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Chapter 12
Acts OrthJBC 12:1  Now during that time Herod the king laid his hands on Moshiach's Kehillah to harm some of them.
Acts OrthJBC 12:2  He killed Ya'akov the ach Yochanan with a cherev (sword).
Acts OrthJBC 12:3  Having seen that this was pleasing to the Judeans, Herod proceeded to arrest Kefa also. This happened during the yamim of Chag HaMatzot. [Shemot 12:15; 23:25]
Acts OrthJBC 12:4  When he had Kefa seized, he put him in the beis hasohar, having handed him over to four squads of chaiyalim to guard him, intending after Pesach to bring him before the people.
Acts OrthJBC 12:5  Therefore, Kefa was being kept in the beis hasohar. But tefillah to Hashem was earnestly being made by Moshiach's Kehillah for him. SHIMON KEFA DELIVERED FROM THE BEIS HASOHAR
Acts OrthJBC 12:6  But b'lailah, when Herod was about to lead him out, Kefa, bound with two shasherot (chains), was sleeping between shnei chaiyalim; and, before the delet (door), were shomrim (guards) keeping watch over the beis hasohar.
Acts OrthJBC 12:7  Then--hinei--a malach HaAdon approached and ohr (light) shone in the cheder (room), and, having struck the side of Kefa, he awoke him, saying, "Get up quickly!" And the kaval (chain/fetter) fell off his hands. [Tehillim 107:14]
Acts OrthJBC 12:8  The malach said to Kefa, "Put on your gartel and tie your sandals." And Kefa did so. And the malach says to him, "Put on your kaftan and follow me."
Acts OrthJBC 12:9  And having gone out, Kefa was following the malach, and he did not have da'as that the thing happening was grahda (as a matter of fact) real, but he was thinking he was seeing a chazon through the malach.
Acts OrthJBC 12:10  And having gone through the shomrim, the rishonim and the sheniyyim, they came upon the Sha'ar HaBarzel leading to the Ir Kodesh. This was opened to them by itself. And having gone out, they went along one rehkov (street), and immediately the malach went away from him.
Acts OrthJBC 12:11  And Kefa, having come to himself, said, "Now I have da'as for sure that HaAdon sent out his malach and delivered me from the hand of Herod and from all the expectation of the Judean people." [Tehillim 34:7; Daniel 3:28; 6:22]
Acts OrthJBC 12:12  Having realized this, Kefa came upon the bais of Miryam the em (mother) of Yochanan, the one being called Markos, where there were many having been assembled and davening.
Acts OrthJBC 12:13  And when Kefa knocked on the delet (door) of the gate, a na'arah by name Rhoda, approached to listen.
Acts OrthJBC 12:14  And having recognized the kol of Kefa, from simcha she did not open the gate but, having run inside, she reported that Kefa stood at the gate.
Acts OrthJBC 12:15  But the ones there said to her, "You are meshuggah!" But she kept insisting it was so. But they were saying, "It is his malach."
Acts OrthJBC 12:16  But Kefa continued knocking. And having opened the gate, they saw him, and were mishpoyel (standing in awe).
Acts OrthJBC 12:17  And having motioned to them with his hand to be silent, he told them how HaAdon led him out from the beis hasohar. Then Kefa said, "Report to Ya'akov and to the Achim b'Moshiach these things." And having gone out, Kefa went to another place.
Acts OrthJBC 12:18  Now when it was boker, there was not a little commotion among the chaiyalim as to what had become of Kefa.
Acts OrthJBC 12:19  Now Herod, having sought after him and not having found him, after questioning the shomrim, commanded them to be led away to execution. Then Herod went down from Yehudah to Caesarea, and was staying there. THE MAVET OF HEROD
Acts OrthJBC 12:20  Now Herod was gor (very) angry with the people of Tzor and those of Tzidon and with one mind they were coming to him; and, having won over Blastus, the king's chamberlain, they were requesting shalom, because their country was fed by the king's country. [Melachim Alef 5:9,11; Yechezkel 27:17]
Acts OrthJBC 12:21  Now on the appointed day, Herod, having clothed himself with royal malbush (clothing) and having sat down on the kisseh hamishpat, was delivering a pubic address to them.
Acts OrthJBC 12:22  And the multitude was crying out, "Hinei, the kol of Hashem and not of an ish!"
Acts OrthJBC 12:23  Immediately, a malach Adonoi struck him, because he did not give the kavod to Hashem. And, having become eaten with worms, Herod died. [Shmuel Alef 25:38; Shmuel Bais 24:16,17; Melachim Bais 19:35]
Acts OrthJBC 12:25  And Bar-Nabba and Sha'ul returned from Yerushalayim, having fulfilled their shlichut to deliver the tzedakah and having taken along with them [back to Antioch], Yochanan the one called Markos.