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Chapter 4
II C OrthJBC 4:1  Therefore, since it is by the chesed of Hashem that we have this sherut, this kehunnah, [II Cor 3:16] we do not lose chozek. [Tehillim 18:45; Yeshayah 40:31]
II C OrthJBC 4:2  But we renounced the things nistar (hidden) of bushah, not going about with cunning nor falsifying the dvar Hashem. Rather by the manifestation of HaEmes we present ourselves to every man's matzpun in the sight of Hashem. [II Cor 2:17; I Thes.2:5]
II C OrthJBC 4:3  But if indeed our Besuras haGeulah is nistar, it is nistar among the ones perishing , [I Cor 1:18]
II C OrthJBC 4:4  in whose case the g-d of the Olam Hazeh (Eph.2:2) blinded the minds of the ones without emunah, so the illumination of the Besuras HaGeulah of the kavod of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, who is the demut of Hashem, [Col.1:15;Heb.1:3] would not shine on them.
II C OrthJBC 4:5  For we preach not ourselves but Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Adoneinu Yehoshua and ourselves as your avadim (servants) for Yehoshua's sake. [II Cor.1:24]
II C OrthJBC 4:6  Because Hashem is the one who said,"Let Ohr shine out of choshech [Bereshis 1:3; Yeshayah 9:2] who shone in our levavot for an illumination of the da'as of the kavod of Hashem in the face of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua. [II Cor. 3:18]
II C OrthJBC 4:7  Now we have this otzar (treasure) in earthen vessels [II Cor 5:1] that the excellence of the ko'ach may be of Hashem and not of us; [Iyov 4:19; Yeshayah 64:8; Shofetim 7:2]
II C OrthJBC 4:8  Being oppressed on every side [II Cor. 1:8; 7;5] but not being crushed, being perplexed but not in yi'ush (despair, atzvut),
II C OrthJBC 4:9  being persecuted but not forsaken, being cast down but not destroyed, [Tehillim 37:24; Mishle 24:16]
II C OrthJBC 4:10  always bearing about the dying of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach in my guf (body) that also the Chayyim of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach in the guf (body) of us might be manifested. [Bereshis 47:18; Tehillim 16:9-10; Iyov 19:25-27; Yeshayah 53:11]
II C OrthJBC 4:11  For always we, the ones living, are being given over to mavet because of Moshiach [Rom 8:36; I Cor. 15:31] that also the Chayyim of Moshiach may be manifested in our mortal basar.
II C OrthJBC 4:13  And having the same Ruach Hakodesh of emunah (faith) that is accordance with the kitvei Hakodesh, HE'EMANITI KIADABER ("I believed, therefore I speak "TEHILLIM 116:10), we both believed and therefore we speak,
II C OrthJBC 4:14  having da'as that the one having raised Adoneinu Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua us also with Yehoshua will raise and will present us with you. [Rom. 8:11; I Cor. 6:14; 15:15,20]
II C OrthJBC 4:15  For all things are because of you [II Cor. 1:3-6] that the Chen v'Chesed Hashem, having increased through the many, may increase the hodayah (thanksgiving) to the kavod of Hashem. [1:6] LIVING BY EMUNAH (4:16) BECAUSE WHAT IS VISIBLE IS FOR THE YOM HACHURBAN BUT WHAT IS INVISIBLE IS FOR L'OLAMIM
II C OrthJBC 4:16  Therefore we do not lose chozek. For, indeed, even if our outward man is becoming old and atrophied, yet our inward man is yom yom being renewed. [Eph. 3:16] [Tehillim 18:45; 103:5; Yeshayah 40:31]
II C OrthJBC 4:17  For our present momentary tzoros is preparing us for an eternal weight of kavod (glory) utterly beyond measure, [Tehillim 30:5; Rom. 8:17-18]
II C OrthJBC 4:18  for while we are not looking at the visible things but the invisible; [Col. 1:16; Heb. 11:1,3] for the things visible are zemanniyim (temporary) but the things invisible are for L'olamim.