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Chapter 11
Reve OrthJBC 11:1  And a measuring rod like a staff was given to me, saying, "Come and measure the Beis Hamikdash of Hashem and the Mitzbe'ach (altar) and the ones worshiping there. [Yechezkel 40:3]
Reve OrthJBC 11:2  But do not measure the outer court of the Beis Hamikdash; leave that out, and measure it not, for it was given over to the Goyim, and the Ir HaKodesh they will trample upon arba'im and shenayim chodashim. [Yechezkel 40:17,20; Daniel 7:25; 12:7]
Reve OrthJBC 11:3  And I will give to my Sh'ney HaEdim and they will speak dvarim haNevu'ah one thousand two hundred and sixty days, having been clothed in sakkim (sackcloth). [Bereshis 37:34; Shmuel Bais 3:31; Nechemyah 9:1]
Reve OrthJBC 11:4  These are the two olive trees and the two menorot standing before the Adon kol ha'aretz. [Tehillim 52:8; Yirmeyah 11:16; Zecharyah 4:3,11,14]
Reve OrthJBC 11:5  And if anyone wants to harm them, aish (fire) comes out of their mouth and destroys their oyevim (enemies); and if anyone wants to harm them, it is necessary for him to be killed like this. [Shmuel Bais 22:9; Melachim Bais 1:10; Yirmeyah 5:14; Bamidbar 16:29,35]
Reve OrthJBC 11:6  These have the samchut (authority) to shut Shomayim, that no geshem (rain) may fall during the days of the nevu'ah (prophecy) of them. And samchut (authority) they have over the waters to turn them into dahm and to strike ha'aretz with makkot of every kind, as often as they want. [Shemot 7:17,19 [Melachim Alef 17:1]
Reve OrthJBC 11:7  And when they complete the edut (testimony) of them, the Chayyah (Beast) coming up from the Tehom (Abyss) will make war with them and will conquer them and will kill them. [Daniel 7:21]
Reve OrthJBC 11:8  And the NEVELAH (corpse, Devarim 21:23) of them will be on the rehkov (street) of the Ir Hagadol, which is called spiritually S'dom and Mitzrayim (Egypt), where also Adonoi of them was pierced on the aitz. [Yeshayah 1:9; Yirmeyah 13:14; Yechezkel 16:46]
Reve OrthJBC 11:9  And some of the amim (peoples) and shvateem (tribes) and leshonot (tongues) and goyim (nations) see the NEVELAH of them for shloshah and a half yamim and the NEVELAH of them they do not permit to be put into a kever (tomb). [Tehillim 79:2,3]
Reve OrthJBC 11:10  And the ones dwelling on ha'aretz rejoice with great simcha over them and make merry and they will send matanot (gifts) to one another, because these two nevi'im (prophets) tormented the ones dwelling on ha'aretz. [Nechemyah 8:10,12; Esther 9:19,22]
Reve OrthJBC 11:11  And after the shloshah and a half yamim, a Ruach of Chayyim from Hashem entered into them, and they stood upon their feet, and pakhad gadol fell upon the ones seeing them. [Yechezkel 37:5,9,10,14]
Reve OrthJBC 11:12  And they heard a kol gadol out of Shomayim saying to them, "Come up here!" And they went up into Shomayim in the anan (cloud), and their oyevim (enemies) saw them. [Melachim Bais 2:11]
Reve OrthJBC 11:13  And in that hour occurred a great earthquake and the tenth part of the city fell and there were killed in the earthquake shivat alafim names among bnei Adam, and the rest became afraid and gave kavod (glory) to Elohei HaShomayim.
Reve OrthJBC 11:14  The Second Woe passed. Hinei! The Third Woe is coming quickly. HASHOFAR HASHEVI'I
Reve OrthJBC 11:15  And the Malach HaShevi'i sounded his shofar. And there were kolot gedolim (loud voices) in Shomayim, saying, "The Malchut of the Olam Hazeh became the Malchut of Adoneinu and of His Moshiach, and He will reign l'Olemei Olamim. [Tehillim 145:13; Daniel 2:44; 7:14,27; Michoh 4:7; Zecharyah 14:9]
Reve OrthJBC 11:16  And the esrim v'arba'ah Zekenim sitting on their kisot before Hashem fell on their faces and worshiped Hashem,
Reve OrthJBC 11:17  saying, "Modim Anachnu, Adonoi Eloheinu, El Shaddai, the One who is and the One who was, because you have taken your oz gadol and reigned. [Tehillim 30:12]
Reve OrthJBC 11:18  And the goyim (nations) raged. And your chori af came, and the time for the Mesim to be judged and for giving the sachar (reward) to your avadim (servants), the nevi'im (prophets) and the kedoshim and the ones fearing ha-Shem of you, the ketanim and the Gedolim, and for destroying the ones destroying ha'aretz. [Tehillim 2:1]
Reve OrthJBC 11:19  And the Beis Hamikdash of Hashem was opened in Shomayim, and the Aron HaBrit of Hashem was seen in the Beis Hamikdash of Hashem. And there were flashes of lightning and kolot and thunders and an earthquake and great hail. [Shemot 25:10-22; Divrey Hayamim Bais 5:7]