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Job RWebster 20:3  I have heard the rebuke that reproaches me, and the spirit of my understanding causeth me to answer.
Job NHEBJE 20:3  I have heard the reproof which puts me to shame. The spirit of my understanding answers me.
Job ABP 20:3  [2instruction 3for making me ashamed 1I will hearken to]; and the spirit of understanding answers me.
Job NHEBME 20:3  I have heard the reproof which puts me to shame. The spirit of my understanding answers me.
Job Rotherha 20:3  The correction meant to confound me, I must hear, but, the spirit—out of my understanding, will give me a reply.
Job LEB 20:3  I hear discipline that insults me, and a spirit beyond my understanding answers me.
Job RNKJV 20:3  I have heard the check of my reproach, and the spirit of my understanding causeth me to answer.
Job Jubilee2 20:3  I have heard the check of my reproach, and the spirit of my intelligence causes me to answer.
Job Webster 20:3  I have heard the check of my reproach, and the spirit of my understanding causeth me to answer.
Job Darby 20:3  I hear a reproof putting me to shame; and [my] spirit answereth me by mine understanding.
Job ASV 20:3  I have heard the reproof which putteth me to shame; And the spirit of my understanding answereth me.
Job LITV 20:3  I have heard the instruction of my chastisement; and the spirit from my understanding makes me reply.
Job Geneva15 20:3  I haue heard the correction of my reproch: therefore the spirite of mine vnderstanding causeth me to answere.
Job CPDV 20:3  The teaching you use to admonish me, I will hear, and the spirit of my understanding will respond for me.
Job BBE 20:3  I have to give ear to arguments which put me to shame, and your answers to me are wind without wisdom.
Job DRC 20:3  The doctrine with which thou reprovest me, I will hear, and the spirit of my understanding shall answer for me.
Job GodsWord 20:3  I have heard criticism that makes me ashamed, but a spirit beyond my understanding gives me answers.
Job JPS 20:3  I have heard the reproof which putteth me to shame, but out of my understanding my spirit answereth me.
Job KJVPCE 20:3  I have heard the check of my reproach, and the spirit of my understanding causeth me to answer.
Job NETfree 20:3  When I hear a reproof that dishonors me, then my understanding prompts me to answer.
Job AB 20:3  I will hear my shameful reproach, and the spirit of my understanding answers me.
Job AFV2020 20:3  I have heard the rebuke which puts me to shame, and the spirit of my understanding causes me to answer.
Job NHEB 20:3  I have heard the reproof which puts me to shame. The spirit of my understanding answers me.
Job NETtext 20:3  When I hear a reproof that dishonors me, then my understanding prompts me to answer.
Job UKJV 20:3  I have heard the check of my reproach, and the spirit of my understanding causes me to answer.
Job Noyes 20:3  I have heard my shameful rebuke; And the spirit, from my understanding, answereth for me.
Job KJV 20:3  I have heard the check of my reproach, and the spirit of my understanding causeth me to answer.
Job KJVA 20:3  I have heard the check of my reproach, and the spirit of my understanding causeth me to answer.
Job AKJV 20:3  I have heard the check of my reproach, and the spirit of my understanding causes me to answer.
Job RLT 20:3  I have heard the check of my reproach, and the spirit of my understanding causeth me to answer.
Job MKJV 20:3  I have heard the rebuke meant to shame me, and the spirit of my understanding causes me to answer.
Job YLT 20:3  The chastisement of my shame I hear, And the spirit of mine understanding Doth cause me to answer:
Job ACV 20:3  I have heard the reproof which puts me to shame, and the spirit of my understanding answers me.
Job VulgSist 20:3  Doctrinam, qua me arguis, audiam, et spiritus intelligentiae meae respondebit mihi.
Job VulgCont 20:3  Doctrinam, qua me arguis, audiam, et spiritus intelligentiæ meæ respondebit mihi.
Job Vulgate 20:3  doctrinam qua me arguis audiam et spiritus intellegentiae meae respondebit mihi
Job VulgHetz 20:3  Doctrinam, qua me arguis, audiam, et spiritus intelligentiæ meæ respondebit mihi.
Job VulgClem 20:3  Doctrinam qua me arguis audiam, et spiritus intelligentiæ meæ respondebit mihi.
Job CzeBKR 20:3  Že kárání k zahanbení svému slyším, pročež duch můj osvícený nutí mne, aťbych odpovídal.
Job CzeB21 20:3  Když slyším tolik důtek a urážek, můj moudrý duch mi vnuká odpověď:
Job CzeCEP 20:3  Důtku, jež mě uráží, vyslechnout musím, ale můj rozumný duch mi velí odpovědět.
Job CzeCSP 20:3  Vyslechnu ponaučení ke své potupě a ⌈odpověď mi dá duch podle mého porozumění.⌉
Job PorBLivr 20:3  Eu ouvi a repreensão que me envergonha; mas o espírito desde o meu entendimento responderá por mim.
Job Mg1865 20:3  Reko lalandava ny anatra mampahamenatra ahy; Ary ny fanahiko mamaly ahy avy amin’ ny fahalalako.
Job FinPR 20:3  Häpäisevää nuhdetta täytyy minun kuulla, mutta minun ymmärrykseni henki antaa minulle vastauksen.
Job FinRK 20:3  Häpäisevää nuhdetta minun täytyy kuunnella, mutta henkeni ja ymmärrykseni antaa minulle vastauksen.
Job ChiSB 20:3  斥責辱罵我的話,我已聽到,我的理智催迫我答覆。
Job CopSahBi 20:3  ϯⲥⲱⲧⲙ ⲉⲧⲉⲥⲃⲱ ⲙⲡⲁϫⲡⲓⲟ ⲁⲩⲱ ⲟⲩⲛ ⲟⲩ ⲙⲙⲛⲧⲣⲙⲛϩⲏⲧ ⲛⲁⲟⲩⲱϣⲃ ⲛⲁⲓ
Job ChiUns 20:3  我已听见那羞辱我,责备我的话;我的悟性叫我回答。
Job BulVeren 20:3  Чух изобличение за мой позор и духът на разума ми отговаря.
Job AraSVD 20:3  تَعْيِيرَ تَوْبِيخِي أَسْمَعُ. وَرُوحٌ مِنْ فَهْمِي يُجِيبُنِي.
Job Esperant 20:3  Hontindan riproĉon mi aŭdis, Kaj la spirito de mia prudento respondos por mi.
Job ThaiKJV 20:3  ข้าได้ฟังคำติเตียนที่สบประมาทแล้ว เพราะเหตุจิตใจข้ารู้เรื่องข้าจึงต้องตอบ
Job OSHB 20:3  מוּסַ֣ר כְּלִמָּתִ֣י אֶשְׁמָ֑ע וְ֝ר֗וּחַ מִֽבִּינָתִ֥י יַעֲנֵֽנִי׃
Job BurJudso 20:3  ငါသည်ကိုယ်ခံရသော ကဲ့ရဲ့ပြစ်တင်ခြင်း စကား ကိုကြား၍၊ ငါ့ဉာဏ်သဘောနှိုးဆော်သဖြင့် ငါပြန်ပြော ရ၏။
Job FarTPV 20:3  سخنان تو توهین‌آمیز بودند، امّا من می‌دانم که چگونه به تو جواب بدهم.
Job UrduGeoR 20:3  Mujhe aisī nasīhat sunanī paṛī jo merī be'izzatī kā bāis thī, lekin merī samajh mujhe jawāb dene kī tahrīk de rahī hai.
Job SweFolk 20:3  Kränkande tillrättavisning måste jag höra, men mitt förstånds ande ger mig svar.
Job GerSch 20:3  Einen Verweis, mir zur Schande, muß ich vernehmen; aber mein Geist treibt mich zu antworten um meiner Einsicht willen.
Job TagAngBi 20:3  Aking narinig ang saway na inilalagay ako sa kahihiyan, at ang diwa ng aking pagkaunawa ay sumasagot sa akin.
Job FinSTLK2 20:3  Häpäisevää nuhdetta minun täytyy kuulla, mutta ymmärrykseni henki antaa minulle vastauksen.
Job Dari 20:3  سخنان تو همه توهین آمیز بودند و من می دانم که چگونه به تو جواب بدهم.
Job SomKQA 20:3  Waxaan maqlay canaanta i ceebaysa, Oo waxaa ii jawaabta waxgarashadayda.
Job NorSMB 20:3  Ei skamleg skrapa fær eg høyra, men kloke svar mi ånd gjev meg.
Job Alb 20:3  Kam dëgjuar një qortim që më turpëron, por fryma ime më shtyn të përgjigjem ashtu si e gjykoj.
Job KorHKJV 20:3  나를 모욕하는 책망의 말을 내가 들었으므로 내 지각의 영이 나로 하여금 답변하게 하는도다.
Job SrKDIjek 20:3  Чуо сам укор који ме срамоти, али ће дух из разума мојега одговорити за ме.
Job Wycliffe 20:3  Y schal here the techyng, bi which thou repreuest me; and the spirit of myn vndurstondyng schal answere me.
Job Mal1910 20:3  എനിക്കു ലജ്ജാകരമായ ശാസന ഞാൻ കേട്ടു; എന്നാൽ ആത്മാവു എന്റെ വിവേകത്തിൽ നിന്നു ഉത്തരം പറയുന്നു.
Job KorRV 20:3  내가 나를 부끄럽게 하는 책망을 들었으므로 나의 슬기로운 마음이 내게 대답하는구나
Job Azeri 20:3  منی اوتانديران بئر مذَمّتي اشئتدئم، دَرکئمئن روحو منی جاواب ورميه چکئر.
Job SweKarlX 20:3  Och vill gerna höra, ho mig det straffa och lasta skall; ty mins förstånds ande skall svara för mig.
Job KLV 20:3  jIH ghaj Qoyta' the reproof nuq puts jIH Daq tuH. The qa' vo' wIj yajtaHghach answers jIH.
Job ItaDio 20:3  Io ho udita la mia vituperosa riprensione; Ma lo spirito mio mi spinge a rispondere del mio intendimento.
Job RusSynod 20:3  Упрек, позорный для меня, выслушал я, и дух разумения моего ответит за меня.
Job CSlEliza 20:3  Наказание срамления моего услышу, и дух от разума отвещавает ми.
Job ABPGRK 20:3  παιδείαν εντροπής μου ακούσομαι και πνεύμα εκ της συνέσεως αποκρίνεταί μοι
Job FreBBB 20:3  Je viens d'entendre une leçon injurieuse ; L'esprit, du fond de mon intelligence, va tirer une réponse.
Job LinVB 20:3  Solo, maloba ma yo matumoli ngai, kasi nazwi mayele ma kozongisela yo eyano.
Job HunIMIT 20:3  Megszégyenítésem feddését hallom, és szellemem az én értelmemből bír feleletre.
Job ChiUnL 20:3  旣聞譴責、令我蒙羞、我之慧心相應、
Job VietNVB 20:3  Tôi phải nghe lời khuyên dạy nhục mạ tôi,Và trí hiểu biết thôi thúc tôi đáp lại.
Job LXX 20:3  παιδείαν ἐντροπῆς μου ἀκούσομαι καὶ πνεῦμα ἐκ τῆς συνέσεως ἀποκρίνεταί μοι
Job CebPinad 20:3  Nadungog ko ang pagbadlong nga nakahatag kanako ug kaulaw; Ug ang espirutu sa akong salabutan nagapatubag kanako.
Job RomCor 20:3  Am auzit mustrări care mă umplu de ruşine şi din adâncul minţii mele duhul mă face să răspund.
Job Pohnpeia 20:3  Dahme komw patohwan en, wia lokaiahn kepweikeng ehu, ahpw I ese dahme I pahn sapengkin komwi.
Job HunUj 20:3  mert megszégyenítő kioktatást hallok. De értelmes lelkem megadja a választ.
Job GerZurch 20:3  Schmähende Rüge muss ich hören, / und mit Wind ohne Einsicht gibst du mir Antwort. /
Job PorAR 20:3  Estou ouvindo a tua repreensão, que me envergonha, mas o espírito do meu entendimento responde por mim.
Job DutSVVA 20:3  Ik heb aangehoord een bestraffing, die mij schande aandoet; maar de geest zal uit mijn verstand voor mij antwoorden.
Job FarOPV 20:3  سرزنش توبیخ خود را شنیدم، و ازفطانتم روح من مرا جواب می‌دهد.
Job Ndebele 20:3  Ngizwile isijeziso sehlazo lami, lomoya wokuqedisisa kwami ungenza ngiphendule.
Job PorBLivr 20:3  Eu ouvi a repreensão que me envergonha; mas o espírito desde o meu entendimento responderá por mim.
Job Norsk 20:3  hånende tilrettevisning må jeg høre, og min ånd gir mig svar ut fra min innsikt.
Job SloChras 20:3  Svarilo, sebi v sramoto, mi je poslušati! A duh moj po razsodnosti svoji mi odgovarja.
Job Northern 20:3  Məni utandıran bir giley eşidirəm, Ruhum dərrakəsi ilə məni cavab verməyə sövq edir.
Job GerElb19 20:3  Eine Zurechtweisung, mir zur Schande, höre ich; aber mein Geist antwortet mir aus meiner Einsicht.
Job LvGluck8 20:3  Es dzirdu pārmācīšanu sev par kaunu, bet mans gars savā gudrībā zinās atbildēt.
Job PorAlmei 20:3  Eu ouvi a reprehensão, que me envergonha, mas o espirito do meu entendimento responderá por mim.
Job ChiUn 20:3  我已聽見那羞辱我,責備我的話;我的悟性叫我回答。
Job SweKarlX 20:3  Och vill gerna höra, ho mig det straffa och lasta skall; ty mins förstånds ande skall svara för mig.
Job FreKhan 20:3  Quand j’entends des reproches qui sont un affront pour moi, ma raison me dicte une réponse.
Job FrePGR 20:3  j'ai dû entendre une leçon qui m'outrage ! mais l'esprit selon mes lumières répondra pour moi.
Job PorCap 20:3  Ouvi a tua injuriosa repreensão, e a minha inteligência impele-me a responder.
Job JapKougo 20:3  わたしはわたしをはずかしめる非難を聞く、しかし、わたしの悟りの霊がわたしに答えさせる。
Job GerTextb 20:3  mich beschimpfende Rüge muß ich hören, und der Geist giebt mir Antwort aus meiner Einsicht.
Job Kapingam 20:3  Au helekai ala e-helekai-iei goe, guu-hai nia helekai lagamaaloo, gei au e-iloo dagu hai e-helekai-iei au adu gi-di-goe.
Job SpaPlate 20:3  He oído la reprensión con que me insultas, mas el espíritu que tengo me impulsa a responder según mi saber.
Job WLC 20:3  מוּסַ֣ר כְּלִמָּתִ֣י אֶשְׁמָ֑ע וְ֝ר֗וּחַ מִֽבִּינָתִ֥י יַעֲנֵֽנִי׃
Job LtKBB 20:3  Aš girdėjau priekaištus man ir mano supratimo dvasia verčia mane atsakyti.
Job Bela 20:3  Дакор ганебны мне выслухаў я, і дух разуменьня майго адкажа за мяне.
Job GerBoLut 20:3  Und will gerne horen, wer mir das soil strafen und tadeln; denn der Geist meines Verstandes soil fur mich antworten.
Job FinPR92 20:3  Se, miten opetat ja ojennat, loukkaa minua, mutta ymmärrykseni löytää kyllä sinulle vastauksen.
Job SpaRV186 20:3  El castigo de mi vergüenza he oído, y el espíritu de mi inteligencia me hace responder.
Job NlCanisi 20:3  Nu ik een grievend verwijt moet horen, En domme bluf mij antwoord geeft.
Job GerNeUe 20:3  Ich höre, wie man mich tadelt und schmäht, / doch aus Einsicht erwidert mein Geist."
Job UrduGeo 20:3  مجھے ایسی نصیحت سننی پڑی جو میری بےعزتی کا باعث تھی، لیکن میری سمجھ مجھے جواب دینے کی تحریک دے رہی ہے۔
Job AraNAV 20:3  سَمِعْتُ تَوْبِيخاً يُعَيِّرُنِي، وَأَجَابَنِي رُوحٌ مِنْ فِطْنَتِي.
Job ChiNCVs 20:3  我听见了那羞辱我的责备,心灵因着我的悟性回答我。
Job ItaRive 20:3  Ho udito rimproveri che mi fanno oltraggio; ma lo spirito mio mi darà una risposta assennata.
Job Afr1953 20:3  'n Bestraffing wat vir my griewend is, moet ek aanhoor; maar die gees uit my verstand antwoord my.
Job RusSynod 20:3  Упрек, позорный для меня, выслушал я, и дух разумения моего ответит за меня.
Job UrduGeoD 20:3  मुझे ऐसी नसीहत सुननी पड़ी जो मेरी बेइज़्ज़ती का बाइस थी, लेकिन मेरी समझ मुझे जवाब देने की तहरीक दे रही है।
Job TurNTB 20:3  Beni utandıran bir azar işitiyorum, Anlayışım yanıt vermemi gerektiriyor.
Job DutSVV 20:3  Ik heb aangehoord een bestraffing, die mij schande aandoet; maar de geest zal uit mijn verstand voor mij antwoorden.
Job HunKNB 20:3  mert csúfságomra szolgáló kitanítást hallok, és értelmes lelkem válaszra késztet.
Job Maori 20:3  Kua rongo ahau i te whakahe moku, e pa ai te whakama ki ahau, a na te wairua o toku ngakau mahara te kupu whakahoki ki ahau.
Job HunKar 20:3  Hallom gyalázatos dorgáltatásomat, de az én értelmes lelkem megfelel majd értem.
Job Viet 20:3  Tôi đã nghe lời trách móc làm hổ thẹn tôi; Trí khôn tôi lấy sự thông minh mà đáp lời.
Job Kekchi 20:3  Riqˈuin li cˈaˈru xaye nacuecˈa nak xina̱hob. Abanan ninnau cˈaˈru tatinsume cuiˈ.
Job Swe1917 20:3  Smädlig tillrättavisning måste jag höra, och man svarar mig med munväder på förståndigt tal.
Job CroSaric 20:3  dok slušam ukore koji me sramote, al' odgovor mudar um će moj već naći.
Job VieLCCMN 20:3  Người ta vừa cho tôi một bài học, lại vừa nhục mạ tôi, chính tâm trí tôi thúc đẩy tôi trả lời.
Job FreBDM17 20:3  J’ai entendu une leçon outrageante, mais l’esprit tire de mon intelligence une réponse.
Job FreLXX 20:3  Je mettrai à profit ce que m'enseigne ma retenue, et l'esprit d'intelligence répondra pour moi.
Job Aleppo 20:3    מוסר כלמתי אשמע    ורוח מבינתי יענני
Job MapM 20:3  מוּסַ֣ר כְּלִמָּתִ֣י אֶשְׁמָ֑ע וְ֝ר֗וּחַ מִֽבִּינָתִ֥י יַעֲנֵֽנִי׃
Job HebModer 20:3  מוסר כלמתי אשמע ורוח מבינתי יענני׃
Job Kaz 20:3  Сен мені айыптап, намысыма тиіп отырсың! Сондықтан ақылым мені сөйлетіп отыр.
Job FreJND 20:3  J’entends une réprimande qui me couvre de honte, et mon esprit me répond par mon intelligence.
Job GerGruen 20:3  Ich höre schmähliche Belehrung; mir antwortet ein Geist, für den ich kein Verständnis habe.
Job SloKJV 20:3  Slišal sem preverjanje moje graje in duh mojega razumevanja mi povzroča, da odgovorim.
Job Haitian 20:3  Tou sa ou di la a vekse m'. Men, mwen konnen jan pou m' reponn ou.
Job FinBibli 20:3  Minä tahdon kuulla, jos joku minua nuhtelee ja laittaa; sillä minun ymmärrykseni benki vastaa minun puolestani.
Job SpaRV 20:3  La reprensión de mi censura he oído, y háceme responder el espíritu de mi inteligencia.
Job WelBeibl 20:3  Dw i wedi gwrando arnat ti'n ceryddu a sarhau, ac mae pob rheswm yn fy nghymell i ateb:
Job GerMenge 20:3  eine mich beschimpfende Zurechtweisung muß ich hören! Doch der Geist gibt mir eine Antwort aus meiner Einsicht ein.«
Job GreVamva 20:3  Ήκουσα την εις εμέ ονειδιστικήν επίπληξιν, και το πνεύμα της συνέσεως μου με κάμνει να αποκριθώ.
Job UkrOgien 20:3  Соромли́ву нага́ну собі я почув, та дух з мого розуму відповідає мені.
Job FreCramp 20:3  J'ai entendu des reproches qui m'outragent ; dans mon intelligence, mon esprit trouvera la réplique.
Job SrKDEkav 20:3  Чуо сам укор који ме срамоти, али ће дух из разума мог одговорити за ме.
Job PolUGdan 20:3  Słuchałem obraźliwego upomnienia i duch mojego zrozumienia podsuwa mi odpowiedź:
Job FreSegon 20:3  J'ai entendu des reproches qui m'outragent; Le souffle de mon intelligence donnera la réplique.
Job SpaRV190 20:3  La reprensión de mi censura he oído, y háceme responder el espíritu de mi inteligencia.
Job HunRUF 20:3  mert megszégyenítő kioktatást hallok. De értelmes lelkem megadja a választ.
Job DaOT1931 20:3  til min Skam maa jeg høre paa Tugt, faar tankeløst Mundsvejr til Svar!
Job TpiKJPB 20:3  Mi bin harim dispela pasim bilong tok bilong mi bilong givim sem, na spirit bilong gutpela save bilong mi i mekim mi long bekim tok.
Job DaOT1871 20:3  Jeg maa høre en Undervisning til Forsmædelse for mig; men Aanden svarer mig ud af min Forstand.
Job FreVulgG 20:3  J’écouterai la théorie sur laquelle tu m’attaques (m’accuses) ; mais l’esprit (de mon) d’intelligence qui est en moi répondra pour moi.
Job PolGdans 20:3  Słyszałem mnie hańbiącą naganę; ale duch wyrozumienia mego odpowie za mię.
Job JapBungo 20:3  我を辱しむる警語を我聞ざるを得ず 然しながらわが了知の性われをして答ふることを得せしむ
Job GerElb18 20:3  Eine Zurechtweisung, mir zur Schande, höre ich; aber mein Geist antwortet mir aus meiner Einsicht.