ql l'`m~ 'nt Hr. ftH lh lbb ldhy kn yfSlh `n l`lm, wql lh thny@an, dhhb f'nt Hr. ln ydhhb. sybq~ fy mknh wsT lTryq, hw wlakhrwn, mr`wbyn l y`rfwn 'yn ydhhbwn.
José Saramago |
lshy lmhm hw 'l nfqd Htrmn l'nfsn .
José Saramago |
Algunas personas usan coraza, otras misterios
José Saramago |
When I think about it, I have no idea who you are, but that's not important, what matters is that we care about each other.
José Saramago |
Let's all keep quiet, there are times when words serve no purpose, if only I, too, could weep, say everything with tears, not have to speak in order to be understood.
José Saramago |
Que sentes tu dentro de ti, Que ninguem se salva, que ninguem se perde, E pecado pensar assim, O pecado nao existe, so ha morte e vida, A vida esta antes da morte, Enganas-te, Baltasar, a morte vem antes da vida, morreu quem fomos, nasce quem somos, por isso e que nao morremos de vez, E quando vamos para debaixo da terra, e quando Francisco Marques fica esmagado sob o carro da pedra, nao sera isso morte sem recurso, Se estamos falando dele,..
José Saramago |
Who is that witch, asked the old man with the black eyepatch, these are things we say when we do not know how to take a good look at ourselves, had he lived as she had lived, we should like to see how long his civilised ways would last.
José Saramago |
yumkn ln 'n n`td. nn nsm` fy 'Hyn kthyr@, 'w 'nn nqwlh nHn bldht, yumkn llmr 'n y`td, yqwlwn, nqwl, bhdw ybdw Hqyqyan, l'nh l wjwd lh fy lHqyq@, wlm yuktshf b`d 'slwb akhr llt`byr `n stslmn bqdr mmkn mn lkrm@, wm l ys'l `nh 'Hd: m hy lklf@ Ht~ y`td 'Hdn.
José Saramago |
We all have our moments of weakness, just as well that we are still capable of weeping, tears are often our salvation, there are times when we would die if we did not weep,
José Saramago |
Confidential matters are not dealt with over the telephone, you'd better come here in person. I cannot leave the house, Do you mean you're ill, Yes, I'm ill, the blind man said after a pause. In that case you ought to call a doctor, a real doctor, quipped the functionary, and, delighted with his own wit, he rang off. The man's insolence was like a slap in the face. Only after some minutes had passed, had he regained enough composure to tell..
José Saramago |
a man was on his way to the gallows when he met another, who asked him: where are you going, my friend? and the condemned man replied: i'm not going anywhere. they're taking me by force.
José Saramago |
there are times when it is best to be content with what one has, so as not to lose everything.
José Saramago |
Contrary to what most people think, making a decision is one of the easiest decisions in the world, as is more than proved by the fact that we make decision upon decision throughout the day, there, however, we run straight into the heart of the matter, for these decisions always come to us afterward with their particular little problems, or, to make ourselves quite clear, with their rough edges needing to be smoothed, the first of these pro..
José Saramago |
bmwjh@ lmHn@ t`rf mn hm 'Sdqk sw bldlyl lZhr 'w bltnbw' .
José Saramago |
l'`tqd 'nn `myn , bl '`tqd 'nn `myn , `myn yrwn , bshr `myn ystTy`wn 'n yrw , lknhm l yrwn
José Saramago |
lntqm l`dl hw f`l nsny, fn lm tkn llDHy@ Hqwq `l~ lqtl ln ykwn hnk `dl wl nsny@
José Saramago |
shkr ltjrb@ lHy@ lqsy@, lm`lm l'ssy lkl lnDbTt,
José Saramago |
lntZr yw'dy l~ m hw 'kthr mn bTl lmfjat, nh ykhdWr lnf`lt, fkl m ntmnh 'w nkhshh nkwn qd `shnh khll tmnyn lh 'w khshytn mnh.
José Saramago |
Quando me das a mao, quando te encostas a mim, quando me apertas, nao preciso ver-te por dentro.
José Saramago |
lwjwd llTrq lqSyr@ 'w lmbshr@ .
José Saramago |
lSwt hw bSr mn l ystTy` lrw'y@
José Saramago |
Fear can cause blindness, said the girl with dark glasses, Never a truer word, that could not be truer,
José Saramago |
in order to invent heaven and hell a man would need to know nothing except the human body
José Saramago |
Fear can cause blindness, said the girl with dark glasses, Never a truer word, that could not be truer, we were already blind the moment we turned blind, fear struck us blind, fear will keep us blind
José Saramago |
The time for miracles has either passed or not come yet, besides, miracles, genuine miracles, whatever people say, are not such a good idea, if it means destroying the very order of things in order to improve them.
José Saramago |
quero encontrar a ilha desconhecida, quero saber quem sou quando nela estiver, Nao o sabes, Se nao sais de ti, nao chegas a saber quem es.
José Saramago |
Without a future, the present serves no purpose,
José Saramago |
ndm tHyn lfrS@, ymkn Ht~ llTybyn 'n ytHwlw l~ mtSlbyn wmtjbryn
José Saramago |
f l'Hzn lkbyr@, wlGwt lkbyr@, wl'khT lkbyr@ hy `l~ ldwm tqryban ntyj@ bq lmr wHydan fy lHy@
José Saramago |
llhzym@ wjh Hsn: nh Gyr nhy'y@. wllntSr wjh qbyH: nh dy'man nhy'y.
José Saramago |
n lSwr lqdym@ tkhd`n kthyran, fhy twhmn b'nn 'Hy fyh, whdh Gyr SHyH, l'n lshkhS ldhy nnZr lyh fyh lm y`d mwjwdan, wlw kn bmqdwrh 'n yrn fln yt`rf `l~ nfsh fyn, wsyqwl mn hdh ldhy ynZr lyW bwjh mHzwn?.
José Saramago |
Ao contrario do que julga o senso comum, as coisas da vontade nunca sao simples, o que e simples e a indecisao, a incerteza, a irresolucao.
José Saramago |
God will save you. Surely you're forgetting that God saves souls rather than bodies.
José Saramago |
The church has never been asked to explain anything, our specialty, along with ballistics, has always been the neutralization of the overly curious mind through faith,
José Saramago |
I don't think we did go blind, I think we are blind, Blind but seeing, Blind people who can see, but do not see
José Saramago |
Casting a ballot is your irrevocable right, and no one will ever deny you that right, but just as you tell children not to play with matches, so we warn whole peoples of the dangers of playing with dynamite.
José Saramago |
As maos sao dois livros abertos, nao pelas razoes, supostas ou autenticas, da quiromancia, com as suas linhas do coracao e da vida, da vida, meus senhores, ouviram bem, da vida, mas porque falam quando se abrem ou se fecham, quando acariciam ou golpeiam, quando enxugam uma lagrima ou disfarcam um sorriso, quando se pousam sobre um ombro ou acenam um adeus, quando trabalham, quando estao quietas, quando dormem, quando despertam.
José Saramago |
I have yet to hear a single idea that was worth considering for longer than it took us to listen to it.
José Saramago |
You might think that after all the shameful capitulations made by the government during the ups and downs of their negotiations with the maphia ... they could sink no lower. Alas, when one advances blindly across the boggy ground of realpolitik, when pragmatism takes up the baton and conducts the orchestra, ignoring what is written in the score, you can be pretty sure that, as the imperative logic of dishonor will show, there are still, aft..
José Saramago |
o Bem e o Mal nao existem em si mesmos, cada um deles e somente a ausencia do outro."
José Saramago |
nny 'w'mn b'nh twjd frS fy lHy@ ytwjb `lyn fyh lnqyd ltyr m yHdth,km lw 'nn nftqr l~ lqw@ llzm@ llmqwm@,wlknn nktshf fj'@ 'n lnhr qd tHwl lmSlHtn,wl yntbh ldhlk 'Hd swn,wqd yZn mn ynZr lyn 'nn mshrfwn `l~ lGrq,fy Hyn 'n mrkbn ykwn 'kthr thbt mn 'y wqt akhr.
José Saramago |
lHqyq@ n l`lm kthr mn mtkhm bHwdth mthl hdh@ , hw ntZr w hy tkhlft , hy ntZrt w hw lm y't , w fy l`mq , w lybq hdh bynn nHn lrtybyyn w ljHdyn , hdh fDl mn ksr fy lsq
José Saramago |
n 'SHb lqlwb lqsy@ lhm 'Hznhm 'yDan
José Saramago |
khbz lakhryn hw ldhy ythql khl lmr dy'man .
José Saramago |