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Chapter 6
II C OrthJBC 6:1  As we work together with him, we also urge you not to recieve the Chen v'Chesed Hashem in vain. [II Cor 5:20]
II C OrthJBC 6:2  For he says B'ET RATZON ANITICHA UV'YOM Y'SHUAH AZARTICHAH ("In a time acceptable I heard you and in a day of salvation I helped you" [YESHAYAH 49:8]. Hinei, now is the acceptable time; now is Yom Yeshu'ah. Tehillim 69:13; Yeshayah 55:6 Luk 4:19-21]
II C OrthJBC 6:3  not giving in anything a cause for michshol, lest the Messianic Avodas Kodesh (holy worship, service) be blamed;
II C OrthJBC 6:4  but in everything presenting ourselves [II Cor 4:2] as mesharetim of Hashem -- in much savlanut, in tzoros, in hardships, in distresses,
II C OrthJBC 6:5  in beatings, in imprisonments, in riots, in labors, in watchings, in tzomot, [II Cor. 11:23-27]
II C OrthJBC 6:6  in purity, in da'as, in long-suffering, in chesed, in the Ruach Hakodesh, in ahavah amittit, [I Tim 4:12]
II C OrthJBC 6:7  in the dvar HaEmes, in the gevurat Hashem, [I Cor 2:4] through the weapons of Tzedek [DANIEL 9:25] of the right hand and of the left.
II C OrthJBC 6:8  Through honor and dishonor, through ill repute and good repute; as "deceivers" and yet true,
II C OrthJBC 6:9  as being unknown and yet being well known, as dying and hinei, we live! [II Cor 4:10]...As given the death penalty and yet not penalized wiht death [Tehillim 118:18]
II C OrthJBC 6:10  as having agmat nefesh but always having simcha [II Cor 7:4; Php 2:17; Col 1:24; I Thes 1:6] as poor but enriching many, as having nothing and yet possessing everything.
II C OrthJBC 6:11  We have spoken freely with you Corinthians, our levavot has been enlarged.
II C OrthJBC 6:12  There is no penury in our affections, only in yours.
II C OrthJBC 6:13  Now--I speak as to yeladim--make a fair exchange and open wide your levavot [I Cor 4:14]. THE BEIS HAMIKDASH OF HASHEM (THE KEHILLAH OF REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH) REQUIRES A RESPONSE OF TOTAL CONSECRATION
II C OrthJBC 6:14  Do not become unequally yoked with koferim (unbelievers) [Eph 5:7,11] for what shuttafut has Tzedek [DANIEL 9:25] with lawlessness? Or where is the Brit (Covenant) between ohr (light) and chosech (darkness)? [Bereshis 24:3; Devarim 22:10]
II C OrthJBC 6:15  And what harmony does Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach have with B'liya'al? Or what chelek (allotment, inheritance) has a ma'amin with a kofer?
II C OrthJBC 6:16  And what agreement has the heikhal of Hashem with elilim? For we are a heikhal of the Elohim Chayyima [I Cor. 3:16; 6:19] as Hashem, "V'HITHALECHTI B'TOCHCHEM ("And I will walk in the midst of you" [VAYIKRA 26:12] I WILL BE MISHKANI ALEHEM ("dwelling place of me with them" [YECHEZKEL 37:27]) V'HAYU LI L'AM VAANIEHEYEH LAHEM LELOHIM [YIRMEYAH 32:38] ("And they will be to me as people and I will be to them as G-d." [YIRMEYAH 32:38] ON AVOIDANCE OF HUKKAT HAGOYYIM (IMITATION OF GENTILE CUSTOMS)
II C OrthJBC 6:17  Therefore SURU come out from the midst of them and be separated says Adoneinu and an TAMEH AL TIGAU "unclean thing do not touch;" [YESHAYAH 52:11] ERTZEH ETCHEM "and I will receive you" [YECHEZKEL 20:34,41; Rev.18:4]
II C OrthJBC 6:18  and I will be to you an AV and you will be to me BANIM and BANOT ("my daughters" [SHEMUEL BAIS 7:8,14; YESHAYAH 43:6; YIRMEYAH 31:9] says Adonoi Tzva'ot. [Shemot 4:22; Divrey Hayamim Alef 17:13; AMOS 3:13 LXX 4:13 LXX Rev 4:8; 11:17; 15:3; 21:22]