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Chapter 27
Acts OrthJBC 27:1  And when it was decided that we set sail to Italy, they were handing over both Rav Sha'ul and some other prisoners to a centurion, Julius by name, of the Imperial Cohort.
Acts OrthJBC 27:2  And having embarked in an oniyah of Adramyttium about to sail to the ports along the coast of Asia, we set sail, Aristarchus a Macedonian of Thessalonica being with us.
Acts OrthJBC 27:3  And on another day, we put in at a harbor in Tzidon; and Julius treated Rav Sha'ul with kindness, permitting him to be cared for by his chaverim.
Acts OrthJBC 27:4  And from there, having put out to sea, we sailed under the lee of Cyprus because the winds were against us.
Acts OrthJBC 27:5  Then having sailed across the open sea along the coast of Cilicia and Pamphylia, we came down to Myra of Lycia.
Acts OrthJBC 27:6  And there the centurion found an Alexandrian oniyah sailing to Italy and put us on board.
Acts OrthJBC 27:7  But for many yamim we sailing slowly and with difficulty along the coast of Cnidus, and as the wind was not permitting us to go vaiter (farther), we sailed under the lee of Crete off Salmone.
Acts OrthJBC 27:8  And with difficulty sailing past it, we came to a certain place called Fair Havens, near the city of Lasea.
Acts OrthJBC 27:9  And since considerable zman (time) had been lost and it was already unsafe for a voyage, because Yom Kippur had already come and gone; therefore, Rav Sha'ul gave them this eitza, [Vayikra 16:29-31; 23:27-29; Bamidbar 29:7]
Acts OrthJBC 27:10  saying to them, "Anashim, I see that the voyage will be hardship and much peril, not only of the cargo and the oniyah, but also of our lives."
Acts OrthJBC 27:11  But the centurion was persuaded by the pilot and the owner rather than by the dvarim of Rav Sha'ul.
Acts OrthJBC 27:12  But the port being unfavorably situated for spending the winter, the majority made a decision to set sail from there, if somehow they could reach Phoenix to spend the winter. It was a harbor of Crete, facing toward the southwest and toward the northwest. A STORM AT SEA NECESSARY TO VINDICATE RAV SHA'UL AS A NAVI AND A TRUSTWORTHY SPIRITUAL NAVIGATOR AND TO SHOW EVERYONE THEIR NEED FOR A MAGGID WITH REAL BESURAS HAGEULAH
Acts OrthJBC 27:13  And a gentle south wind began to blow, and they thought they could attain their mattarah (objective), so they weighed anchor and they were sailing past Crete, close by the shore.
Acts OrthJBC 27:14  After not much time a violent, typhoon force wind rushed down from Crete, the so-called Euraquilo, the Northeaster.
Acts OrthJBC 27:15  And the oniyah, having been caught in it, and not being able to directly face the wind, we gave way to it and were driven.
Acts OrthJBC 27:16  By running under the lee of a small island called Cauda, we were able only with difficulty to get the lifeboat secured.
Acts OrthJBC 27:17  After hoisting it up, they were using frapping cables, passing them underneath the oniyah; then, fearing lest on the shallows of Syrtis they might run aground, they lowered the sea anchor, and so they were being driven along.
Acts OrthJBC 27:18  And we were being violently tossed by the storm, so much so that the next day they were throwing the cargo overboard.
Acts OrthJBC 27:19  And on the Yom Shlishi, with their own hands, they threw out the tackle of the oniyah.
Acts OrthJBC 27:20  And neither shemesh (sun) nor kochavim appeared for many yamim and no small tempest assailed us. Lemaskana (finally) all tikvateinu for yeshu'ah was being abandoned.
Acts OrthJBC 27:21  And after having much loss of appetite, then Rav Sha'ul stood up in the midst of them, and said, "Anashim, you should have obeyed me and not put out to sea from Crete and thereby spared yourselves this hardship and this loss.
Acts OrthJBC 27:22  "And now I advise you to have ometz lev, for there will be no loss of life among you, except the oniyah.
Acts OrthJBC 27:23  "For a malach Hashem stood by me during lailah hazeh, of the G-d whom I serve,
Acts OrthJBC 27:24  "saying, `Do not be afraid, Sha'ul, it is necessary for you to stand before Caesar; and, hinei, Hashem has given to you all the ones sailing with you.'
Acts OrthJBC 27:25  "Therefore have lev same'ach, Anashim. For I have emunah in Hashem that it will be exactly as he has told me.
Acts OrthJBC 27:26  "But it is necessary for us to run aground on some island."
Acts OrthJBC 27:27  Now when the fourteenth night had come, while we being driven about in the Adriatic Sea, toward chatzot halailah, the sailors were suspecting that we were getting close to land.
Acts OrthJBC 27:28  And having taken soundings, they found twenty fathoms and, having sailed a little vaiter (farther), again they took soundings, and they found fifteen fathoms.
Acts OrthJBC 27:29  And fearing lest somehow against the rough places we might run aground, they threw four anchors off the stern, and they were davening for the dawn.
Acts OrthJBC 27:30  Now when the sailors sought to flee from the oniyah and to let down the lifeboat into the sea on the pretext of casting out anchors,
Acts OrthJBC 27:31  Rav Sha'ul said to the centurion and to the chaiyalim, "Unless these remain in the oniyah, you cannot be saved."
Acts OrthJBC 27:32  Then the chaiyalim cut away the ropes of the lifeboat, and let it fall away, setting it adrift.
Acts OrthJBC 27:33  Just before boker, Rav Sha'ul was urging everyone to take ochel (food), saying, "Today is the fourteenth day you have been held in suspense and are continuing without eating, having taken nothing.
Acts OrthJBC 27:34  "Therefore, I encourage you to take ochel, for it is for your deliverance, for none of you will lose a hair from your heads."
Acts OrthJBC 27:35  And having said these things, and having taken lechem, Rav Sha'ul said the HaMotzi before all, and, after the betzi'at halechem, he began to eat.
Acts OrthJBC 27:37  Now were in all two hundred and seventy-six nefashot in the oniyah.
Acts OrthJBC 27:38  And having eaten enough ochel (food), they were lightening the oniyah by throwing the wheat overboard into the sea. THE WRECK OF THE ONIYAH; REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH IS TZUR YESHU'ATI
Acts OrthJBC 27:39  And when it became day, they were not recognizing the land, but a certain bay they were noticing, having a shore onto which they were wanting, if possible, to run aground the oniyah.
Acts OrthJBC 27:40  And the anchors they cast off and they left them in the sea. At the same time they loosened the ropes of the rudders and raised the sail to the wind and were steering toward the shore.
Acts OrthJBC 27:41  But having fallen into a channel, a place between two seas, they ran the oniyah aground, and, while the bow had stuck and remained immovable, the stern was being destroyed by the force of the waves.
Acts OrthJBC 27:42  Now the cheshbon (plan) of the chaiyalim was that they should kill the prisoners, lest anyone, having swum away, should escape.
Acts OrthJBC 27:43  But the centurion, desiring to save Rav Sha'ul, kept them from carrying out the cheshbon, and he ordered the ones able to swim to throw themselves overboard rishonim and make for the shore.
Acts OrthJBC 27:44  And the rest, some on planks, others on pieces from the oniyah. And so it came about that everyone was brought safely onto the land.