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Chapter 4
Phil Geneva15 4:1  Therefore, my brethre, beloued and longed for, my ioy and my crowne, so continue in the Lord, yee beloued.
Phil Geneva15 4:2  I pray Euodias, and beseech Syntyche, that they be of one accord in the Lord,
Phil Geneva15 4:3  Yea, and I beseech thee, faithfull yokefellow, helpe those women, which laboured with me in the Gospel, with Clement also, and with other my fellowe labourers, whose names are in the booke of life.
Phil Geneva15 4:4  Reioyce in the Lord alway, againe I say, reioyce.
Phil Geneva15 4:5  Let your patient minde be knowen vnto all men. The Lord is at hand.
Phil Geneva15 4:6  Be nothing carefull, but in all thinges let your requestes be shewed vnto God in praier, and supplication with giuing of thankes.
Phil Geneva15 4:7  And the peace of God which passeth all vnderstanding, shall preserue your heartes and mindes in Christ Iesus.
Phil Geneva15 4:8  Furthermore, brethre, whatsoeuer things are true, whatsoeuer things are honest, whatsoeuer thinges are iust, whatsoeuer thinges are pure, whatsoeuer thinges are worthie loue, whatsoeuer things are of good report, if there be any vertue, or if there be any praise, thinke on these things,
Phil Geneva15 4:9  Which yee haue both learned and receiued, and heard, and seene in mee: those things doe, and the God of peace shalbe with you.
Phil Geneva15 4:10  Nowe I reioyce also in the Lord greatly, that nowe at the last your care for mee springeth afresh, wherein notwithstanding ye were careful, but yee lacked opportunitie.
Phil Geneva15 4:11  I speake not because of want: for I haue learned in whatsoeuer state I am, therewith to bee content.
Phil Geneva15 4:12  And I can be abased, and I can abounde: euery where in all things I am instructed, both to be full, and to be hungrie, and to abounde, and to haue want.
Phil Geneva15 4:13  I am able to do al things through the helpe of Christ, which strengtheneth me.
Phil Geneva15 4:14  Notwithstanding yee haue well done, that yee did communicate to mine affliction.
Phil Geneva15 4:15  And yee Philippians knowe also that in the beginning of the Gospell, when I departed from Macedonia, no Church communicated with me, concerning the matter of giuing and receiuing, but yee onely.
Phil Geneva15 4:16  For euen when I was in Thessalonica, yee sent once, and afterward againe for my necessitie,
Phil Geneva15 4:17  Not that I desire a gift: but I desire the fruit which may further your reckoning.
Phil Geneva15 4:18  Now I haue receiued all, and haue plentie: I was euen filled, after that I had receiued of Epaphroditus that which came from you, an odour that smellleth sweete, a sacrifice acceptable and pleasant to God.
Phil Geneva15 4:19  And my God shall fulfill all your necessities through his riches with glorie in Iesus Christ.
Phil Geneva15 4:20  Vnto God euen our Father be praise for euermore, Amen.
Phil Geneva15 4:21  Salute all the Saintes in Christ Iesus. The brethren, which are with me, greete you.
Phil Geneva15 4:22  All the Saintes salute you, and most of all they which are of Cesars houshold.
Phil Geneva15 4:23  The grace of our Lord Iesus Christ be with you all, Amen. Written to the Philippians from Rome, and sent by Epaphroditus.