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Chapter 148
Psal NETtext 148:1  Praise the LORD! Praise the LORD from the sky! Praise him in the heavens!
Psal NETtext 148:2  Praise him, all his angels! Praise him, all his heavenly assembly!
Psal NETtext 148:3  Praise him, O sun and moon! Praise him, all you shiny stars!
Psal NETtext 148:4  Praise him, O highest heaven, and you waters above the sky!
Psal NETtext 148:5  Let them praise the name of the LORD, for he gave the command and they came into existence.
Psal NETtext 148:6  He established them so they would endure; he issued a decree that will not be revoked.
Psal NETtext 148:7  Praise the LORD from the earth, you sea creatures and all you ocean depths,
Psal NETtext 148:8  O fire and hail, snow and clouds, O stormy wind that carries out his orders,
Psal NETtext 148:9  you mountains and all you hills, you fruit trees and all you cedars,
Psal NETtext 148:10  you animals and all you cattle, you creeping things and birds,
Psal NETtext 148:11  you kings of the earth and all you nations, you princes and all you leaders on the earth,
Psal NETtext 148:12  you young men and young women, you elderly, along with you children!
Psal NETtext 148:13  Let them praise the name of the LORD, for his name alone is exalted; his majesty extends over the earth and sky.
Psal NETtext 148:14  He has made his people victorious, and given all his loyal followers reason to praise - the Israelites, the people who are close to him. Praise the LORD!