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c0263eb A letter is a most hazardous business, the written word allows no indecision, either distance or familiarity will emphasize the tone the letter establishes, and you end up with a relationship that is fiction José Saramago
16f7382 foi uma vez sem exemplo, so para que se ficasse a saber que Deus, quando quer, nao precisa de homens, embora nao possa dispensar-se de mulheres. José Saramago
a4ab62a Takav je obicaj, ljudi govore stvari bez razmisljanja, ne stede reci pa sta bude, i ne pada im na pamet da se zaustave i razmisle o posledicama. nobel-prize-winner smrt-i-njeni-hirovi josé-saramago José Saramago
b29b746 Na katantas na pleroneis gia ta idia sou ta oneira, megalutere apelpisia ap' aute den uparkhei. José Saramago
e9e0c3c Talvez este Deus e o que ha-de vir nao sejam mais do que heteronimos,De quem, de que, perguntou curiosa outra voz, De Pessoa, foi o que se percebeu, mas tambem podia ter sido, Da Pessoa José Saramago
51604bf No puede ser bueno un dios que le da a un padre la orden de que mate y queme en una hoguera a su propio hijo simplemente para poner a prueba su fe, José Saramago
0435b37 perhaps she would finally ask him what the devil the Central Registry was up to going to so much trouble over one person, a woman of no importance, it would be an indecent lie, as well as arrant stupidity, to tell her that we are all equal in the eyes of the Central Registry, just as the sun is there for everyone each time it rises, there are things one should avoid saying to an older person if we don't want them to laugh in our faces. José Saramago
e76d5a1 Although not a person whom one could give as an example or model of bravery, Senhor Jose, after his years in the Central Registry, has acquired a knowledge of the night, of shadows, obscurity and darkness that makes up for his natural timidity and now permits him, without excessive fear, to reach his arm into the body of the dragon in search of the light switch. José Saramago
23323af Khoris mellon to paron den ekhei kamia axia, einai san na men uparkhei"." inspirational value greek José Saramago
61a3866 La storia degli uomini e la storia dei loro fraintendimenti con dio, ne lui capisce noi, ne noi capiamo lui. José Saramago
f81ff8d A ideia foi do senhor que queria tirar a prova, A prova de que, Da minha fe, da minha obediencia, E que senhor e esse que ordena a um pai que mate o seu proprio filho, E o senhor que temos, o senhor dos nossos antepassados, o senhor que ja ca estava quando nascemos,E se esse senhor tivesse um filho, tambem o mandaria matar, perguntou isaac, O futuro o dia, Entao o senhor e capaz de tudo, do bom, do mau e do pior, Assim e. deus josé-saramago José Saramago
3141adb que si antes de cada accion pudiesemos prever todas sus consecuencias, nos pusiesemos a pensar en ellas seriamente, primero en las consecuencias immediatas, despues en las probables, mas tarde las posibles, luego las imaginables, no llegariamos siquiera a movernos de donde el primer pensamiento nos hubiera hecho detenernos. José Saramago
7170811 Ciegos que, viendo, no ven. José Saramago
ce682c0 lwHd@ lm tkn qT blrfq@ lTyb@, fl'Hzn lkbyr@, wlGwt lkbyr@, wl'khT lkbyr@ hy `l~ lTwm tqryban ntyjw bq lmr wHydan fy hdhh lHy@ José Saramago
4a882a3 Quien va a morir esta ya muerto y no lo sabe, Que hemos de morir es algo que sabemos desde que nacemos, Por eso, en cierto modo, es como si ya hubieramos nacido muertos... José Saramago
5246937 Sozcuklerin arasinda da bir hiyerarsi, bir protokol ve hatta asalet unvanlari vardir ya da tam tersine bazi sozcukler ayaktakimina mensup olduklarini gosteren izler tasirlar. ayaktakımı hiyerarşi izler sözcük sözcükler José Saramago
c172d18 Morir siempre es una cuestion de tiempo. tiempo José Saramago
c02ad28 Nos pertenece mas lo que vino a ofrecerse a nosotros que aquello que tuvimos que conquistar. pertenencia José Saramago
64286f0 Paraiso ou inferno, ou coisa nenhuma, o que se passe depois da morte importa-nos muito menos que o que geralmente se cre, a religiao, senhor filosofo, e um assunto da terra, nao tem nada que ver com o ceu. José Saramago
cade827 Estoy cansado de esa chachara de que los designios del senor son inescrutables, respondio cain, dios deberia ser transparente y limpido como cristal en lugar de este continuo pavor, de este continuo miedo. José Saramago
b84431a Quanti anni ha, Trentotto, Bene, allora andiamo ad esaminare questi occhi. Il cieco li spalanco, come per facilitare l'esame, ma il medico lo prese per un braccio e lo fece sedere dietro un apparecchio che con un po' di immaginazione si sarebbe potuto vedere come un nuovo modello di confessionale, dove gli occhi avessero preso il posto delle parole, con il confessore che scruta discretamente nell'anima del peccatore José Saramago
b1745e1 Finding these events set down in the history book did not change her mind in the least, all the textbook did was collect together the free-flowing fantasies of the person who had written it, and there was clearly little difference between those fantasies and the ones you could find in a novel. José Saramago
b3316a0 none of them has a capital P branded on his forehead, José Saramago
68a5a93 y cuando ya no tengan mas nada para decirse o cuando las palabras comiencen a ir por un lado y los pensamientos por el otro, entonces se vera si puede suceder algo que valga la pena recordar cuando seamos viejos. José Saramago
18d4957 we have been forced to watch, powerless, the rebels' brilliant tactic of helping our voters to move all their useless junk back into their apartments, that, gentlemen, could only be the brainchild of some machiavellian mastermind, José Saramago
ac95b2f agora estavam chorando todos, a viuva e os seus nove filhos, e ela nao sabia a qual acudir, ajoelhou-se enfim no chao, exaurida de forcas, e as criancas vieram para ela e rodearam-na, um cacho vivo que nao precisava ser pisado para verter esse branco sangue que e a lagrima. José Saramago
37bb9de Entonces tendras que leer de otra manera, Como, No sirve la misma forma para todos, cada uno inventa la suya, la suya propia, hay quien se pasa la vida entera leyendo sin conseguir nunca ir mas alla de la lectura, se quedan pegados a la pagina, no entienden que las palabras son solo piedras puestas atravesando la corriente de un rio, si estan alli es para que podamos llegar a la otra margen, la otra margen es lo que importa. libros José Saramago
edebb5e Unless Caesar Augustus is unwittingly complying with the will of God, if it is true that in His divine wisdom He has ordained that Joseph and Mary should go to Bethlehem at this time. José Saramago
a8c005a Dieser junge Bursche, der sich in einem Alter nach Jerusalem begibt, in dem die meisten seiner Gefahrten sich kaum erst vor das eigene Tor wagen, ist vielleicht nicht gerade ein Adler an Scharfsinn, kein Ausbund an Intelligenz, unsere Achtung verdient er aber dennoch, er tragt, wie es selbst erklarte, eine Wunde in der Seele, und da seine Natur es ihm verwehrt, darauf zu warten, dass die schlichte Gewohnheit, mit ihr zu leben, diese heilte,.. José Saramago
d9c0ad7 A great night, yes sir, exclaimed one of them licking his chops and another confirmed, Those seven were worth fourteen, it's true that one of them was no great shakes, but in the middle of all that uproar who noticed, their men are lucky sods, if they're man enough for them. It would be better if they weren't, then they'd be more eager. From the far end of the ward, the doctor's wife said, There are no longer seven of us, Has one of you vam.. José Saramago
36745f5 Olum butun gun odasindan cikmadi, kahvaltisini da, ogle yemegini de, aksam yemegini de hep odasinda yedi. Gec vakitlere kadar televizyon izledi. Sonra isigi sondurdu ve yatagina girdi. Uyumadi. Zira olum hic uyumaz. ölüm José Saramago
9b52f0d no sera menor la alegria por ser breve la ausencia, la ausencia es tambien una muerte, la unica diferencia es la esperanza. José Saramago
c1137be On those grim days when he felt surrounded by the vacuum of absurdity, he always felt particularly weary. He tried to blame his weariness on the daily José Saramago
f17cefb The hidden meaning of life . . . "But the hidden meaning of life is that life has no hidden meaning." José Saramago
5281be1 the General Cemetery's unwritten motto is All the Names, although it should be said that, in fact, these three words fit the Central Registry like a glove, because it is there that all the names are to be found, both those of the dead and those of the living, while the cemetery, given its role as ultimate destination and ultimate depository, has to content itself only with the names of the dead. This mathematical evidence, however, is not e.. José Saramago
45200c7 Am I really a mistake, he wondered, and supposing I am, what significance. what consequences does it have for a human being to know that he's a mistake. José Saramago
c27a7fe Indeed, very few people are aware that in each of our fingers, located somewhere between the first phalange, the mesophalange, and the metaphalange, there is a tiny brain. The fact is that the other organ which we call the brain, the one with which we came into the world, the one which we transport around in our head and which transports us to that we can transport it, has only ever had a every general vague, diffuse and, above all, unimagi.. José Saramago
400da02 since all the others there were blind as well, what good would it do her to have beautiful bright eyes such as these if there is no one to see them. The doctor's wife said, We all have our moments of weakness, just as well that we are still capable of weeping, tears are often our salvation, there are times when we would die if we did not weep José Saramago
874b5e9 Fueron pasando las horas, uno tras otro los ciegos entraron en el sueno. Algunos se habian cubierto la cabeza con la manta, como si deseasen que la oscuridad, una oscuridad autentica, una negra oscuridad, apagara definitivamente los soles deslustrados en que sus ojos se habian convertido. José Saramago
340a97a We can be only too grateful that an Archbishop of Braga should have immersed himself so deeply in theological speculation, armed and equipped as he was for war, with his coat of mail, his broadsword dangling from the José Saramago
8f2191b Con las palabras todo cuidado es poco, mudan de opinion como las personas"." words fiction literature-communication opinion humankind José Saramago
d9a4bc1 Why they were loaded with bags of beans and peas and anything else they happened to pick up when they were still some distance away from the street where the first blind man and his wife lived, for that is where they are going, is a question that could only occur to someone who has never in his life suffered shortages. poverty suffering thrift frugality José Saramago
f015775 Despues, como si acabase de descubrir algo que estuviera obligado a saber desde mucho tiempo antes, murmuro, triste, De esa masa estamos hechos, mitad indiferencia y mitad ruindad. José Saramago
df80091 the inmates of the second ward in the right wing have decided, at long last, to bury their dead, at least we shall be rid of that particular stench, the smell of the living, however fetid, will be easier to get used to. José Saramago