Nunca jogues as peras com o destino, que ele come as maduras e da-te as verdes
José Saramago |
Kogda vse dozvoleno, eto tak zhe plokho, kak kogda ne dozvoleno nichego
José Saramago |
it, but it is also true, if this brings her any consolation, that if, before every action, we were to begin by weighing up the consequences, thinking about them in earnest, first the immediate consequences, then the probable, then the possible, then the imaginable ones, we should never move beyond the point where our first thought brought us to a
José Saramago |
To look, see and observe are different ways of using the organ of sight, each with its own intensity, even when there is some deterioration, for example, to look without seeing, when someone is distracted, a common situation in traditional novels, or to see and not notice, when the eyes out of weariness and boredom avoid anything likely to tax them. Only by observing can we achieve full vision, when at a given moment or successively, our at..
José Saramago |
Man, with a capital M, as I sometimes read in newspapers, is a lie, a lie that serves as a cover for all kinds of villainy. Everyone wants to save Man, but no one wants to know about men.
José Saramago |
y lGrb@ lmshhd ldh~ tSfh, wylhm mn sjn mstGrbyn 'nhm mthln
José Saramago |
l'an lHdyth `n l'ams wlywm wGdan hw bbsT@ 'an tmnH 'asman mkhtlf@ llwhm nfsh.
José Saramago |
If we cannot entirely live like human beings, at least let us do everything in our power not to live entirely like animals.
José Saramago |
A mim nao me conhecem nem os caes
José Saramago |
e o pior de tudo talvez nem sejam as palavras ditas e os actos praticados, o pior, porque e irremediavel definitivamente, e o gesto que nao fiz, a palavra que nao disse, aquilo que teria dado sentido ao feito e ao dito, Se um morto se inquieta tanto, a morte nao e sossego, Nao ha sossego no mundo, nem para os mortos nem para os vivos, Entao onde esta a diferenca entre uns e outros, A diferenca e uma so, os vivos ainda tem tempo, mas o mesmo..
José Saramago |
La mentira, se dice, es lo mismo que la infidelidad,
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chh mwq` khshtn lzm hst ? wqty chyzy khh hnwz zndh st , mrdh bshd . SfHh 262 nshr ngrstn khtb
José Saramago |
a vida ri-se das previsoes (...)
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muestran hasta que punto el corazon del hombre es un eterno insatisfecho y, en definitiva, el simple deber cumplido no da tanta satisfaccion como nos vienen diciendo quienes con poco se contentan. Sin duda, se
José Saramago |
Penso que nao cegamos, penso que estamos cegos, Cegos que veem, Cegos que, vendo, nao veem.
José Saramago |
Por isso, para muita gente, a prece mais fervorosa, na hora de ir para a cairia, nao e o consabido pai-nosso ou a sempiterna ave-maria, mas sim esta, Livrai-nos, Senhor, de todo o mal, e em particular da ira dos mansos.
José Saramago |
You and me, your common sense and you, we hardly ever meet to talk, only very occasionally, and, to be perfectly honest, it's hardly ever been worthwhile, That's my fault I suppose, No, it's my fault too, we are obliged by our nature and our condition to follow parallel roads, but the distance that separates or divides us is so great that mostly we don't hear each other
José Saramago |
I don't think we did go blind, I think we are blind, Blind but seeing, Blind people who can see, but do not see. The
José Saramago |
A morte conhece tudo a nosso respeito, e talvez por isso seja triste. Se e certo que nunca sorri, e so porque lhe faltam os labios, , e esta licao anatomica nos diz que, ao contrario dos vivos julgam, o sorriso nao e uma questao de dentes.
José Saramago |
el pecado es, por asi decir, tan inseparable del hombre como el hombre se ha hecho inseparable del pecado, el hombre es una moneda, le das la vuelta y ves el pecado,
José Saramago |
hoy necesitamos un revulsivo fuerte, algo capaz de conmover la sensibilidad y arrebatar los sentimientos, Un hijo de Dios en la cruz, Por ejemplo, Y
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hay que dejar inquietas a las personas, envueltas en dudas, inducirlas a pensar que si no consiguen entender, la culpa es suya, Tengo
José Saramago |
el miedo comun es asi, une facilmente las diferencias.
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todo ser humano tiene por delante, en cada momento de su vida, cosas buenas y cosas malas, tras
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dentro y fuera de celdas, capitulos y claustros, castigandose por haber nacido con el cuerpo que Dios les dio y sin el cual no tendrian donde poner el alma, tales tormentos no los invento este Diablo que te habla. Es
José Saramago |
Tal vez este Dios y el que ha de venir no sean mas que heteronimos, De quien, de que, pregunto, curiosa, otra voz, De Pessoa[1], fue lo que se oyo, pero tambien podria haber sido, De la Persona. Jesus,
José Saramago |
Die Sprache ist konservativ, schleppt stets ihr eigenes Archiv mit sich herum und verabscheut Aktualisierungen.
José Saramago |
Ich weiss wohl, dass die Nacht kaum begonnen hat, dachte er, dass es am Himmel sogar noch ein wenig hell ist, aber ich mochte schlafen, wie ein Stein schlafen, ohne die Tauschungen des Traums, fur immer in einen schwarzen Steinblock gegossen, oder wenigstens, falls mehr nicht moglich ist, bitte bis morgen fruh, bis sie mich um sieben wecken. Der Schlaf erhorte seinen verzweifelten Ruf, kam eilends herbei, blieb ein paar Augenblicke an seine..
José Saramago |
Valtser je zavrshen. Nastupa trenutak za bakshish. Ovaj dan tshe biti isti kao i svi drugi. Ali ,,priche stvaraju oni koji ikh prozhivljavaju". Najednom se prolama aplauz. Slepats podizhe izgubljene ochi. I shta se zbiva? I chiji to glas viche, zagushen emotsijama: ,,Vi ste, gospodine, umetnik!" Teshko je izdrzhati takav shok. Nepodnoshljivo. Slepats, grdosija od choveka, sav nezgrapan - prebledi. Pochne da posrtshe, kao da mu sva snaga is..
José Saramago |
you know what they say, don't wash your basket out, until the last grape's in
José Saramago |
It is true what people say, the young have the ability, but lack the wisdom, and the old have the wisdom, but lack the ability.
José Saramago |
The days are all the same, it's the hours that are different, when a day comes to an end it always does so with its twenty-four hours all present and correct, even when those hours contained nothing, but that's not the case with either your days or your hours
José Saramago |
it struck me that people and things are much the same, they have a certain life span, they last for a while, then, like everything else in the world, they come to a sudden end, On the other hand, one water jug can be replaced by another water jug just by discarding the shattered remains of the old one and filling the new one with water, but that's not the case with people, it's as if with the birth of each new person, the mold they emerged ..
José Saramago |
What the day brings is one thing, what we ourselves contribute to the day is quite another
José Saramago |
Demnitatea e fara pret, omul incepe prin a ceda in lucrurile marune si sfarseste pierzand tot sensul vietii.
José Saramago |
las mujeres, de la mayor parte no llegamos a saber los nombres, verdaderamente, da lo mismo, casi todas son Marias, incluso las que no lo sean responderian por ese nombre, que decimos mujer, decimos Maria y ellas vuelven la mirada y vienen a servirnos.
José Saramago |
este Jesus, hijo que dice suyo y de Maria, pero cuyo padre verdadero es Jose, segun ley no escrita que manda creer solo en lo que se ve, aunque, ya se sabe, no veamos siempre, nosotros, hombres, las mismas cosas de la misma manera, lo que, por otra parte, ha resultado excelente para la supervivencia y relativa salud mental de la especie.
José Saramago |
E eu sempre aqui estarei - um homem, se estudou, aprende a duvidar, muito mais sendo os deuses tao inconstantes, certos apenas, eles por ciencia, nos por experiencia, de que tudo acaba, e o sempre antes do resto.
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ocurrio. Dijo Jesus, Estoy a la espera, De que, pregunto Dios, como si estuviera distraido, De que me digas cuanto de muerte y sufrimiento va a costar tu victoria sobre los otros dioses, con cuanto de sufrimiento y de muerte se pagaran las luchas que en tu nombre y en el mio sostendran unos contra otros los hombres que en nosotros van a creer, Insistes
José Saramago |
the thing separating them was only a door and not a wall. He said nothing, merely nodded and thought to himself that worse than any wall is a door to which one has never had the key, a key he didn't know where to find, or even if it existed.
José Saramago |
the man who I still am loves the woman that you are
José Saramago |
but the effort of setting the table, heating up the food and then washing the dishes seemed to him tonight a superhuman one.
José Saramago |
Eso que llama misterios muchas veces es una proteccion, hay quienes llevan armaduras, hay quienes llevan misterios, Proteccion
José Saramago |
in order to win a battle it might sometimes be necessary to lose it
José Saramago |