parece que nao ves que as palavras sao rotulos que se pegam as cousas, nao sao as cousas, nunca saberas como sao as cousas, nem sequer que nomes sao na realidade os seus, porque os nomes que lhes deste nao sao mais do que isso, os nomes que lhes deste,(...)
José Saramago |
nh Hqyq@ jyd@ , flshbb l y`rf m ymknh tHqyqh , wlshykhwkh@ l ttmkn mn tHqyq m t`rfh .
José Saramago |
wm` dhlk , wmthlm yHdth fy lHy@ , `ndm nZn 'nhm qd ntz`w mn kl shy' , thm nktshf fj'@ 'nh qd bqy ldyn shy' m , tZhr hn 'yD 'shy mb`thr@ , ....
José Saramago |
You never know beforehand what people are capable of, you have to wait, give it time, it's time that rules, time is our gambling partner on the other side of the table and it holds all the cards of the deck in its hands, we have to guess the winning cards of life, our lives
José Saramago |
qdr 'nh mn l'fDl `dm lrd,flfm `Dw ykwn mHT thq@ 'kbr klm HtfZ blSmt 'kthr.
José Saramago |
There are such moments in life: one unexpectedly discovers that perfection exists, that it, too, is a tiny sphere traveling in time, empty, transparent, luminous, and which sometimes (rarely) comes in our direction and encircles us for a few brief moments before traveling on to other parts and other people.
José Saramago |
wyryd lan t`wyD lwqt lDy'` , whdhh klmt khrq byn 'kthr lklmt khrq@ , `br@ skhyf@ nZn 'nn nkhd` bh lwq` lqsy ldhy l ymkn fyh t`wyD 'y wqt Dy'` , km lw 'nn nZn , khlf lhdhh lHqyq@ , 'n lwqt ldhy `tbrnh Dy'` l~ l'bd qd qrr lbq mtwqf wrn , yntZr bSbr mn ymlk tHt tSrfh lwqt klh , 'n nsh`r bfqdnh.
José Saramago |
queira Deus que nunca se extinga a caridade para que nao venha a acabar-se a pobreza...
José Saramago |
'n qsw@ wTby`@ lZrwf ymrsn t'thyran wDHan `l~ llG@ !
José Saramago |
w'n 's'l `lm lqtSd lsysyyn w`lm l'khlq: hl 'HSw `dd mn Hukima `lyh bm`n@ lbw's wl`ml lshq wtthbyT lhm@ wlnmw lmt'khr wljhl lmfsd wlmSy'y lty l tqhr wlfqr lmdq`, kl dhlk mn 'jl khlq thry wHd!
José Saramago |
l tZny 'n l`m~ yj`ln 'nsan 'fDl.
José Saramago |
hkdh hy lHy@ , kthyr m ttkwn mn 'shy tnthy , wttkwn mn 'shy tbd' 'yD , lknh lyst l'shy nfsh `l~ lTlq .
José Saramago |
The threat of rain appears to have nothing to do with Joao Elvas's desire to be alone, and one must not forget that, strange as it may seem, some men can spend their entire life alone and enjoy solitude, especially if it is raining and their crust is hard.
José Saramago |
lmDy Tryqun kthyr lHjr@ , y`shqu lkthyrwn lsyra fyh b`tbrh Tryqan mrSwfan , bynm ytnql akhrwn , bkl Sbrin , mn Hjr lakhr , wyrf`wnh ; l'nhm yHtjwn m`rf@ m tHt l'Hjr
José Saramago |
Los humanos son universalmente conocidos como los unicos animales capaces de mentir, siendo cierto que si a veces lo hacen por miedo, y a veces por interes, tambien a veces lo hacen porque comprenden a tiempo que esa es la unica manera a su alcance de defender la verdad.
José Saramago |
hnk lHZt fy hdhh lHy@ nTlq fyh l`nn l'nfsn, wl ntwr` `n mkshf@ 'wl mjhwl nSdfh balmn
José Saramago |
No one is just one person, you, for example, are both cain and abel, And you, Oh, I am all women, and all their names are mine, said lilith,
José Saramago |
Oh, I doubt that, we gods are like bottomless wells, if you lean over us, you won't even see your image reflected back
José Saramago |
certainly not one of them would have known what to reply if they had been asked, Why are you holding hands as you go, it simply came about, there are gestures for which we cannot always find an easy explanation, sometimes not even a difficult one can be found.
José Saramago |
Dentro de nosotros hay algo que no tiene nombre, esa cosa es lo que somos.
José Saramago |
All fate's reasons are human.
José Saramago |
grchh bwrsh mshkhl st khh, z an myn, ykh nfr hm pyd nmyshd khh fkhr khnd shyd yn nshy'h bzy mstmr chnd s`thy yn jhny, bh khmryi jwdni an jhny mnjr shwd.
José Saramago |
Hoje e o ultimo dia do ano. Em todo o mundo que este calendario rege andam as pessoas entretidas a debates consigo mesmas as boas acoes que tencionam praticar no ano que entra, jurando que vao ser retas, justas e equanimes, que da sua emendada boca nao voltara a sair uma palavra ma, uma mentira, uma insidia, ainda que as merecesse o inimigo, claro que e das pessoas vulgar que estamos falando, as outras, as de excecao, as incomuns, regulam-s..
José Saramago |
he called out to the open sky, where God could be seen smiling, Men, forgive Him, for He knows not what He has done.
José Saramago |
I'll get used to it. Yes, we often hear it said, or we say it ourselves, I'll get used to it, we say or they say, with what seems to be genuine acceptance, because there really isn't any other way, at least none has yet been discovered, of expressing in as dignified a way as possible our sense of resignation, what no one asks is at what cost do we get used to things.
José Saramago |
Nao e so a voz do sangue que nao precisa de olhos, o amor, que dizem ser cego, tambem tem a sua palavra a dizer
José Saramago |
Usted es escritor, tiene, como dijo hace poco, obligacion de conocer las palabras, sabe que los adjetivos no sirven para nada, si una persona mata a otra, por ejemplo, seria mejor enunciarlo asi y confiar que el horror del acto, por si solo, fuese tan impactante que nos liberase de decir que fue horrible, Quiere decir que tenemos palabras de mas, Quiero decir que tenemos sentimientos de menos, O los tenemos, pero dejamos de usar las palabra..
José Saramago |
Nada de discursos, aqui cada um com seu desgosto e todos com a mesma pena.
José Saramago |
Indeed, very few people are aware that in each of our fingers, located somewhere between the first phalange, the mesophalange, and the metaphalange, there is a tiny brain. The fact is that the other organ which we call the brain, the one with which we came into the world, the one which we transport around in our head and which transports us so that we can transport it, has only ever had very general, vague, diffuse and, above all, unimagina..
José Saramago |
mn ynm bl `sh ymDy lylh s`rn
José Saramago |
todos nos, onde quer que estejamos e quem quer que sejamos, nao fazemos mais na vida do que procurar o lugar onde iremos ficar para sempre.
José Saramago |
The instant is gone, time has carried us into the realm of memory, it was like this, no, it was not, and everything becomes what we choose to invent.
José Saramago |
The difficult thing isn't living with people, it's understanding them
José Saramago |
l ywjd frq kbyr byn l'shy wlbshr, lkl mnh Hyth, ystmrwn lwqt m`yn, wb`d qlyl ynthwn, mthl kl m fy ldny, wm` dhlk ymkn stbdl bryq bbryq akhr, dwn lHj@ l~ ltfkyr fy l'mr 'kthr mn lwqt ldhy yHtjh jm` ftt lqdym wml ljdyd blm, whw m l yHdth bsh'n lbshr, km lw 'n `nd wld@ kl wHd mnhm yuksr lqlb ldhy khrj mnh, wlhdh l ytkrr l'shkhS, l'shkhS l ykhrjwn mn qlb.
José Saramago |
l`my Gyr m`d ,w lmwt Gyr m`d, byd 'nn nmwt jmy`
José Saramago |
it is understandable that someone should ask how it was possible to know that these things happened so and not in some other manner, the reply to be given is that all stories are like those about the creation of the universe, no one was there, no one witnessed anything, yet everyone knows what happened.
José Saramago |
La mayor dificultad para poder vivir razonablemente en el infierno es el hedor que hay alli.
José Saramago |
llHZt l tSl mt'khr@ 'w mtqdm@ 'bd , nh tSl fy mw`dh , wlys fy mw`dn ,wl ytwjb 'n nshkrh `l~ ltwfq , `ndm yHdth , byn m tnwyh wm nHtj lyh .
José Saramago |
Words are like that, they deceive, they pile up, it seems they do not know where to go, and suddenly, because of two or three or four that suddenly come out, simple in themselves, a personal pronoun, an adverb, a verb, an adjective, we have the excitement of seeing them coming irresistibly to the surface through the skin and the eyes and upsetting the composure of our feelings, sometimes the nerves that cannot bear it it any longer, they pu..
José Saramago |
wmn lmly'm lqwl,mn 'jl t`lym lsdhj,'nh klm kn ltfkhym fy lklm 'kbr ,tkwn lHqyq@ 'ql.
José Saramago |
then he added, as if requiring a response to his own remark, 'Probably the greater the difference, the greater the similarity, and the greater the similarity, the greater the difference,' at that moment he did not yet know how right he was.
José Saramago |
E moira tou kathenos einai na brisketai e moira tou sta kheria ton allon.
José Saramago |
En el fondo, hay que reconocer que la historia no es selectiva, tambien es discriminatoria, toma de la vida lo que le interesa como material socialmente aceptado como historico y desprecia el resto, precisamente donde tal vez se podria encontrar la verdadera explicacion de los hechos, de las cosas, de la puta realidad. En verdad os dire, en verdad os digo que vale mas ser novelista, ficcionista, mentiroso.
José Saramago |
There were men and women who appeared as fluid as ghosts, they could have been attending a burial out of curiosity, merely to recall how it had been when they were buried.
José Saramago |