Pouco a pouco se tornando tao cega como a outra gente que so pode ver o que a vista esta.
José Saramago |
Tertuliano Maximo Afonso is greatly in need of stimuli to distract him, he lives alone and gets bored, or, to speak with the clinical exactitude that the present day requires, he has succumbed to the temporary weakness of spirit ordinarily known as depression. To get a clear idea of his situation, suffice it to say that he was married but can no longer remember what led him into matrimony, that he is divorced and cannot now bring himself to..
José Saramago |
Events went on to show that it is not by chance that a prime minister reaches such lofty heights and that, as the infallible wisdom of nations has demonstrated time and time again, each country gets the government it deserves, although it must be said that while it is true to say that prime ministers, for good or ill, are not all the same, it is no less true to say, are all countries.
José Saramago |
Because philosophy needs death as much as religions do, if we philosophize it's in order to know that we will die, as monsieur de montaigne said, to philosophize is to learn how to die.
José Saramago |
Lovers of concision, laconicism and economy of language will doubtless be asking, if the idea is such a simple one, why did we need all this waffle to arrive, at last, at the critical point.
José Saramago |
That's a very fine-sounding word, full of promises and certainties, you say metamorphosis and move on, it seems you don't understand that words are the labels we stick on things, not the things themselves, you'll never know what the things are really like, nor even what their real names are, because the names you gave them are just that, the names you gave them.
José Saramago |
Quando, de manha, Baltasar acordou, viu Blimunda deitada a seu lado, a comer pao, de olhos fechados. So os abriu, cinzentos aquela hora, depois de ter acabado de comer, e disse, Nunca te olharei por dentro.
José Saramago |
Puede ser, si, la duda es el privilegio de quien ha vivido mucho, tal vez por eso no consigues convencerme para que acepte como certeza lo que me suena a falsedad,
José Saramago |
Istoria oamenilor e istoria neintelegerilor lor cu dumnezeu, nici el nu ne intelege pe noi, nici noi nu il intelegem pe el.
José Saramago |
she tore a strip from a dish towel in order to make wicks, then returned to the room where the lamp stood, it was going to be useful for the first time since it was manufactured, at first this did not appear to be its destiny, but none of us, lamps, dogs or humans, knows at the outset, why we have come into this world.
José Saramago |
Chorar o leite derramado nao e tao inutil quanto se diz, e de alguma maneira instrutivo porque nos mostra a verdadeira dimensao da frivolidade de certos procedimentos humanos, porquanto se o leite se derramou, derramado esta e so ha que limpa-lo (...)
José Saramago |
as cartas de amor sao ridiculas, isto e o que escreve quando ja a morte vem subindo a escada, quando se torna de subito claro que verdadeiramente ridiculo e nao ter recebido nunca uma carta de amor.
José Saramago |
Time and time again one has seen, even in people not particularly given to reflection, that the best way of finding a solution is to let one's thoughts drift until the right moment comes to pounce, like a tiger taking its prey by surprise.
José Saramago |
Col*locades en fila, l'una darrera l'altra, les enciclopedie d'avui, d'ahir i d'abans-d'ahir no l'altra representen imatges successives de mons paralitzats, gestos interromputs en el seu moviment, paraules a la recerca del seu ultim o penultim sentit. Les enciclopedies son com diorames immutables, prodigiosos aparells de projeccio les bobines dels quals s'han encallat i exhibeixen amb una mena de maniaca fixesa un paisatge que, condemnat d'..
José Saramago |
lys ld~ lmr dy'man lwqt lkfy ltlby@ rGbth lkhyr@.
José Saramago |
some people spend their entire lives reading but never get beyond reading the words on the page, they don't understand that the words are merely stepping stones placed across a fast-flowing river, and the reason they're there is so that we can reach the farther shore, it's the other side that matters, Unless, Unless what, Unless those rivers don't have just two shores but many, unless each reader is his or her own shore, and that shore is t..
José Saramago |
Alem da conversa das mulheres, sao os sonhos que seguram o mundo na sua orbita.
José Saramago |
in nature, nothing is created and nothing is lost, everything is transformed.
José Saramago |
She was pretty, possibly not the prettiest woman in the audience, but pretty in a very particular, indefinable way that couldn't be put into words, like a line of poetry whose ultimate meaning, if such a thing exists in a line of poetry, continually escapes the translator.
José Saramago |
What dogs want most in life is for no one to go away.
José Saramago |
wkm l`d@ l tSn` khnan, fin lSwljn l ySn` lmlk
José Saramago |
lys kl m yZhr Hqyq@ wl kl m hw Hqyq@ yZhr. lkn byn lHqyq@ wlZhr twjd dy'm nqT@ tfhm, k'nm lHqyq@ wlZhr msHtn msTHtn tltqyn wtjtm`n. ywjd mnHn~ m, wHtml 'n ynzlq lmr `lyh, wdh m nzlq, ySl l~ nqT@ ltms m` lHqyq@ wm` lZhr fy an wHd.
José Saramago |
how often fears come to sour our life and prove, in the end, to have no foundation, no reason to exist
José Saramago |
Pessoas assim, como este Sr. Jose, em toda a parte as encontramos, ocupam o seu tempo ou o tempo que creem sobejar-lhes da vida a juntar selos, moedas, medalhas, jarroes, bilhetes-postais, caixas de fosforos, livros, relogios, camisolas desportivas, autografos, pedras, bonecos de barro, latas vazias de refrescos, anjinhos, cactos, programas de operas, isqueiros, canetas, mochos, caixinhas-de-musica, garrafas, bonsais, pinturas, canecas, cac..
José Saramago |
A man went to knock on the king's door and said, Give me a boat
José Saramago |
Now, if two men have to walk along together for two or three hours at a time, even if they feel a really strong desire to communicate, they will inevitably, sooner or later, fall into awkward silences and possibly end up loathing each other. One of these men might be unable to resist the temptation to hurl his companion down a steep riverbank. People are quite right when they say that three is god's number, the number of peace and concord. ..
José Saramago |
'`ysh hkdh l'n hdh m 'ryd, '`ysh hkdh l'ny l 'ryd Tryq@ 'khr~ lHyty. lHy@ km yfhmh lakhrwn l qym@ lh `ndy. l Hb n yltqTny shy, wlHy@ 'khTbwT kthyr l'dhr`, dhr` wHd@ tkfy lHbs nsn. `ndm 'sh`r blDGT, qT` ldhr`. hdh mw'lm Hyn lkn l ybq~ ly Gyr hdh lHl
José Saramago |
Uma coisa que custa trabalho a entender e que o arquiduque maximiliano tenha decidido fazer a viagem de regresso nesta epoca do ano, mas a historia assim o deixou registado como facto incontroverso e documentado, avalizado pelos historiadores e confirmado pelo romancista, a quem havera que perdoar certas liberdades em nome, nao so do seu direito a inventar, mas tambem da necessidade de preencher os vazios para que nao viesse a perder-se de ..
José Saramago |
what good would it do her to have beautiful bright eyes such as these if there is no one to see them.
José Saramago |
Suclulugun tanri ve insanlar tarafindan ayni sekilde anlasilacagina inanmak hatadir, dedi meleklerden biri, Sodom orneginde tek bir suclu vardi ve bu da, sacma bir sekilde acele eden, -kendi olcutlerine gore- kotulukte bulunanlari secip cezalandirmakla vakit kaybetmek istemeyen tanri'ydi, hem zaten, sevgili melekler, tanri'nin, yalnizca tanri diye, kurallar, engeller, yasaklar ve ayni agirlikta baska bos lakirdilar saptayarak muminlerin mah..
José Saramago |
Quando se acredita em milagres, ja nao ha nada a esperar da esperanca
José Saramago |
Certain things can only be understood if we take the trouble to retrace their origins.
José Saramago |
a prova e que quando as coisas boas nao sucedem por si mesmas na realidade, a livre imaginacao da uma ajuda a composicao equilibrada do quadro.
José Saramago |
O egoismo, geralmente tido por uma das atitudes mais negativas e reprovaveis da especie humana, pode ter, em certas ciscunstancias, as suas boas razoes.
José Saramago |
Sentada no seu canto, a morte olhava. Muito mais tarde, o cao levantou-se do tapete e subiu para o sofa. Pela primeira vez na sua vida a morte soube o que era ter um cao no regaco.
José Saramago |
n fy dkhln shyy'an m l sm lh, wdhlk lshy hw m nHn `lyh
José Saramago |
n l'`m~ l'sw' hw dhlk ldhy lm yrd 'n yftH `ynyh
José Saramago |
Blindheit zieht man sich nicht zu, Den Tod zieht man sich auch nicht zu, und trotzdem sterben wir alle.
José Saramago |
whkdh yublG fy ltfSyl 'w yuHdhf mnh, wfqan ltfw'l 'w tshw'm mn ynqlwn lm`lwmt
José Saramago |
Tb`an kn khy'fyn wlkhwf lys mstshran Hkyman dy'man
José Saramago |
yjb 'n nkwn qd t`lWmn mr@ wHd@ wl~ l'bd 'n lqdr sytqlWb kthyran qbl 'n ySl l~ mkn
José Saramago |
Como la mayor parte de la gente comun, este Tertuliano Maximo Afonso tiene tanto de valiente como de cobarde.
José Saramago |
hdhh l'shy ntfwWh bh `ndm l n`rf kyf nnZr l~ 'nfsn jydan. sysrWn 'n nr~, lw `sh km `sht, n kn slwkh lHDry sydwm Twylan
José Saramago |
l ys`km 'n t`rfw, mdh y`ny 'n nkwn mbSryn fy `lm klWu mn fyh `myn, 'n lst mlk@, bl 'n bbsT@ tlk lnsn@ lty wulidt ltr~ hdh lr`b
José Saramago |