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Chapter 30
Jere ABP 30:1  The word coming to Jeremiah from the lord, saying,
Jere ABP 30:2  Thus said the lord God of Israel, saying, Write all the words which I executed to you upon a scroll!
Jere ABP 30:3  For behold, days come, says the lord, and I will return the resettlement of my people Israel and Judah, said the lord. And I will return them into the land which I gave to their fathers, and they will dominate it.
Jere ABP 30:4  And these are the words which the lord spoke unto Israel and Judah.
Jere ABP 30:5  Thus said the lord, The sound of fear you shall hear -- fear, and there is no peace.
Jere ABP 30:6  Ask and see if [2gave birth 1a man]! for I have seen every man, and his hands are upon his loin, as her giving birth; and [2are turned 1their faces] to jaundice.
Jere ABP 30:7  Woe, for great is that day, and there is not such, and [2a time 3of severity 1it is] to Jacob, but from this he shall be delivered.
Jere ABP 30:8  In that day, said the lord of the forces, I will break the yoke from their neck, and their bonds I will tear up, and they shall not work themselves any longer for strangers.
Jere ABP 30:9  And they shall work to the lord their God; and [2David 3their king 1I will raise up] to them.
Jere ABP 30:10  But you, do not fear! O my servant Jacob, says the lord. And in no way should you be terrified, O Israel. For behold, I shall deliver you from a land far off, and your seed from a land of their captivity. And Jacob shall be returned, and he shall rest, and he shall abound in all the good things, and there shall not be one fearing.
Jere ABP 30:11  For [2with 3you 1I am], says the lord, to deliver you. For I shall appoint a consumation in all the nations in which I scattered you, but you in no way will I appoint for consumation. But I shall correct you with equity and cleansing of which I shall cleanse you.
Jere ABP 30:12  Thus said the lord, I raised up destruction; [2is painful 1your calamity];
Jere ABP 30:13  there is not one judging your case; [2for 3a painful state 1you were treated medically]; [2benefit 3to you 1there is no];
Jere ABP 30:14  all your friends forgot you; in no way shall they ask, for [3with a beating 4by the enemy 1I smote 2you], [2discipline 1even substantial]; [3over 4all 5your iniquities 2multiplied 1your sins].
Jere ABP 30:15  Why yell over your destruction? [2is incurable 1Your misery]. On account of the magnitude of your iniquity, and on account of [3sins 1your 2recalcitrant] I did to you these things.
Jere ABP 30:16  On account of this all the ones devouring you shall be eaten, and all your enemies [2into 3captivity 1shall come]. And [4will be 1the ones 2dispersing 3you] for dispersion, and all the ones having despoiled you I shall give for plunder.
Jere ABP 30:17  For I will lead up your cure, [2from 4wound 3a grievous 1I will treat you]; says the lord, for [2Her Having Been Sown 1you are called]; Zion, for [3seeking 2no 1there is] her.
Jere ABP 30:18  Thus said the lord; Behold, I shall return the resettlement of Jacob, and his captivity I will show mercy, and [2shall be built 1the city] upon her height, and the people [2according to 3his equity 1shall sit].
Jere ABP 30:19  And there shall come forth from them ones singing, and a sound of ones playing. And I shall make them superabundant, and in no way shall they be made less.
Jere ABP 30:20  And [2shall enter 1his sons] as formerly, and their testimonies are in front of me straight up. And I shall visit upon all the ones afflicting them.
Jere ABP 30:21  And [2will be 1his stronger ones] over them, and his ruler [2from 3him 1shall come forth]. And I will bring them together, and they shall return to me. For who is this who gave his heart to return to me, says the lord?
Jere ABP 30:22  And you shall be to me for a people, and I shall be to you for Lord.
Jere ABP 30:23  For the anger of the lord went forth; rage went forth; [2anger 1turning 4upon 5the impious 3shall come].
Jere ABP 30:24  In no way shall [4turn 1the anger 2of the rage 3of the lord] until he should execute, and until he should ordain the enterprise of his heart. Upon the last of the days you shall know them.