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Chapter 49
Isai ABP 49:1  Hear, O islands! and take heed, O nations! Through [2time 1a long] it shall be established, says the lord. From out of the belly of my mother he called my name.
Isai ABP 49:2  And he made my mouth as [2sword 1a sharp], and under the protection of his hand he hid me. He made me as [2arrow 1a chosen]; and in his quiver he hid me.
Isai ABP 49:3  And he said to me, [2my servant 1You are], O Israel, and in you I shall be glorified.
Isai ABP 49:4  And I said, Uselessly I tired in vain, and for nothing I gave my strength. On account of this my judgment is from the lord, and my toil before my God.
Isai ABP 49:5  And now, thus says the lord, the one shaping me from out of the belly, [2servant 1to be his own], to gather Jacob to him, And Israel I shall have gathered, and I shall be glorified before the lord, and my God will be my strength.
Isai ABP 49:6  And he said, [2a great thing 3for you 1It is] to be called my servant; to establish the tribes of Jacob, and [2the 3dispersion 4of Israel 1to return]. Behold, I have given you for a covenant of a race, for a light of nations, for you to be for deliverance unto the end of the earth.
Isai ABP 49:7  Thus says the lord, the one rescuing you, the God of Israel, Sanctify the one treating [2as worthless 1his life], the one being abhorred by the nations of the servant of the rulers. Kings shall see him, and [2shall rise up 1rulers], and they shall do obeisance to him because of the lord; for [4is trustworthy 1the 2holy one 3of Israel], and I chose you.
Isai ABP 49:8  Thus says the lord, [2time 1In the accepted] I heeded you, and in the day of deliverance I helped you, and I shaped you, and I gave you for a covenant of nations, to establish the earth, and to inherit [2inheritances 1desolate].
Isai ABP 49:9  Saying to the ones in bonds, Come forth! and to the ones in the darkness to be uncovered. In all the ways they shall be grazing, even in all the roads of their pasture.
Isai ABP 49:10  They shall not hunger nor thirst, nor shall [2strike 3them 1a burning wind], nor sun. But the one who shows mercy on them shall comfort them, and by springs of waters he shall lead them.
Isai ABP 49:11  And I will establish every mountain for a way, and every road for a pasture to them.
Isai ABP 49:12  Behold, these [2from a distance 1shall come]; these from north, and west, and others from out of the land of the Persians.
Isai ABP 49:13  Be glad, O heavens, and exult, O earth! Break asunder, O mountains, with gladness! for [2showed mercy on 1God] his people, and the humble of his people he comforted.
Isai ABP 49:14  Zion said, [2abandoned 3me 1The lord], and, [2Lord 3forgot 1My].
Isai ABP 49:15  Shall [2forget 1a woman] her child, or to not show mercy on on the progeny of her belly? But even if [3these things 2might forget 1a woman], I will not forget you, says the lord.
Isai ABP 49:16  Behold, upon my hands I portrayed your walls; and [3before 4me 1you are 2always].
Isai ABP 49:17  And quickly you shall be built by whom you were demolished; and the ones making you desolate shall go forth from out of you.
Isai ABP 49:18  Lift up round about your eyes, and perceive all! Behold, they were brought together, and they come to you. As I live, says the lord, that, [2them all 3as 4an ornament 1You shall clothe yourself with], and you shall put them on as an ornament of a bride.
Isai ABP 49:19  For your desolate places, and the places utterly destroyed, and the places having fallen down, that now they shall be confining because of the ones dwelling, and [3will be far 4from 5you 1the ones 2swallowing you down].
Isai ABP 49:20  [5shall say 1For 6in 7your ears 2your sons 3whom 4you have lost], [3is too narrow 4for me 1The 2place], make for me a place that I shall dwell!
Isai ABP 49:21  And you shall say in your heart, Who engendered to me these? For I am childless and a widow, a sojourner and excluded. But these, who nourished for me? For I was left alone. But these [3to me 1from where 2were these]?
Isai ABP 49:22  Thus says the Lord, the lord, Behold, I lift [2unto 3the 4nations 1my hand], and unto the islands I shall lift my agreed upon sign. And they shall lead your sons in their bosom; and [2your daughters 3upon 4their shoulders 1they shall lift].
Isai ABP 49:23  And [2shall be 1kings] your wet-nurses; and their ruling women your nurses. [3upon 4the face 5of the 6earth 1They shall do obeisance 2to you], and the dust of your feet they shall lick. And you shall know that I am the lord, and [4shall not 5be ashamed 1the ones 2waiting 3for me].
Isai ABP 49:24  Will anyone take [2from 3a giant 1spoils]? and if [2should be captured 1anyone] unjustly, shall he be delivered?
Isai ABP 49:25  For thus says the lord, If any should capture a giant, he shall take the spoils. And the one taking from the one being strong, shall be delivered. But I [2your case 1will plead], and I [2your sons 1will rescue].
Isai ABP 49:26  And [4shall eat 1the ones 2afflicting 3you] their own flesh; and they shall drink [2as 4wine 3new 1their own blood], and shall be intoxicated. And [3shall perceive 1all 2flesh] that I am the lord, the one rescuing you, and assisting the strength of Jacob.