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66e30e1 Intensiv leben kann man nur auf Kosten des Ichs. Hermann Hesse
b58d9c4 Notre frere a ete conduit par son epreuve au desespoir, et les desespoir est la resultat de toute tentative serieuse pour comprendre et justifier la vie humaine. le desespoir est le resultat de tout effort serieux pour mettre sa vie en harmonie avec la vertu, avec la justice, avec la raison, tout en repondant a ses exigences. les enfants vivent en deca de ce desespoir, les adultes au-dela. Hermann Hesse
f566f08 Reklameobjekt, Basis fur Schwindelunternehmungen, beliebtester Boden fur Kitschfabrikation. (...) Ersatz und Talmi-Nachahmung eines Gefuhls. Wir tun einmal im Jahre so, als legten wir grossen Wert auf schone Gefuhle, als liessen wir es uns herzlich gern etwas kosten, ein Fest unserer Seele zu feiern. (...) Dies Gefuhl tragt alle Merkmale der Sentimentalitat. Denn Sentimentalitat ist das Sich-Erlaben an Gefuhlen, die man in Wirklichkeit nich.. Hermann Hesse
bdf5107 sentia que deixara atras, nesse aprazivel lugar, toda a sua vida anterior, a qual dai por diante se separaria dele. Essa sensacao que tomava conta de seu espirito preocupou-o durante a vagarosa caminhada. Sidarta refletia profundamente. Mergulhava ate o fundo dessa emocao, assim como se mergulha na agua, para alcancar o ponto onde repousam as causas. Pois lhe parecia que o verdadeiro pensar consistia no reconhecimento das causas e que, dess.. Hermann Hesse
2948853 Disse Siddharta: "Che dovrei mai dirti, io, o venerabile? Forse questo, che tu cerchi troppo? Che tu non pervieni a trovare per il troppo cercare?" Hermann Hesse
e39e035 Ach, das weiss ich heute: nichts auf der Welt ist dem Menschen mehr zuwider, als den Weg zu gehen, der ihn zu sich selber fuhrt! Hermann Hesse
2e48ae4 Meshchanstvo" zhe, vsegda nalichnoe liudskoe sostoianie, est' ne chto inoe, kak popytka naiti ravnovesie, kak stremlenie k uravnoveshennoi seredine mezhdu beschislennymi krainostiami i poliusami chelovecheskogo povedeniia. Esli vziat' dlia primera kakie-nibud' iz etikh poliusov, skazhem, protivopolozhnost' mezhdu sviatym i razvratnikom, to nashe upodoblenie srazu stanet poniatno. U cheloveka est' vozmozhnost' tselikom otdat'sia dukhovnoi zh.. Hermann Hesse
5bdb4c8 I want to learn from myself, want to be my student, want to get to know myself, the secret of Siddhartha." He" -- Hermann Hesse
e5966d6 But what a path it has been! I have had to pass through so much foolishness, so much vice, so much error, so much nausea and disillusionment and wretchedness, merely in order to become a child again and be able to start over. But all of this was just and proper. Hermann Hesse
88b2f0b Wie jede Blute welkt und jede Jugend Dem Alter weicht, bluht jede Lebensstufe, Bluht jede Weisheit auch und jede Tugend Zu ihrer Zeit und darf nicht ewig dauern. Es muss das Herz bei jedem Lebensrufe Bereit zum Abschied sein und Neubeginne, Um sich in Tapferkeit und ohne Trauern In andre, neue Bindungen zu geben. [...] Wir sollen heiter Raum um Raum durchschreiten, An keinem wie an einer Heimat hangen, Der Weltgeist will nicht fe.. Hermann Hesse
fb76f84 Et faire de la science, ce n'est rien d'autre que de s'acharner a decouvrir des differences. On ne saurait mieux definir son essence. Pour nous, hommes de science, rien de plus important que d'etablir des distinctions; la science, c'est l'art des distinctions. Ainsi, decouvrir sur chaque homme les caracteres qui le distinguent des autres, c'est apprendre a le connaitre. (p. 50-51) Hermann Hesse
c45eaad Les natures du genre de la tienne, les hommes doues de sens delicats, ceux qui ont de l'ame, les poetes, ceux pour qui toute la vie est amour nous sont presque toujours superieurs, a nous, chez qui domine l'intellect. Vous etes, par votre origine, du cote de la mere. Vous vivez dans la plenitude de l'etre. La force de l'amour, la capacite de vivre intensement les choses est votre lot. Nous autres, hommes d'intellect, bien que nous ayons l'a.. Hermann Hesse
2a32eea L'intelligence aime ce qui est fixe, ce qui a forme; elle veut pouvoir se fier a ses signes, elle aime ce qui est, non ce qui est en devenir; le reel, non le possible. Elle ne tolere pas qu'un omega devienne un serpent ou un oiseau. L'intelligence ne peut pas vivre dans la nature, mais seulement en face d'elle, comme son contraire. (p. 74) Hermann Hesse
5824d8b Insanlarin buyuk cogunlugu yuzmeyi ogrenmeden yuzmek istemez." Ne anlamli bir soz, degil mi? Yuzmek istememeleri dogal, cunku karada yasamak icin yaratilmislar, suda degil. Ve dusunmek istememeleri de dogal, cunku yasamak icin yaratilmislar, dusunmek icin degil! Evet, kim dusunurse, kim dusunmeyi kendisi icin temel ugras yaparsa, bunda ileri bir noktaya ulasabilir; ne var ki, karayla suyu degis tokus etmistir boyle biri ve gun gelir suda bo.. Hermann Hesse
e1b8d88 emptied Hermann Hesse
3105776 Tanriyla barisa mi diyorsun? Hayir, Tanriyla barismis degilim. Onunla baris yapmayi da istemiyorum. Tanri dunyayi kotu yaratti, bu dunyayi ovmemiz icin neden yok, kendisini de ovmusum ya da yermisim, umrunda degil pek. Dunyayi kotu yaratti Tanri. Ama gogsumdeki agrilarla baristim, bu dogru. Eskiden acilara o kadar katlanamazdim, bazen olmenin benim icin kolay olacagini dusunmussem de, bir yanilgidan baska sey degildi bu. Hermann Hesse
114ea7b Der Burger nun schatzt nichts hoher als das Ich (ein nur rudimentar entwickeltes Ich allerdings). Auf Kosten der Intensitat also erreicht er Erhaltung und Sicherheit, statt Gottbesessenheit erntet er Gewissensruhe, statt Lust Behagen, statt Freiheit Bequemlichkeit, statt todlicher Glut eine angenehme Temperatur. Der Burger ist deshalb seinem Wesen nach ein Geschopf von schwachem Lebensantrieb, angstlich, jede Preisgabe seiner selbst furchte.. Hermann Hesse
62076c4 Ecoute : l'intellectuel essaie de connaitre et de representer au moyen de la logique l'essence du monde. Il sait que notre intelligence et son instrument, la logique, sont des outils imparfaits - tout comme un artiste sense n'ignore pas que son pinceau ou son ciseau ne pourront jamais exprimer parfaitement la splendeur d'un ange ou d'un saint. Pourtant tous deux essaient, le penseur comme l'artiste, chacun a sa maniere. Ils ne peuvent pas f.. Hermann Hesse
5de93d3 La sabiduria no es comunicativa. La sabiduria que un sabio intenta comunicar suena siempre a necedad. Se pueden transmitir los conocimientos pero la sabiduria no. Hermann Hesse
ca48fee No one had any objection when I suggested another detour shortly before reaching town. We turned on to a lovely road that ran high above the valley in a semi-circle , rich in extensive views over the valley, river and town, which, in the distance, was already aglow with rows of bright lamps and thousands of rosy lights. Hermann Hesse
61f6776 Die meisten Menschen wollen nicht eher schwimmen als bis sie es konnen Hermann Hesse
1c3419f Kai zmogus iesko, tada lengvai atsitinka, kad jo akys mato tik ta dalyka, kurio iesko, ir jis nieko kito neistengia pastebeti ar suvokti, nes visa laika galvoja tik apie ieskoma daikta - jis turi tiksla, apsestas savo tikslo. Ieskoti- tai tureti tiksla. Bet rasti - vadinasi, buti laisvam, atviram pojuciams, netureti jokio tikslo. Hermann Hesse
5109053 Taip daug, tukstanciai zmoniu igijo brangiausia turta- laime, bet kodel ne as? Net piktieji, netgi vagys ar plesikai yra mylimi, tik ne as. Hermann Hesse
05eb8dc Perhaps that you're searching far too much? That in all that searching, you don't find the time for finding? Hermann Hesse
48ae0a8 Jis buvo neblogas vyras, gerasirdis, malonus, svelnus, ko gero, labai romus vyras, galbut sventasis - deja, ne siomis savybemis galejai palenkti berniuka. Neidomus jam atrode tevas, laikas je varganoje trobeleje, nuobodus jis buvo, o tai, kad jis i bet kokia isdaiga atsakydavo sypsena, i kiekviena izeidima - draugiskumu, i pykti - gerumu, kaip tik ir buvo nepakenciamiausia sio seno landuno klasta. Daug mieliau butu berniukui, kad sis jam gr.. Hermann Hesse
f8243c6 Nos sentimos tentados a creerlos caprichos nuestros, creaciones propias, vemos vacilar y disolverse la frontera entre nosotros y la naturaleza, y adquirimos conciencia de un estado de animo en el que no sabemos si las imagenes en nuestra retina provienen de impresiones exteriores o interiores. En ningun otro momento descubrimos con tanta facilidad la medida en que somos creadores, en que nuestra alma participa constantemente en la recreacio.. vida Hermann Hesse
9aea8c2 Deeply, he felt the love for the run-away in his heart, like a wound, and he felt at the same time that this wound had not been given to him in order to turn the knife in it, that it had to become a blossom and had to shine. Hermann Hesse
2b78c60 In Josef Knechts handschriftlicher Ubersetzung: .... denn mogen auch in gewisser Hinsicht und fur leichtfertige Menschen die nicht existierenden Dinge leichter und verantwortungsloser durch Worte darzustellen sein als die seienden, so ist es doch fur den frommen und gewissenhaften Geschichtsschreiber gerade umgekehrt: nichts entzieht sich der Darstellung durch Worte so sehr und nichts ist doch notwendiger, den Menschen vor Augen zu stellen,.. Hermann Hesse
050ef07 She taught him, that lovers must not part from one another after celebrating love, without one admiring the other, without being just as defeated as they have been victorious, so that with none of them should start feeling fed up or bored and get that evil feeling of having abused or having been abused. Hermann Hesse
42e15a6 And everything together, all voices, all goals, all yearning, all suffering, all pleasure, all that was good and evil, all of this together was the world. All of it together was the flow of events, was the music of life. Hermann Hesse
7372918 In any case, the life of a drunk is presumably livelier than that of the ordinary well-behaved citizen. And then--I read that once somewhere--the life of a hedonist is the best preparation for becoming a mystic. People like St. Augustine are always the ones that become visionaries. Hermann Hesse
671f789 f`l~ kwkb SGyr , ysyr nHw l`dm mndh mlyyn lsnyn , nwld wsT lalm wntr`r` , wnjhd , wnmrD , wnt'lm , wnsbb l'lm llakhryn , wnSkhb , wnmwt , ymwt 'ns , fy Hyn ywld akhrwn , lybd' tkrr lmlh@ l`qym@ mn jdyd. Hermann Hesse
5c9ab2a How should he not know love, he, who has discovered all elements of human existence in their transitoriness, in their meaninglessness, and yet loved people thus much, to use a long, laborious life only to help them, to teach them! Even with him, even with your great teacher, I prefer the thing over the words, place more importance on his acts and life than on his speeches, more on the gestures of his hand than his opinions. Not in his speec.. Hermann Hesse
2f1d686 Tanisikligimizin bu aksaminda, butun bir yasami bu guzel ve ictenlikli gozlerin bakisi altinda gecirmenin insana mutluluk bagislayan guzel bir sey sayilacagini, o zaman insanin kotu bir eyleme kalkisamayacagini, kotu bir sey dusunemeyecegini icimden gecirdim. Ve yine o aksamdan sonra birlik ve butunluge, alabildigine ince bir ahenge yonelik ozlemimi dindirebilecegim bir yerin bulundugunu, bakislarina ve sesine varligimdaki her nabiz vurusun.. hermann-hesse ruveyda Hermann Hesse
b447c55 dr hr nsny mkhlwqy dr rnj st, w dr Dmyr hr khsy njt dhndh yy b mykh br Slyb khwbydh shdh Hermann Hesse
d807d7e This one was so lively and talkative, she paid no attention to him or his shyness, so he withdrew his feelers awkwardly and a little offended crawled back into himself like a snail brushed by a cartwheel. Hermann Hesse
f2a7f8b But now, his liberated eyes stayed on this side, he saw and became aware of the visible, sought to be at home in this world, did not search for the true essence, did not aim at a world beyond. Beautiful was this world, looking at it thus, without searching, thus simply, thus childlike. Beautiful were the moon and the stars, beautiful was the stream and the banks, the forest and the rocks, the goat and the golden beetle, the flower and the b.. Hermann Hesse
5e4ba0b there exists a deep gulf between genius and the teaching profession. Anyone with a touch of genius seems to his teachers a freak from the very first. As far as teachers are concerned, they define young geniuses as those who are bad, disrespectful, smoke at fourteen, fall in love at fifteen, can be found at sixteen hanging out in bars, read forbidden books, write scandalous essays, occasionally stare down a teacher in class, are marked in th.. Hermann Hesse
f2c4c27 I had made my mind up to stay at the top of the class and ... graduate at the head of it. ... That was my kind of ideal. I just didn't know any better. Hermann Hesse
042a2dd Sana dans etmeyi, oyun oynamayi ve gulumsemeyi, ama yine de halinden memnun olmamayi ogretecegim. Ben de senden dusunmeyi ve bilmeyi, ama yine de halimden memnun olmamayi ogrenecegim. Her ikimiz de seytanin cocuklariyiz, farkinda misin? Hermann Hesse
9401dc4 it has been a continual consolation to me and a justification for all life that there is music in the world Hermann Hesse
8309fcd It is good, he thought, to taste for oneself all that it is necessary to know. Already as a child I learned that worldly desires and wealth were not good things. I have known this for a long time but have only now experienced it. And now I do know it, know it not only with my memory but with my eyes, with my heart, and with my stomach. How glad I am to know it! Hermann Hesse
48a32a9 Words are not good for the secret meaning; everything always becomes a little bit different the moment one speaks it aloud, a bit falsified, a bit foolish--yes, and this too is also very good and pleases me greatly: that one person's treasure and wisdom always sounds like foolishness to others. Hermann Hesse
064e345 the headmaster [...] pledged that, provided he behaved himself, he would be duly sheltered and cared for by the state for the rest of his days. It did not occur to any of the boys, nor their fathers, that all this would perhaps not really be free. Hermann Hesse