lshy kl'ml lHqyqy ystTy` tGyyr ar lmr
José Saramago |
l wjwd llTrq lqSyr@ wlmbshr@
José Saramago |
we know that it is the search that gives meaning to any find and that one often has to travel a long way in order to arrive at what is near.
José Saramago |
Ora, a solidao, ainda vai ter de aprender muito para saber o que isso e, Sempre vivi so, Tambem eu, mas a solidao nao e viver so, a solidao e nao sermos capazes de fazer companhia a alguem ou a alguma coisa que esta dentro de nos, a solidao nao e uma arvore no meio duma planicie onde so ela esteja, e a distancia entre a seiva profunda e a casca, entre a folha e a raiz, Voce esta a tresvariar, tudo quanto menciona esta ligado entre si, ai na..
José Saramago |
Have you ever wondered if death is the same for all living beings, be they animals, human beings included, or plants, from the grass you walk on to the hundred-meter-tall sequoiadendron giganteum, will the death that kills a man who knows he's going to die be the same as that of a horse who never will.
José Saramago |
nn nhb jdan fkr@ mwtn, wlhdh nHwl dy'man yjd l'`dhr llmwt~, wk'nn nTlb msbqan 'n nu`dhr `ndm yHyn dwrn.
José Saramago |
a vida e uma orquestra que sempre esta tocando, afinada, desafinada, um paquete titanic que sempre se afunda e sempre volta a superficie
José Saramago |
There must be a government, said the first blind man, I'm not so sure, but there is, it will be a government of the blind trying to rule the blind, that is to say, nothingness trying to organize nothingness.
José Saramago |
God does not forgive the sins He makes us commit.
José Saramago |
n lS`wb@ l tkmn fy m`ysh@ lns .. nm fy fhmhm.
José Saramago |
The angel told her, An honest man who committed a crime, you have no idea how many honest men have committed crimes, their crimes are countless, and contrary to popular belief these are the only crimes that cannot be forgiven.
José Saramago |
o que vem amanha e que conta, hoje e sempre nada
José Saramago |
I don't quite grasp your meaning. --Just as I don't quite understand what I am saying. But back to the point....
José Saramago |
Hdhr ybny, `br@ ltmlq lmtkrr@ ln tkwn mrDy@ fy nhy@ l'mr, wbltly stSyr km lsubW@.
José Saramago |
don't ask me what good and what evil are, we knew what it was each time we had to act when blindness was an ex- ception, what is right and what is wrong are simply different ways of understanding our relationships with the others, not that which we have with ourselves, one should not trust the latter
José Saramago |
'm lslH l'qw~ w l'qT` fhw ljhl . knt syjysbyrtw tqwl fy `sh ywm myldh nh mn lmly'm 'l y`rfw,'lyqrw,'lyktbw,'lyHkw,'lyfkrw,'n y`tbrw wyqblw 'n lduny l yumkn tGyyrh,w 'n hdhh lHy@ hy lHtml lwHyd lmmkn ,bm hy `lyh ,n wr hdhh lHy@ tntZrhm ljn@ ,w'fDl mn yshrH dhlk hw l'b 'jmydys,wn l`ml ymnH lml w lkrm@,lkn bdwn 'n yufkrw 'n~ 'rbH 'kthr mnhm!
José Saramago |
The sun appears in one of the upper corners of the rectangle, on the left of anyone looking at the picture.
José Saramago |
The virtue of maps, they show what can be done with limited space, they foresee that everything can happen therein.
José Saramago |
La muerte esta enfadada. Es el momento de sacarle la lengua.
José Saramago |
um fazedor de versos que deixou a sua parte de loucura no mundo, e essa a grande diferenca que ha entre os poetas e os doidos, o destino da loucura que os tomou.
José Saramago |
'n kl lqSS mshbh@ llqSS `n khlq lkwn, fl 'Hd kn hnk, l 'Hd shhd 'y shy, rGm dhlk fljmy` y`rf m qd jr~ !
José Saramago |
Everything that will happen will happen...and if you don't get to see it.. It will be because we didn't live long enough
José Saramago |
Se eu voltar a ter olhos, olharei verdadeiramente os olhos dos outros, como se estivesse a ver-lhes a alma, A alma, perguntou o velho da venda preta, Ou o espirito, o nome pouco importa, foi entao que, surpreendentemente, se tivermos em conta que se trata de pessoa que nao passou por estudos adiantados, a rapariga dos oculos escuros disse, Dentro de nos ha uma coisa que nao tem nome, essa coisa e o que somos.
José Saramago |
Olharei a tua sombra se nao quiseres que te olhe a ti, disse-lhe, e ele respondeu, Quero estar onde minha sombra estiver, se la e que estiverem os teus olhos. Amavam-se e diziam palavras como estas, nao apenas por serem belas ou verdadeiras, se e possivel ser-se o mesmo ao mesmo tempo, mas porque pressentiam que o tempo das sombras estava chegando na sua hora, e era preciso que comecassem a acostumar-se, ainda juntos, a escuridao da ausenci..
José Saramago |
hmh gnhkhr w bygnhym
José Saramago |
If shame still has any meaning in this hell we're expected to live...it is thanks to that person who had the courage to go and kill,... Agreed, but shame won't fill our plates,... You're right in what you say, there have always been those who have filled their bellies because they had no sense of shame.
José Saramago |
O respeito pelos sentimentos alheios e a melhor condicao para uma prospera e feliz vida de relacoes e afecto.
José Saramago |
n lfrq l'kyd ldhy ymkn 'n n`qdh byn lns lys tqsymhm l~ 'dhky 'w 'Gbyn wnm l~ 'dhky w'kthr dhkan fm` l'Gby nf`l m nryd, 'm l'dhky flHl 'n nD`hm fy khdmtn, 'm l'kthr dhkan, khS@ `ndm ykwnw jnbn, fhm 'shd khTwr@ bshkl jwhryn wl ymkn 'n ytlfw dhlk, wlTryf fy l'mr 'nhm yqwlwn ln bstmrr btSrfthm n `lyn 'n n'khdh mnhm Hdhrn, lknn `d@ l nntbh ltHdhyrthm wb`dh `lyn 'n ntHml l`wqb
José Saramago |
nfkr 'wlan fy lnty'j lfwry@, thm lmHtml@, wb`d dhlk lmmkn@ w'khyran tlk lty ymkn tkhylh .
José Saramago |
we confidently say that it's not worth trying to reach any conclusions merely because we decide to stop halfway along the path that would lead us straight to them.
José Saramago |
Um homem pode andar por ca uma vida toda e nunca se achar, se nasceu perdido. E tanto lhe fara morrer, chegada a hora.
José Saramago |
m 'ryd m`rfth lan hw kyf ykwn dhlk l`lm `ndm ykhtfy lbshr w lnty'j lty ytsbbwn fyh? rbm l ykwn mfydan ltfkyr `l~ hdh lnHw lDkhm ?, ylh mn dwr , w lan Hsn , ykfy 'n ytbq~ `l~ qyd lHy@ b`D lHywnt lSGyr@ w b`D lHshrt , w`ndh sykwn hnk `wlm : `lm lnml@ , w `lm ljndb w l tunftH lsry'r , wln ytm lnZr fy mra@ , w 'kthr mn dhlk , fy lnhy@ fn lHqyq@ lkbr~ , l ymkn ll`lm 'n ymwt .
José Saramago |
'qSd 'nn fqr jdan blmsh`r, 'w 'nn lsn fqr bh, Gyr 'nn twqfn `n stkhdm lklmt lty t`br `nh. w bhdh nkwn qd 'D`nh.
José Saramago |
lGryzy@ tt`ysh jnban l~ jnb m` ldhk, wlknh 'sr` mnh bSwr@ Gyr mtnhy@, wlhdh yjd ldhk lmskyn nfsh mDHkan fy 'Hyn kthyr@, w'nh mzrd~ fy mnsbt kthyr@.
José Saramago |
n kn Gyr qdryn `l~ l`ysh kky'nt bshry@, fd`wn `l~ l'ql nf`l kl m bws`n ky l n`ysh klHywnt tmman.
José Saramago |
Nothing so tires a person as having to struggle, not with himself, but with an abstraction.
José Saramago |
parece que nao ves que as palavras sao rotulos que se pegam as cousas, nao sao as cousas, nunca saberas como sao as cousas, nem sequer que nomes sao na realidade os seus, porque os nomes que lhes deste nao sao mais do que isso, os nomes que lhes deste
José Saramago |
Human vocabulary is still not capable, and probably never will be, of knowing, recognizing, and communicating everything that can be humanly experienced and felt. Some say that the main cause of this very serious difficulty lies in the fact that human beings are basically made of clay, which, as the encyclopedias helpfully explain, is a detrital sedimentary rock made up of tiny mineral fragments measuring one two hundred and fifty-sixths of..
José Saramago |
Put less respectfully, these men and women, standing before the mirror of their life, spit every day in the face of what they were with the sputum of what they are.
José Saramago |
Vivem em nos inumeros, se penso ou sinto, ignoro quem e que pensa ou sente, sou somente o lugar onde se pensa e sente e, nao acabando aqui, e como se acabasse, uma vez que para alem de pensar e sentir nao ha mais nada.
José Saramago |
Do you mean that we have more words than we need, I mean that we have too few feelings, Or that we have them but have ceased to use the words they express, And so we lose them
José Saramago |
Si no somos capaces de vivir enteramente como personas, hagamos lo posible para no vivir enteramente como animales,
José Saramago |
Virtue, should there be anyone who still ignores the fact, always finds pitfalls on the extremely difficult path of perfection, but sin and vice are so favoured by fortune...
José Saramago |
klmt kthyr@ mn 'jl shy' wHyd ky'yb,nh `d@ hw'l lbshr,fhm l yqwlwn 'bd myrydwn qwlh df`@ wHd@.
José Saramago |