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Chapter 24
Ezek GodsWord 24:1  On the tenth day of the tenth month in the ninth year, the LORD spoke his word to me. He said,
Ezek GodsWord 24:2  "Son of man, write down today's date. The king of Babylon has surrounded Jerusalem this very day.
Ezek GodsWord 24:3  Tell these rebellious people a story. Tell them, 'This is what the Almighty LORD says: Put the pot on the fire; put it on. Pour water in it.
Ezek GodsWord 24:4  Cut the meat into pieces, all the best pieces, the thigh and shoulder. Fill the pot with the meatiest bones
Ezek GodsWord 24:5  selected from the best sheep. Pile wood under the pot. Bring the mixture in the pot to a boil. Cook the bones that are in it well.
Ezek GodsWord 24:6  "'This is what the Almighty LORD says: How horrible it will be for that city of murderers, for that tarnished pot. Its tarnish will not come off. Empty the meat out of it piece by piece without choosing any particular piece.
Ezek GodsWord 24:7  Blood is still in that city. The blood was poured on a bare rock. It wasn't poured on the ground where dust would cover it.
Ezek GodsWord 24:8  In order to stir up my fury so that I would pay that city back, I put the blood of its victims on a bare rock. Now that blood can't be covered.
Ezek GodsWord 24:9  "'This is what the Almighty LORD says: How horrible it will be for that city of murderers. I, too, will pile the wood high.
Ezek GodsWord 24:10  Pile it high, and light the fire. Cook the meat thoroughly, stir the mixture, and let the bones burn.
Ezek GodsWord 24:11  Then set the empty pot on the coals so that it gets hot and its copper glows. Its impurities will melt away, and its tarnish will burn off.
Ezek GodsWord 24:12  "'I have worn myself out trying to clean this pot. Even the fire can't take away its thick tarnish.
Ezek GodsWord 24:13  I tried to clean you of your filthy lust, but you wouldn't clean yourself from your filth. You will never be clean until I unleash my fury on you.
Ezek GodsWord 24:14  I, the LORD, have spoken. It will happen, and I will do it. I will not ignore you, pity you, or change my plans. I will punish you because of the way you lived and because of everything you have done,'" declares the Almighty LORD.
Ezek GodsWord 24:16  "Son of man, with one blow I'm going to take away from you the person you love the most. But you must not mourn, cry, or let tears run down your face.
Ezek GodsWord 24:17  Groan silently. Don't grieve for the person who dies. Tie on your turban, and put on your sandals. Don't cover your face or eat the food that mourners eat."
Ezek GodsWord 24:18  So I spoke to the people in the morning, and in the evening my wife died. The next morning I did as I was ordered.
Ezek GodsWord 24:19  The people asked me, "Tell us, what do these things that you are doing mean to us?"
Ezek GodsWord 24:20  I told them, "The LORD spoke his word to me. He said,
Ezek GodsWord 24:21  'Tell the nation of Israel, "This is what the Almighty LORD says: I'm going to dishonor my holy place. You brag that my holy place gives you strength. It's the thing you love the most. It's your hearts' desire. So the sons and daughters that you left behind will die in battle.
Ezek GodsWord 24:22  Then you must do as I did. Don't cover your faces or eat the food that mourners eat.
Ezek GodsWord 24:23  Leave your turbans on your heads and your sandals on your feet. Don't grieve or cry! You will waste away because of your guilt and groan to one another.
Ezek GodsWord 24:24  Ezekiel is a sign to you. You will do everything he has done. Then you will know that I am the Almighty LORD."'
Ezek GodsWord 24:25  "Son of man, on that day I will take their stronghold away from them. It makes them happy and proud. It is their hearts' desire and the thing they love the most. I will also take away their sons and daughters.
Ezek GodsWord 24:26  On that day a refugee will come to you to tell you the news.
Ezek GodsWord 24:27  On that very day your mouth will be opened, and you will talk to the refugee. You will speak and not be silent anymore. You will be a sign to them. Then they will know that I am the LORD."