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Chapter 4
I Jo Wycliffe 4:1  Moost dere britheren, nyle ye bileue to ech spirit, but preue ye spiritis, if thei ben of God; for many false prophetis wenten out in to the world.
I Jo Wycliffe 4:2  In this thing the spirit of God is knowun; ech spirit that knowlechith that Jhesu Crist hath come in fleisch, is of God;
I Jo Wycliffe 4:3  and ech spirit that fordoith Jhesu, is not of God. And this is antecrist, of whom ye herden, that he cometh; and riyt now he is in the world.
I Jo Wycliffe 4:4  Ye, litle sones, ben of God, and ye han ouercome hym; for he that is in you is more, than he that is in the world.
I Jo Wycliffe 4:5  Thei ben of the world, therfor thei speken of the world, and the world herith hem.
I Jo Wycliffe 4:6  We ben of God; he that knowith God, herith vs; he that is not of God, herith not vs. In this thing we knowen the spirit of treuthe, and the spirit of errour.
I Jo Wycliffe 4:7  Moost dere britheren, loue we togidere, for charite is of God; and ech that loueth his brother, is borun of God, and knowith God.
I Jo Wycliffe 4:8  He that loueth not, knowith not God; for God is charite.
I Jo Wycliffe 4:9  In this thing the charite of God apperide in vs, for God sente hise oon bigetun sone in to the world, that we lyue bi hym.
I Jo Wycliffe 4:10  In this thing is charite, not as we hadden loued God, but for he firste louede vs, and sente hise sone foryyuenesse for oure synnes.
I Jo Wycliffe 4:11  Ye moost dere britheren, if God louede vs, we owen to loue ech other.
I Jo Wycliffe 4:12  No man say euer God; if we louen togidre, God dwellith in vs, and the charite of hym is perfit in vs.
I Jo Wycliffe 4:13  In this thing we knowen, that we dwellen in hym, and he in vs; for of his spirit he yaf to vs.
I Jo Wycliffe 4:14  And we sayen, and witnessen, that the fadir sente his sone sauyour of the world.
I Jo Wycliffe 4:15  Who euer knowlechith, that Jhesu is the sone of God, God dwellith in him, and he in God.
I Jo Wycliffe 4:16  And we han knowun, and bileuen to the charite, that God hath in vs. God is charite, and he that dwellith in charite, dwellith in God, and God in hym.
I Jo Wycliffe 4:17  In this thing is the perfit charite of God with vs, that we haue trist in the dai of dom; for as he is, also we ben in this world.
I Jo Wycliffe 4:18  Drede is not in charite, but perfit charite puttith out drede; for drede hath peyne. But he that dredith, is not perfit in charite.
I Jo Wycliffe 4:20  If ony man seith, that `Y loue God, and hatith his brother, he is a liere. For he that loueth not his brothir, which he seeth, hou mai he loue God, whom he seeth not?
I Jo Wycliffe 4:21  And we han this comaundement of God, that he that loueth God, loue also his brothir.