It just isn't possible for you to ask me all the questions, or for me to give you all the answers.
José Saramago |
Contrary to what is generally believed, meaning and sense were never the same thing, meaning shows itself at once, direct, literal, explicit, enclosed in itself, univocal, if you like, while sense cannot stay still, it seethes with second, third and fourth senses, radiating out in different directions that divide and subdivide into branches and branchlets, until they disappear from view, the sense of every word is like a star hurling spring..
José Saramago |
Because, sir, in case you don't know it, words move, they change from one day to the next, they are as unstable as shadows, are themselves shadows, which both are and have ceased to be, soap bubbles, shells in which one can barely hear a whisper, mere tree stumps.
José Saramago |
Keep what is of no use at the moment, and later you will find what you need.
José Saramago |
We have deemed all these words necessary in order to explain that we have been traveling more slowly than was predicted, concision is not a definitive virtue, on occasion one loses out by talking too much, it is true, but how much has also been gained by saying more than was strictly necessary.
José Saramago |
lwHd@ lm tkn qT blrfq@ lTyb@, fl'Hzn lkbyr@, wlGwt lkbyr@, wl'khT lkbyr@ hy `l~ ldwm tqryban ntyj@ bq lmr wHydan fy hdhh lHy@.
José Saramago |
If we cannot live entirely like human beings, at least let us do everything in our power not to live entirely like animals,
José Saramago |
ltkrr ykhyb l'ml dwman, yj`l lshy yfqd jmlh, wylHZ 'nh ynqSh ltlqy'y@ wn Gbt ltlqy'y@ Gb kl shy.
José Saramago |
A igreja nunca se lhe pediu que explicasse fosse o que fosse, a nossa outra especialidade, alem da balistica, tem sido neutralizar, pela fe, o espirito curioso.
José Saramago |
O caminho do engano nasce estreito, mas sempre encontrara quem esteja disposto a alarga-lo, digamos que o engano, repetindo a voz popular, e como o comer e o cocar, a questao e comecar.
José Saramago |
Are dreams perhaps the soul's memories of the body,
José Saramago |
human beings are known universally as the only animals capable of lying, and while it is true that they sometimes lie out of fear and sometimes out of self-interest, they also occasionally lie because they realize, just in time, that this is the only means available to them of defending the truth.
José Saramago |
Morrerao milhares, Morrerao centenas de milhares, Morrerao centenas de milhares de homens e mulheres, a terra encher-se-a de gritos de dor, de uivos e roncos de agonia, o fumo dos queimados cobrira o sol, a gordura deles rechinara sobre as brasas, o cheiro agoniara, e tudo isto sera por minha culpa, Nao por tua culpa, por tua causa, Pai, afasta de mim este calice, Que tu o bebas e a condicao do meu poder e da tua gloria, Nao quero esta glor..
José Saramago |
l'Hqd lqdym@ ltzwl bshwl@ .
José Saramago |
n lkhT' wlSwb bbsT@ Tryqtn mkhtlftn fy fhm `lqtn blakhryn , ltlk l`lqt lty nqymh m` 'nfsn, fhdhh yjb 'l nthq bh .
José Saramago |
Estranho animal e este bicho homem, tao capaz de tremendas insonias por causa de uma insignificancia como de dormir a perna solta na vespera da batalha
José Saramago |
mdh 'stTy` 'n 'f`l 'n? 'n 'tSnW` HubWan lm ylms qlby? lmsh`r l slTn `lyh, fhy lyst 'shy ytm khl`h 'w wD`h Tibqan lZrwf llHZ@, khS@ lw kn qlban Gyr mHtTan wm`f~an mm nHmlh dkhl Sdwrn.
José Saramago |
nHn l nsrq 'y shy 'bdan fy Hytn , w lknn nsrq dy'man fy Hy@ lakhryn
José Saramago |
I think we are all going to die, it's just a matter of time, Dying has always been a matter of time.
José Saramago |
lkhT' ykmn fy l`tqd fy 'n ldhnwb l tufhm blTryq@ nfsh mn qibl llh wmn qibl lbshr
José Saramago |
As criancas, disse Caim, aquelas criancas estavam inocentes, Meu deus, murmurou Abraao e a sua voz foi como um gemido, Sim, sera o teu deus, mas nao foi o delas.
José Saramago |
Would you like to hear the latest news, that colonel we mentioned earlier has gone blind, It'll be interesting to see what he thinks of that bright idea of his now, He already thought, he shot himself in the head, Now that's what I call a consistent attitude, The army is always ready to set an example.
José Saramago |
n trykh lbshr hw trykh khlfthm m` llh , fl hw yfhmn wl nHn nfhmh
José Saramago |
Tambem no interior do corpo a treva e profunda, e contudo o sangue chega ao coracao, o cerebro e cego e pode ver, e surdo e ouve, nao tem maos e alcanca, o homem claro esta, e o labirinto de si mesmo.
José Saramago |
nkhrTt m` Hshd lns lsy'ryn fy ltjh nfsh, w k'nh tsmH lnfsh 'n tnjrf m`hm, mjhwl@ bl 'dny 'mr@ thm 'w khjl Zhryn
José Saramago |
We are born, and at that moment, it is as if we had signed a pact for the rest of our life, but a day may come when we will ask ourselves Who signed this on my behalf,
José Saramago |
Fear can cause blindness...we were already blind the moment we turned blind, fear struck us blind, fear will keep us blind
José Saramago |
All the great sadnesses, great temptations, and great mistakes are almost always the result of being alone in life, without a prudent friend to advise us when we are troubled by something more serious than our normal everyday problems.
José Saramago |
given the behaviour of human beings throughout the ages, they do not deserve life, with its many dark sides, in all its beauty, grandeur and magnificence...
José Saramago |
Death went on, If I'd sent you, with your taste for expeditious methods, the matter would have been resolved, but times have changed a lot lately, and one has to update the means and the systems one uses, to keep up with the new technologies, by using e-mail, for example, I've heard tell that it's the most hygienic way, one that does away with inkblots and fingerprints, besides which it's fast, you just open up outlook express on microsoft ..
José Saramago |
Tb` kn khy'fyn wlkhwf lys mstshr Hkym dy'm
José Saramago |
Secondo me non siamo diventati ciechi, secondo me lo siamo. Ciechi che vedono. Ciechi che, pur vedendo, non vedono.
José Saramago |
mn lDrwry 'n nkwn mnTqyyn.
José Saramago |
It is well known that the human mind very often makes decisions for reasons it clearly does not know, presumably because it does so after having travelled the paths of the mind at such speed that, afterwards, it cannot recognise those paths, let alone find them again.
José Saramago |
whw'l hm 'shkhSun yqtSrwn `l~ l`ysh kyfm 'tfq , 'shkhSun lm ywjhw lqdr qT wjhan lwjh
José Saramago |
fhmt lmdh tDjr! l'nh l shy yjd qbwlan fy nZrk
José Saramago |
'n lTby'` Ht~ lHdhr@ wlmHtshm@ mnh lh nqT D`fh .
José Saramago |
Ni la juventud sabe lo que puede, ni la vejez puede lo que sabe.
José Saramago |
tmnt bSf lw 'nh t`my 'yD, tkhtrq lqshr@ lmry'y@ ll'shy w tlj `mqh, ly `my'h lmdwkh Gyr lqbl llshf
José Saramago |
flrjl,wyjb `lyn 'n n`trf bdhlk df`@ wHd@,ln ytwSlw 'bd l~ fhm lns.
José Saramago |
Tanto e o que precisamos de lancar culpas a algo distante quando o que nos faltou foi a coragem de encarar o que estava na nossa frente.
José Saramago |
time is a master of ceremonies who always ends up putting us in our rightful place, we advance, stop, and retreat according to his orders, our mistake lies in imagining that we can catch him out.
José Saramago |
Dentro di noi c'e una cosa che non ha nome, e quella cosa e cio che siamo
José Saramago |
A quien tal vez no veamos mas, o tal vez si, porque la vida se rie de las perversiones y pone palabras donde imaginabamos silencios y subitos regresos cuando pensabamos que no volveriamos a encontrarnos.
José Saramago |