'dhkrk 'nh lys hnk m hw 'shd Drr bmn y`ml l HDwr mn l y`mlwn shyy'.
José Saramago |
Y esa isla desconocida, si la encuentras sera para mi, a ti rey, solo te interesan las islas conocidas.
José Saramago |
A man must earn his daily bread by some means some-where, and if his bread fails to nourish his soul, at least his body will be nourished while his soul suffers.
José Saramago |
That night there was no conversation, no prayers or stories around the fire, as if the proximity of Jerusalem demanded respectful silence, each man searching his heart and asking, Who is this person who resembles me yet whom I fail to recognize. This is not what they actually said, for people do not start talking to themselves like that, nor was this even in their conscious thoughts, but there can be no doubt that as we sit staring into the..
José Saramago |
Os momentos nao chegam nunca tarde nem cedo, chegam a hora deles, nao temos de agradecer-lhes as coincidencias, quando ocorram, entre o que tinham para propor e o que nos necessitavamos.
José Saramago |
'y`ql 'nh mzl hnk tmrw' qdr `l~ tjhl 'n lfDyl@ l twjh dy'm l'shrk `l~ Tryq lnq lw`r jd,bynm lkhTyy'@ wlrdhyl@ tkfan blHZ
José Saramago |
Baltasar Mateus, o Sete-Sois, esta calado, apenas olha fixamente Blimunda, e de cada vez que ela o olha a ele sente um aperto na boca do estomago, porque olhos como estes nunca se viram, claros de cinzento, ou verde, ou azul, que com a luz de fora variam ou o pensamento de dentro, e as vezes tornam-se negros noturnos ou brancos brilhantes como lasca de carvao de pedra.
José Saramago |
Nao ha estrelas no ceu branco
José Saramago |
Decimos a los confusos, Conocete a ti mismo, como si conocerse a uno mismo no fuese la quinta y mas dificultosa operacion de las aritmeticas humanas, decimos a los abulicos, Querer es poder, como si las realidades atroces del mundo no se divirtiesen invirtiendo todos los dias la posicion relativa de los verbos, decimos a los indecisos, Empezar por el principio, como si ese principio fuese la punta siempre visible de un hilo mal enrollado de..
José Saramago |
La enciclopedia comprada por el padre de Cipriano Algor es tan magnifica e inutil como un verso que no conseguimos recordar.
José Saramago |
Porque, enfim, podemos fugir de tudo, nao de nos proprios.
José Saramago |
voar e uma coisa simples comparando com Blimunda
José Saramago |
Now, on the contrary, here he was , plunged into a whiteness so luminous, so total, that it swallowed up rather than absorbed, not just colours, but the very things and beings , thus making them twice as invisible
José Saramago |
Deixa-te levar pela crianca que foste.>>
José Saramago |
Pregunto Isaac, Padre, que mal te he hecho para que quisieras matarme, a mi que soy tu unico hijo, Mal no me has hecho, Isaac, Entonces por que quisiste cortarme el cuello como si fuese un borrego, pregunto el chiquillo, si no hubiera aparecido ese hombre, a quien el senor cubra de bendiciones, para sujetarte el brazo, estarias ahora llevando un cadaver a casa, La idea fue del senor, que queria la prueba, La de que, De mi fe, de mi obedienc..
José Saramago |
his career had just taken a great leap forward, he was going to pee in his chief's toilet.
José Saramago |
Prudence tried to hold him back, grip him by the sleeve, but, as everyone knows, or should know, prudence is only of any use when it is trying to conserve something in which we are no longer interested.
José Saramago |
There are people like Senhor Jose everywhere, who fill their time, or what they believe to be their spare time, by collecting stamps, coins, medals, vases, postcards, matchboxes, books, clocks, sport shirts, autographs, stones, clay figurines, empty beverage cans, little angels, cacti, opera programmes, lighters, pens, owls, music boxes, bottles, bonsai trees, paintings, mugs, pipes, glass obelisks, ceramic ducks, old toys, carnival masks, ..
José Saramago |
La unica manera de liquidar al dragon es cortarle la cabeza, limarle las unas no sirve de nada,
José Saramago |
The prime minister's final flourish, Honour your country, for the eyes of the country are upon you, complete with drumrolls and bungle blasts, unearthed from the attics of the mustiest of nationalistic rhetoric, was ruined by a Good night that rang entirely false, but then that is the great thing about ordinary words, they are incapable of deceit.
José Saramago |
El medico se identifico cuando se pusieron al telefono, luego dijo rapidamente, Bien, gracias, sin duda la telefonista le habia preguntado, Como esta, doctor, es lo que decimos cuando no queremos mostrar nuestra debilidad, decimos, Bien, aunque nos estemos muriendo, a esto le llama el vulgo hacer de tripas corazon, fenomeno de conversion visceral que solo en la especie humana ha sido observado.
José Saramago |
Tampoco la muerte se pega, y todos nos morimos.
José Saramago |
Deus e tanto mais Deus quanto mais inacessivel for.
José Saramago |
El pasado es un inmenso pedregal que a muchos les gustaria recorrer como si de una autopista se tratara, mientras otros, pacientemente, van de piedra en piedra, y las levantan, porque necesitan saber que hay debajo de ellas.
José Saramago |
Certaines relations harmonieuses se creent et durent grace a un systeme complexe de menues contre-verites, de renoncements, une espece de ballet complice d'attitudes et de postures qui peut se resumer dans un proverbe jamais assez cite, ou plutot une sentence, cette designation lui convenant beaucoup mieux, Toi et moi nous savons, mais tais-toi et je me tairai. (ch. 5)
José Saramago |
The will of God, the creator and ruler of the universe, embraces all possible wills, His own as well as that of every man born into this world. If this is so, intervened Jesus with sudden insight, then each man is a part of God.
José Saramago |
Sempre vivi so, Tambem eu, mas a solidao nao e viver so, a solidao e nao sermos capazes de fazer companhia a alguem ou a alguma coisa que esta dentro de nos, a solidao nao e uma arvore no meio duma planicie onde so ela esteja, e a distancia entre a seiva profunda e a casca, entre a folha e a raiz
José Saramago |
In effetti, [dio] sarebbe riapparso solo molto piu tardi, in una data di cui non e rimasta traccia, per scacciare la sventurata coppia dal giardino dell'eden per il nefando crimine di aver mangiato del frutto dell'albero del bene e del male. Questo episodio, che diede origine alla prima definizione di un peccato originale fino ad allora ignorato, non e mai stato ben spiegato. In primo luogo, persino l'intelligenza piu rudimentale non avrebb..
José Saramago |
Switch on the light, she said, I want to know if this is real.
José Saramago |
l 'ryd 'n 'bny aml qd ytDH 'nh Gyr mswG@.
José Saramago |
Por no tener con quien hablar acabaran un dia sin tener nada que decir.
José Saramago |
Now they all felt the need to relieve themselves, especially the poor boy who could not hold it in any longer, in fact, however reluctant we might be to admit it, these distasteful realities of life also have to be considered, when the bowels function normally, anyone can have ideas, debate, for example, whether there exists a direct relationship between the eyes and feelings, or whether the sense of responsibility if the natural consequenc..
José Saramago |
Lo mas seguro es que satan no sea nada mas que un instrumento del senor, el encargado de llevar a cabo los trabajos sucios que dios no puede firmar con su nombre.
José Saramago |
A VECES LA MANANA AYUDA Hace tiempo que ando escribiendo una cronica que llevaria el titulo "No siempre la manana ayuda". Y hasta tenia el comienzo apuntado en un papel por ahi, a toda prisa, sobre la mesa del despacho. Empieza asi: "Al salir de la casa y tropezar con el rostro del sol(antiguamente lo representabamos asi, con una amplia sonrisa y los ojos alegres, con una cabellera de rayos resplandecientes), deberiamos caer de rodillas, of..
José Saramago |
Blind people do not need a name, I am my voice, nothing else matters.
José Saramago |
It's odd how lightly people speak about the future, as if they held it in their hand, as if it was in their power to push it further off or bring it nearer in accordance with the needs and expediencies of the moment.
José Saramago |
lnd` lzmn y'khdh mjrh wsykwn hnk Hl.
José Saramago |
Blindness is also this, to live in a world where all hope is gone.
José Saramago |
lw 'nn nm`n ltfkyr qbl lqym b'y f`l, fy lnty'j lmtrtb@ `lyh, nrwzh jydan, nfkr 'wlan fy lnty'j lfwry@, thm lmHtml@, wb`dy'dhin lmmkn@, w'khyran tlk lty ymkn tkhylh, fln nkhTw 'bdan 'b`d mn lnqT@ lty ttwqf `ndh mHkmtn l'wl~.
José Saramago |
'fDl Tryq@ lj`l zhr@ tmwt hy jbrh `l~ ltftH blqw@ why l tt`d~ kwnh w`d bzhr@ .
José Saramago |
l`m~ ms'l@ khS@ byn lfrd w`ynyh lltyn khlq bhm
José Saramago |
Jesus wiped his tears on the back of his hand, blew his nose, who knows where, and yes, there is no point spending the whole day here, the desert is what it is, it surrounds us, in some ways protects us, but when it comes to giving, it gives us nothing, it simply looks on, and when the sun suddenly clouds over, so that we find ourselves thinking, The sky mirrors our sorrow, we are being foolish, because the sky is quite impartial and neithe..
José Saramago |
Just two tears. That's all life is worth.
José Saramago |
e e possivel que esta noite, depois de jantar, abra a suite de bach sobre o atril, respire fundo e roce com o arco as cordas para que a primeira nota nascida o venha consolar das incorrigiveis banalidades do mundo e a segunda as faca esquecer
José Saramago |