Mark f35 9:34  οι δε εσιωπων προς αλληλους γαρ διελεχθησαν εν τη οδω τις μειζων
Mark vlsJoNT 9:34  Maar zij zwegen stil, want zij hadden onderweg getwist met malkander, wie toch de meeste was.
Mark ItaRive 9:34  Ed essi tacevano, perché per via aveano questionato fra loro chi fosse il maggiore.
Mark Afr1953 9:34  Maar hulle het stilgebly; want hulle het op die pad met mekaar gepraat oor wie die grootste is.
Mark RusSynod 9:34  Они молчали, потому что дорогой рассуждали между собой, кто больше.
Mark FreOltra 9:34  Mais ils gardèrent le silence, parce qu'en chemin ils avaient débattu entre eux cette question: «Qui est le plus grand?»
Mark UrduGeoD 9:34  लेकिन वह ख़ामोश रहे, क्योंकि वह रास्ते में इस पर बहस कर रहे थे कि हममें से बड़ा कौन है?
Mark TurNTB 9:34  Hiç birinden ses çıkmadı. Çünkü yolda aralarında kimin en büyük olduğunu tartışmışlardı.
Mark DutSVV 9:34  Doch zij zwegen; want zij waren onder elkander in woorden geweest op den weg, wie de meeste zou zijn.
Mark HunKNB 9:34  Azok csak hallgattak, mert az úton arról tanakodtak, hogy ki a legnagyobb közülük.
Mark Maori 9:34  Otiia kihai ratou i kiki: ko ta ratou hoki i kore korero ai ki a ratou i te ara, ko wai te mea nui rawa.
Mark sml_BL_2 9:34  Sagō' mbal sigām bilahi anambung sabab ya paglugatan sigām bang sai ya katapusan alanga.
Mark HunKar 9:34  De ők hallgatának, mert egymás között a felett vetekedtek vala az úton, ki a nagyobb?
Mark Viet 9:34  Môn đồ đều làm thinh; vì dọc đường đã cãi nhau cho biết ai là lớn hơn trong bọn mình.
Mark Kekchi 9:34  Mem queˈcana ut incˈaˈ chic queˈchakˈoc xban nak yo̱queb chixcuechˈinquil rix ani reheb li nim xcuanquil.
Mark Swe1917 9:34  Men de tego, ty de hade på vägen talat med varandra om vilken som vore störst.
Mark KhmerNT 9:34  ប៉ុន្ដែ​ពួកគេ​នៅ​ស្ងៀម​ ព្រោះ​ពួកគេ​សួរ​ដេញ​ដោល​គ្នា​ទៅ​វិញ​ទៅ​មក​នៅ​តាម​ផ្លូវ​ ថា​តើ​អ្នកណា​ធំ​ជាង​គេ​
Mark CroSaric 9:34  A oni umukoše jer putem među sobom razgovarahu o tome tko je najveći.
Mark BasHauti 9:34  Eta hec ichil citecen: ecen elkarren contra iharduqui çutén bidean, cein cen berceac baino handiagoa.
Mark WHNU 9:34  οι δε εσιωπων προς αλληλους γαρ διελεχθησαν εν τη οδω τις μειζων
Mark VieLCCMN 9:34  Các ông làm thinh, vì khi đi đường, các ông đã cãi nhau xem ai là người lớn hơn cả.
Mark FreBDM17 9:34  Et ils se turent : car ils avaient disputé ensemble en chemin, qui d’entre eux était le plus grand.
Mark TR 9:34  οι δε εσιωπων προς αλληλους γαρ διελεχθησαν εν τη οδω τις μειζων
Mark HebModer 9:34  ויחרישו כי התעשקו בדרך מי הוא הגדול בהם׃
Mark Kaz 9:34  Бірақ шәкірттері үндемеді, өйткені олар жолшыбай келе жатып: «Қайсымыздың жолымыз ең үлкен?» — деп өзара пікірлескен болатын.
Mark UkrKulis 9:34  Вони ж мовчали; перемовлялись бо між собою в дорозї, хто більший.
Mark FreJND 9:34  Et ils gardaient le silence, car ils avaient disputé entre eux, en chemin, qui serait le plus grand.
Mark TurHADI 9:34  Ancak şakirtleri cevap vermediler, çünkü yolda birbirleriyle kimin en büyük olduğunu tartışıyorlardı.
Mark Wulfila 9:34  𐌹𐌸 𐌴𐌹𐍃 𐍃𐌻𐌰𐍅𐌰𐌹𐌳𐌴𐌳𐌿𐌽; 𐌳𐌿 𐍃𐌹𐍃 𐌼𐌹𐍃𐍃𐍉 𐌰𐌽𐌳𐍂𐌿𐌽𐌽𐌿𐌽, 𐍈𐌰𐍂𐌾𐌹𐍃 𐌼𐌰𐌹𐍃𐍄𐍃 𐍅𐌴𐍃𐌹.
Mark GerGruen 9:34  Sie aber schwiegen. Sie hatten nämlich unterwegs miteinander gestritten, wer der Größte sei.
Mark SloKJV 9:34  Vendar so molčali, kajti med potjo so se med seboj prerekali kdo naj bi bil največji.
Mark Haitian 9:34  Pesonn pa louvri bouch yo reponn, paske nan chemen an, yo t'ap diskite pou konnen kilès nan yo ki te pi grannèg.
Mark FinBibli 9:34  Mutta he vaikenivat; sillä he olivat kamppailleet tiellä keskenänsä, kuka heistä suurin olis.
Mark SpaRV 9:34  Mas ellos callaron; porque los unos con los otros habían disputado en el camino quién había de ser el mayor.
Mark HebDelit 9:34  וַיַּחֲרִישׁוּ כִּי הִתְעַשְּׂקוּ בַדֶּרֶךְ מִי הוּא הַגָּדוֹל בָּהֶם׃
Mark WelBeibl 9:34  Ond wnaeth neb ateb. Roedden nhw wedi bod yn dadlau pwy oedd y pwysica.
Mark GerMenge 9:34  Sie aber schwiegen; denn sie hatten unterwegs miteinander darüber gesprochen, wer (von ihnen) der Größte sei.
Mark GreVamva 9:34  Οι δε εσιώπων· διότι καθ' οδόν διελέχθησαν προς αλλήλους τις είναι μεγαλήτερος.
Mark Tisch 9:34  οἱ δὲ ἐσιώπων· πρὸς ἀλλήλους γὰρ διελέχθησαν ἐν τῇ ὁδῷ τίς μείζων.
Mark UkrOgien 9:34  І мовчали вони, — сперечалися бо проміж себе в дорозі, хто́ найбільший.
Mark MonKJV 9:34  Харин тэд дуугүй байлаа. Учир нь зам зуур тэд хоорондоо хэн нь хамгийн агуу талаар маргалджээ.
Mark FreCramp 9:34  Alors ils s'assit, appela les Douze et leur dit : " Si quelqu'un veut être le premier, il sera le dernier de tous, et le serviteur de tous. "
Mark SrKDEkav 9:34  А они ћутаху; јер се путем препираше међу собом ко је највећи.
Mark SpaTDP 9:34  Pero ellos estaban silencioso, porque en el camino habían estado discutiendo unos con otros sobre quien era el más grande.
Mark PolUGdan 9:34  Lecz oni milczeli. W drodze bowiem rozmawiali między sobą o tym, kto z nich jest największy.
Mark FreGenev 9:34  Et ils fe teurent: car ils avoyent difputé les uns contre les autres en chemin, qui eftoit le plus grand d'entr'eux.
Mark FreSegon 9:34  Mais ils gardèrent le silence, car en chemin ils avaient discuté entre eux pour savoir qui était le plus grand.
Mark Swahili 9:34  Lakini wao wakanyamaza, maana njiani walikuwa wamebishana ni nani aliye mkuu kati yao.
Mark SpaRV190 9:34  Mas ellos callaron; porque los unos con los otros habían disputado en el camino quién había de ser el mayor.
Mark HunRUF 9:34  Ők azonban hallgattak, mert arról vitatkoztak egymás között az úton, hogy ki a legnagyobb.
Mark FreSynod 9:34  Mais ils gardaient le silence; car ils avaient discuté en chemin pour savoir qui d'entre eux était le plus grand.
Mark DaOT1931 9:34  Men de tav; thi de havde talt med hverandre paa Vejen om, hvem der var den største.
Mark FarHezar 9:34  ایشان خاموش ماندند، زیرا در راه در این باره بحث می‌کردند که کدامیک از آنها بزرگتر است.
Mark TpiKJPB 9:34  Tasol ol i pasim ol maus bilong ol. Long wanem, long rot ol i bin tok pait namel long ol yet, husat bai stap nambawan.
Mark ArmWeste 9:34  Երբ նստաւ, կանչեց տասներկուքը եւ ըսաւ անոնց. «Եթէ մէկը ուզէ առաջին ըլլալ, բոլորին յետի՛նը թող ըլլայ, ու բոլորին սպասարկուն»:
Mark DaOT1871 9:34  Men de tav; thi de havde talt med hverandre paa Vejen om, hvem der var den største.
Mark JapRague 9:34  彼等黙然たりき、是は己等の中に最大いなる者は誰ぞ、と道すがら相争ひたればなり。
Mark ScotsGae 9:34  Ach bha iadsan samhach: oir air an rathad bha iad a consachadh eatorra fhein, co dhiu bu mhua bhiodh.
Mark Peshitta 9:34  ܗܢܘܢ ܕܝܢ ܫܬܝܩܝܢ ܗܘܘ ܐܬܚܪܝܘ ܗܘܘ ܓܝܪ ܒܐܘܪܚܐ ܚܕ ܥܡ ܚܕ ܕܡܢܘ ܪܒ ܒܗܘܢ ܀
Mark FreVulgG 9:34  Et s’étant assis, Il appela les douze et leur dit : Si quelqu’un veut être le premier, il sera le dernier de tous et le serviteur de tous.
Mark PolGdans 9:34  Lecz oni milczeli; albowiem rozmawiali między sobą w drodze, kto by z nich był większy.
Mark JapBungo 9:34  弟子たち默然たり、これは途すがら、誰か大ならんと、互に爭ひたるに因る。
Mark Elzevir 9:34  οι δε εσιωπων προς αλληλους γαρ διελεχθησαν εν τη οδω τις μειζων
Mark GerElb18 9:34  Sie aber schwiegen; denn sie hatten sich auf dem Wege untereinander besprochen, wer der Größte sei.