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Chapter 19
Psal ABP 19:1  The heavens describe the glory of God, [5the making 1and 6of his hands 4announces 2the 3firmament].
Psal ABP 19:2  Day to day bubbles up a saying; and night unto night announces knowledge.
Psal ABP 19:3  There are no speeches nor words which [2are not 3heard 1their voices].
Psal ABP 19:4  Into all the earth went forth their knell; and unto the ends of the inhabitable world their words. [3in 4the 5sun 1He put 2his tent].
Psal ABP 19:5  And he, as a groom going forth from out of his nuptial chamber, shall exult as a giant running a journey.
Psal ABP 19:6  From one tip of heaven is his exiting, and his arrival unto the other tip of heaven; and there is not one who shall be concealed from his heat.
Psal ABP 19:7  The law of the lord is unblemished, turning souls. The witness of the lord is trustworthy, making wise the infants.
Psal ABP 19:8  The ordinances of the lord are straight, making glad the heart. The commandment of the lord is radiant, giving light to the eyes.
Psal ABP 19:9  The fear of the lord is pure, abiding into the eon of the eon. The judgments of the lord are true, doing justice to the same;
Psal ABP 19:10  desirable above gold, and [3stone 2precious 1much], and sweeter above honey and the honeycomb.
Psal ABP 19:11  For also your servant guards them; in the guarding of them [2reward 1there is great].
Psal ABP 19:12  [3his transgressions 1Who 2shall perceive]? From out of my private transgressions cleanse me!
Psal ABP 19:13  And from the aliens spare your servant! If they should not dominate me, then I will be unblemished, and I shall be cleansed of [2sin 1great].
Psal ABP 19:14  And [4will be 5for 6benevolence 1the 2oracles 3of my mouth], and the meditation of my heart before you always, O lord, my helper and the one ransoming me.