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8098418 Nao aprendeste nada, vai-te, dissera o Pastor, e quica quisesse dizer que ele nao aprendera a defender a vida. life diabo pastor vida José Saramago
381017b dkhl lfyl y`ysh fyln, 'Hdhm yt`lm m y`lmwnh lh wakhr ystmr fy jhlh kly@, kyf t`rf dhlk, ktshft 'nny mthl lfyl jz mny yt`lm wljz lakhr yjhl m t`lmh ljz l'wl, wklm zd ljhl zd lwqt ldhy n`yshh. José Saramago
fba2a3e Penetrating the walls and rising to the stars, the music continued, the slow movement of the Eroica Symphony, crying out against pain, crying out against the injustice of man's mortality. José Saramago
a5507d6 No has aprendido nada, vete. José Saramago
2a91821 They're coming, they're coming. José Saramago
fbc46b3 Entonces el diablo dijo, es necesario ser Dios para que le guste tanto la sangre José Saramago
b82181a ky'n Gryb hdh lHywn lmsm~ nsn,ldyh qdr@ hy'l@ `l~ l'rq l'sbb l m`n~ lh wlh 'sbb mswy@ lynm frd sqyh lyl@ lm`rk@. José Saramago
0705b85 Chan ly lon nhat noi rang ke mu nhat la ke khong muon thay. thấy tr375 José Saramago
ddd3820 Non si puo' mai sapere in anticipo di cosa siano capaci le persone, bisogna aspettare, dar tempo al tempo, e' il tempo che comanda, il tempo e' il compagno che sta giocando di fronte a noi, e ha in mano tutte le carte del mazzo, a noi ci tocca inventarci le briscole con la vita, la nostra José Saramago
fe7e549 bl ktf~ blqwl fy nfsh m` nSf btsm@ Hzyn@,hdh m ymkn 'n ySl lyh lrjl,'n yjd nfsh ytswl m`nq@,mthl Tfl yftqd lHb. José Saramago
66bf67d lmkhwf t`lq wHd@ b'khr~ wlthntn bsl@ mmtly'@. José Saramago
ebed2c3 Ht~ 'fDl l'khbr lyst Tyb@ fy nZr ljmy`. José Saramago
4bd32f9 y lhy , kyf fqdn bSrn, fqdn qdrtn `ly lrw'y@ , Hty n knw mjrd 'khyl@, yqfwn 'mm lmra@ , yrwn bq`@ swd ttkhllh fyqwlwn,, hdh wjhy, f'y shy' mDy, l yntmy lyW dhn José Saramago
cf156e5 Only the donkey knows how weary it feels, all God cares about are humans, and not all humans, because some of them live like donkeys or worse, and God makes no effort to help them. José Saramago
68317e1 Assim e, mas a vantagem da igreja e que, embora as vezes o nao pareca, ao gerir o que esta no alto, governa o que esta em baixo. religion José Saramago
41ead57 l wjwd `mly lmn hw qdr `l~ fhm hdhh lky'nt,yDrbwn wfy lHl y'twn lyd`bw mn Drbwh,yuDrbwn wfy lHl ydhhbwn ltqbyl lyd lty Drbthm. José Saramago
89376d2 Ey Tanrim, ne zaman insanoglunun karsisina cikip kendi hatalarini itiraf edeceksin? José Saramago
bd13941 Isler boyle oldugunda, yani Tanri imdada yetisecekmis gibi gorunmuyorsa, insanin tek yapabilecegi onun yerini almaya calismaktir, evi barki terkedip, aslinda bizden cok Tanri'nin mali olan su zavalli yasli dunyamiza cekiduzen vermeye cabalamak... José Saramago
32141b8 Como vao esses amores, perguntou Marcal, Pobre Isaura, pobre pai, Por que dizes pobre Isaura, pobre pai, Porque esta claro que ela o quer, mas nao consegue passar por cima da barreira que ele levantou, E ele, Ele, ele e uma vez mais a historia das duas metades, ha uma que provavelmente nao pensa senao nisso, E a outra, A outra tem sessenta e quatro anos, a outra tem medo, Realmente, as pessoas sao muito complicadas, E verdade, mas se fossem.. José Saramago
91769c1 Ate daqui a dez dias, Ate daqui a dez dias, Cuide-me da Marta, pai, Cuidarei, sim, vai descansado, olha que nao lhe queres mais do que eu, Se e mais ou se e menos nao sei, quero-lhe da outra maneira, Marcal, Diga, Da-me um abraco, por favor. Quando Marcal saiu da furgoneta levava os olhos humidos. Cipriano Algor nao deu nenhum murro na cabeca, so disse para si mesmo com um meio sorriso triste, A isto pode chegar um homem, ver-se a implorar .. José Saramago
4e10b75 lkhTb ldhy bd lSHbh fy ls`@ lthlth@ fjr 'nh ytDmn mnTq l ymkn dHDh , tHwl l~ khTb skhyf m` sh`` lSbH l'wl , wSr mDHk tmm tHt Dw lshms lwshy . José Saramago
63c2a1d wlys wHd mn 'wly'k lmrhqyn lHmq~ ldhyn , lkwnhm fy sn lHms@ ljmH@ , ymDwn lwqt fy ljry wr l'whm , wlDbb , wltkhylt , wl ynSrfwn `nh Ht~ `ndm tSTdm rwshm wmsh`rhm lty yZnwn 'nhm ysh`rwn bh bjdr lmstHylt. José Saramago
019e76e w'm blnsb@ ll'Hlm , dh kn l'mr yt`lq btHqqh , fln ykwn lklb kfy lmn 'mD~ llyl yHlm bnmr. José Saramago
d8262ee lqlb l ysh`r bm l trh l`yn José Saramago
f162d27 As palavras sao assim, disfarcam muito, vao-se juntando umas com as outras, parece que nao sabem aonde querem ir, e de repente, por causa de duas ou tres, ou quatro que de repente saem, simples em si mesmas, um pronome pessoal, um adverbio, um verbo, um adjectivo, e ai temos a comocao a subir irresistivel a superficie da pele e dos olhos, as vezes sao os nervos que nao podem aguentar mais, suportaram muito, suportaram tudo, era como se leva.. José Saramago
c47ae3b mn yHb l'hdf `lyh 'yD 'n yHb lwsy'l José Saramago
a67d02f klm t`Zm lkhtlf , t`Zm ltmthl , wklm t`Zm ltmthl , t`Zm lkhtlf José Saramago
698e8be Infelizmente, el sentido comun no siempre aparece cuando es necesario, siendo muchas las veces en que de su ausencia momentanea han resultado los mayores dramas y las catastrofes mas aterradoras. José Saramago
49b44df A volte ci domandiamo perche la felicita abbia tardato ad arrivare, perche non sia venuta prima, ma se ci spunta davanti all'improvviso, come in questo caso, quando ormai non l'aspettavamo, allora e molto probabile che non sappiamo cosa farcene, e non e tanto questione di scelta fra il ridere e il piangere, e la segreta angoscia di pensare che forse non riusciamo ad esserne all'altezza. José Saramago
4420f40 llHZt lry'`@,khS@ `ndm tlms lrf`@,`d@ mt`ny mn `dw ysm~ qSr lmd@,`l~ 'n l`dw l'kbr hw `dm m`rf@ m syHdth b`dh José Saramago
821dacb And yet experience, unless applied to something, is just like that hoard of gold, for it neither produces nor bears fruit and is utterly useless. José Saramago
05b4d04 And now we shall also die of blindness, I mean, we shall die of blindness and cancer, of blindness and tuberculosis, of blindness and AIDS, of blindness and heart attacks, illnesses may differ from one person to another but what is really killing us now is blindness José Saramago
6807b47 _`lm lnfs lm ykn mydn~ lmfDl qT -wl n ,Gyr nh ymkn n ykwn lljhl nfsh Hds nbwy _l tdkhl~ hdhh lnbw't lHdthy@ f~ mstqbl 'byk,fhw yfDl dwm n y`rf f~ kl ywm m yqrr kl ywm n yjyy'h bh,khyr w shr جوزيه ساراماجو José Saramago
da94ae9 There is nothing healthier for a man than to walk on his own two legs healthy-living walking José Saramago
63df3be hnk dwm fy lHy@ shyy' m y'ty b`d m yZhr fy lmqm l'wl,'Hyn ykwn ldyn sh`wr b'nn n`rf m hw,wlknn nwd tjhlh,wfy 'Hyn 'khr~ l nstTy` Ht~ 'n ntkhyl m ymkn 'n ykwn,wlknn n`rf 'nh mwjwd. José Saramago
2c46a2a ndm tkwn slT@ lHsm byn ydy 'shkhS akhryn , w`ndm l ykwn fy mtnwl ydn tHryhm btjh 'w akhr , fn lshy' lwHyd lmtbqy hw lntZr. José Saramago
a0c4712 Si el resultado es coherente ahora, tambien lo seria entonces,porque al fin y al cabo, caminantes somos y por el camino andamos. Todos, tantos los sabios como los ignorantes. José Saramago
e3171dc hdh l`nq whdhh lqbl@,hdhh lqblt whdhh lm`nqt,km mn lmrt nHtj l'n ndhkrkm b'n lHb nfsh ldhy ynhsh hw ldhy ytwsl lan 'n ynhshwh. José Saramago
a0b3980 it is an archive...You probably get rooms like this in even the most modern of offices, like a rusty anchor chained to the past and with no purpose in life. José Saramago
1e8401a Not that this was our intention, but you know how it is with writing, one word often brings along another in its train simply because they sound good together, even if this means sacrificing respect for levity and ethics for aesthetics, if such solemn concepts are not out of place in a discourse such as this, and often to no one's advantage either. It is in this and other ways, almost without our realizing it, that we make so many enemies i.. José Saramago
d33e692 having fun is a remedy only for those who don't need one, José Saramago
cecc55d wkn ymDy mthlm nmDy jmy`n fy Zrwf mshbh@ lhdhh,`ndm nbd' ljdl btksl m` ky'nn lHmym ldkhly dh kn nryd 'w l nryd m Sr wDH 'nn nrydh,ybd' l'mr bjml@ wl ynthy,ytwqf 'Hdn fj'@,yrkD km lw 'nh dhhb lynqdh 'bh mn lmshnq@,ytwqf 'Hdn mr@ 'khr~. José Saramago
5afd2cf That is what we say when we do not wish to play the weakling,we say Fine, even though we may be dying. José Saramago
9b9b506 una cosa buena que tiene la ignorancia es que nos defiende de los falsos saberes. José Saramago