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dc3bb68 that is what we say when we do not wish to play the weakling, we say Fine, even though we may be dying, and this is commonly known as taking one's courage in both hands, a phenomenon that has only been observed in the human species. José Saramago
afe3c7e Death isn't catching either, yet nevertheless we all die. José Saramago
9950c42 In all souls, as in all houses, beyond the facade lies a hidden interior. --RAUL BRANDAO José Saramago
2e6479b the doves, as we know, must be killed according to the law before Mary's purification can be acknowledged and ratified. Any ironic or irreverent disciple of Voltaire will find it difficult to resist making the obvious remark that, things being what they are, purity can be maintained only so long as there are innocent creatures to sacrifice in this world, whether turtledoves, lambs, or others. purity José Saramago
86244c3 You do not know, you cannot know, what it means to have eyes in a world in which everyone else is blind, I am not a queen, no, I am simply the one who was born to see this horror, you can feel it, I both feel and see it. José Saramago
4ea493f n lHkym hw Hkym bqdr m ytHl~ bh mn Hdhr José Saramago
9cd5ae5 But why sacrifice Your own son's life for so little, surely all You have to do is send a prophet. The time when people listened to prophets has passed, nowadays one must administer stronger medicine, shock treatment, to touch men's hearts and stir their feelings. Such as a son of God hanging from a cross. Yes, why not. José Saramago
b01af81 whether in peace or in war, man generally speaking is the best thing that ever happened to the gods. José Saramago
04cf9f3 lqd t`lmt fy hdhh lmhn@ 'n ldhyn y'mrwn l ytjwzwn fqT mnsmyh nHn mHl,bl 'nhm 'yD ystfydwn mnh l`rql@ lw`y wbd@ l`ql José Saramago
97793f2 Mas ha entre os nossos portugueses muita sede de martirio, muito apetite de sacrificio, muita fome de abnegacao... José Saramago
3d877dd Sao coisas que nao se sabem explicar, como, sendo as pessoas feitas das mesmas humanissimas materias, esta carne, estes ossos, este sangue, esta pele e este riso, este suor e esta lagrima, vemos que saem uns cobardes e outros sem medo, uns de guerra e outros de paz. José Saramago
ba8ea5f it seems you don't understand that words are the labels we stick on things, not the things themselves, you'll never know what the things are really like, nor even what their real names are, because the names you gave them are just that, the names you gave them [...] words José Saramago
107a97a l'n l`dl yfrD `lyW tqdym lshkr,l'nn l nltqy fy kl ywm bshkhS yTmy'nn blm`lwm@ lrHym@ b'nh l yryd lHq lDrr bn. José Saramago
d8602b3 lmr l yHtj lky ymwt lW 'n ykwn Hyan José Saramago
07312f2 e o pior de tudo talvez nem sejam as palavras ditas e os actos praticados, o pior, porque e irremediavel definitivamente, e o gesto que nao fiz, a palavra que nao disse, aquilo que teria dado sentido ao feito e ao dito, Se um morto se inquieta tanto, a morte nao e sossego, Nao ha sossego no mundo, nem para os mortos nem para os vivos, Entao onde esta a diferenca entre uns e outros, A diferenca e uma so, os vivos ainda tem tempo, mas o mesmo.. José Saramago
7ec7289 Sou o rei deste reino, e os barcos do reino pertencem-me todos, Mais lhes pertenceras tu a eles do que eles a ti, Que queres dizer, perguntou o rei, inquieto, Que tu, sem eles, es nada, e que eles, sem ti, poderao sempre navegar. José Saramago
5deb155 n l'`m~ l'sw' hw dhlk ldhy lm yrd 'n yftH `ynyh. José Saramago
72a3f51 A morte conhece tudo a nosso respeito, e talvez por isso seja triste. Se e certo que nunca sorri, e so porque lhe faltam os labios, e esta licao anatomica nos diz que, ao contrario do que os vivos julgam, o sorriso nao e uma questao de dentes. José Saramago
7020c27 La esperanza es como la sal, no alimenta pero da sabor al pan. esperança hope vida José Saramago
e0c1ee6 He had grown so accustomed to feeling tired that he took a certain pleasure in it, the pleasure of someone who has given up, the pleasure of someone who, when the moment of truth arrives, turns back the clock and says: "It's too early." The pleasure of self-sacrifice. But sacrifice is only complete when it is kept hidden from view; making it visible is tantamount to saying, "Look at me, look how self-sacrificing I am," and making sure that .. self-sacrifice José Saramago
9afc3a5 He aprendido en este oficio que los que mandan no solo no se detienen ante lo que nosotros llamamos absurdos, sino que se sirven de ellos para entorpecer la consciencia y aniquilar la razon. José Saramago
81d5750 Perche siamo diventati ciechi, Non lo so, forse un giorno si arrivera a conoscerne la ragione, Vuoi che ti dica cosa penso, Parla, Secondo me non siamo diventati ciechi, secondo me lo siamo, Ciechi che vedono, Ciechi che, pur vedendo, non vedono. essere-umano spirito vedere vista José Saramago
b24f40c lwHd mn ybd' fy srd Hky@ , ftnhl `lyh my't lHkyt l'khr~ lmrtbT@ bh . José Saramago
6b2dbf8 Como tudo na vida deem tempo ao tempo e ele se encarrega de resolver. José Saramago
3356f84 Each man knows himself, but only God knows all men José Saramago
a96887f Al final de cuentas, no es tan grande la diferencia entre ayudar a un ciego para robarle luego y cuidar de un viejo caduco y baboso con el ojo puesto en la herencia. José Saramago
b87b669 l`dt lmt'Sl@ l tmwt bsr`@ Ht~ `ndm t'ty lHZ@ nHsb m`h 'nh qd mtt wl~ l'bd ! José Saramago
f0daaa7 zndgy b adm hy dygr mshkhl nyst, drkh .khrdnshn mshkhl st José Saramago
c398152 hnk mn nwmh thqyl , wmn nwmh khfyf , mn `nd nwmh yhjr ldny , wmn l ymknh 'n ynfSl `n hdh l`lm wlhdh trwdh l'Hlm . José Saramago
eb59b39 yjb 'n '`qdw lsny qbl 'n 'tfwh bhdh lklm , bjb 'sqT `l~ l'rD w'tqlb mthl dhyl lsHly@ , hkdh rbm 't`lm lHdyth blbq@ w'l 'tHdth `n lbTn lmmtly'@ , fhdh Hdyth qlyl l'db . José Saramago
11f2f38 lSmt 'S`b wq`an mn lklmt José Saramago
933c562 lyst lklmt lmtlfZ bh , wl'f`l lmnjz@ hy l'sw , l'sw , ldhy l ymkn `ljh , hw lHrk@ lty lm nqm bh , lklm@ lty lm nqlh , wlltn kn ymkn n t`Ty m`n~ lm f`lnh wqlnh José Saramago
5bd1c71 She's dead, said the doctor's wife, and her voice was expressionless, if it were possible for such a voice, as dead as the word it had spoken, to have come from a living mouth. José Saramago
079ac03 To threaten someone with a gun is the same as attacking them, If you had taken his gun, the real war would have started, and in all likelihood we would never have got out of that place alive, José Saramago
8e8d46f lqd brhnt ln khbr@ lHy@ lqsy@ 'nh l yunSH blthq@ lzy'd@ fy lTby`@ lbshry@ bshkl `m. José Saramago
1cc5da4 Es asi la vida, va dando con una mano hasta que llega el dia que quita todo con la otra. José Saramago
4a89519 Of course it does. I can't make judgments using other people's ideas!" "There's the sticking point! You're forgetting that other people have their own ideas about good and evil, ideas that might be better than yours . . ." "If everyone thought like you, we would never get anywhere. We need rules, we need laws!" José Saramago
74c806d En verdad os digo, no hay limites para la maldad de las mujeres, sobre todo de las mas inocentes José Saramago
3897ce7 Deus, quando quer, nao precisa de homens, embora nao possa dispensar-se de mulheres. José Saramago
ca1e4db El senor no oye, el senor es sordo, por todas partes se le alzan suplicas, son los pobres, los infelices, los desgraciados, todos implorandole el remedio que el mundo les niega, y el senor les da la espalda, comenzo haciendo una alianza con los hebreos y ahora hace un pacto con el diablo, para esto no merece la pena que haya dios. José Saramago
eaa58e6 But the hidden meaning of life is that life has no hidden meaning." Abel knew Pessoa's poetry well." José Saramago
ee8053c you will become reconciled with legality and with that root of roots, the national community, returning, like the prodigal son, to the paternal home. You are now a lawless city. You will not have a government to tell you what you should and should not do, how you should and should not behave, the streets will be yours, they belong to you, use them as you wish, there will be no authority to stop you in your tracks and offer you sound advice,.. José Saramago
ad3c252 Ci sono momenti cosi, crediamo nell'importanza di cio che abbiamo detto o scritto fino a quel punto, soltanto perche non e stato possibile far tacere i suoni o cancellare i tratti, ma ci entra nel corpo la tentazione del silenzio, il fascino dell'immobilita, stare come stanno gli dei, zitti e tranquilli, solo ad assistere. José Saramago
08813c8 mn yHtmy bshjr@ ybtl mrtyn José Saramago