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Chapter 6
Gala Murdock 6:1  My brethren, if one of you should be overtaken in a fault, do ye who are of the Spirit recover him, in a spirit of meekness: and be ye cautious, lest ye also be tempted.
Gala Murdock 6:2  And bear ye one another's burdens, that so ye may fulfill the law of the Messiah.
Gala Murdock 6:3  For if any one thinketh himself to be something, when he is not, he deceiveth himself.
Gala Murdock 6:4  But let a man examine his own conduct; and then his glorying will be within himself, and not in others.
Gala Murdock 6:6  And let him that heareth the word, communicate to him who instructeth him, in all good things.
Gala Murdock 6:7  Do not mistake; God is not deceived; for what a man soweth, that also will he reap.
Gala Murdock 6:8  He who soweth in the flesh, reapeth from the flesh corruption: and he who soweth in the Spirit, will from the Spirit reap life everlasting.
Gala Murdock 6:9  And while we do what is good, let it not be wearisome to us; for the time will come when we shall reap, and it will not be tedious to us.
Gala Murdock 6:10  Now, therefore, while we have the opportunity, let us practice good works towards all men, and especially towards them of the household of faith.
Gala Murdock 6:11  Behold, this epistle have I written to you with my own hand.
Gala Murdock 6:12  They who are disposed to glory in the flesh, they urge you to become circumcised, only that they may not be persecuted on account of the cross of the Messiah.
Gala Murdock 6:13  For not even they themselves, who are circumcised, keep the law: but they wish you to become circumcised, that they may glory in your flesh.
Gala Murdock 6:14  But as for me, let me not glory, except in the cross of our Lord Jesus the Messiah; by whom the world is crucified to me, and I am crucified to the world.
Gala Murdock 6:15  For circumcision is nothing; neither is uncircumcision; but a new creation.
Gala Murdock 6:16  And they who press forward in this path, peace be on them, and mercy; and on the Israel of God.
Gala Murdock 6:17  Henceforth let no one put trouble upon me; for I bear in my body the marks of our Lord Jesus the Messiah.
Gala Murdock 6:18  My brethren, the grace of our Lord Jesus the Messiah, be with your spirit. Amen.