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Chapter 28
Gene ABP 28:1  [3having called 1And 2Isaac] Jacob, blessed him, and gave charge to him, saying, Not shall you take a wife from the daughters of the Canaanites.
Gene ABP 28:2  Having risen up, you run away unto Mesopotamia to the house of Bethuel the father of your mother! and take to yourself from there a wife from the daughters of Laban the brother of your mother!
Gene ABP 28:3  And [2my God 1may 3bless] you, and increase you, and multiply you; and you will be for gatherings of nations.
Gene ABP 28:4  And may he give to you the blessing of Abraham, my father, to you, and your seed after you; to inherit the land of your sojourning, which God gave to Abraham.
Gene ABP 28:5  And Isaac sent Jacob. And he went into Mesopotamia to Laban the son of Bethuel the Syrian, brother of Rebekah, the mother of Jacob and Esau.
Gene ABP 28:6  [3having seen 1And 2Esau] that Isaac blessed Jacob, and sent him into Mesopotamia of Syria to take to himself a wife from there -- in the blessing him, and gave charge to him, saying, You shall not take a wife of the daughters of the Canaanites,
Gene ABP 28:7  that Jacob hearkened to [2father 3and 4mother 1his], and went into Mesopotamia of Syria,
Gene ABP 28:8  and seeing, even Esau, that [4are wicked 1the 2daughters 3of Canaan] before Isaac his father,
Gene ABP 28:9  that Esau went to Ishmael, and he took Mahalath daughter of Ishmael, the son of Abraham, sister of Nebajoth, to his wives, as a wife.
Gene ABP 28:10  And Jacob went forth from the Well of the Oath, and went into Haran.
Gene ABP 28:11  And he encountered a place, and slept there, [4went down 1for 2the 3sun]. And he took from one of the stones of the place, and put it at his head, and went to sleep in that place.
Gene ABP 28:12  And he dreamed. And behold, there was a stairway being supported by the earth, of which the top arrived in the heaven. And the angels of God ascended and descended upon it.
Gene ABP 28:13  And the lord stayed upon it. And he said, I am the God of Abraham your father, and the God of Isaac. Do not fear! The land of which you sleep upon it, to you I will give it, and to your seed.
Gene ABP 28:14  And [2will be 1your seed] as sand of the earth. And it will be widened unto the west, and south, and north, and unto the east. And shall be blessed by you all the tribes of the earth, and by your seed.
Gene ABP 28:15  And behold, I am with you, guarding you in [2way 1every] of which ever you may go. And I will return you to this land, for no way would I abandon you until my doing all as much as I spoke to you.
Gene ABP 28:16  And Jacob awoke from out of his sleep. And he said that, The lord is in this place, but I had not known it.
Gene ABP 28:17  And he feared, and said, How fearful this place. Is not this none other than the house of God, and this the gate of heaven.
Gene ABP 28:18  And Jacob rose up in the morning, and took the stone which he placed there at his head. And he set it as a monument, and poured oil upon the top of it.
Gene ABP 28:19  And he called the name of that place, House of God, and Lam-luz was the name to the city formerly.
Gene ABP 28:20  And Jacob vowed a vow, saying, If [3should be 1the lord 2God] with me, and should guard me in this journey which I go, and should give to me bread to eat, and a cloak to put on,
Gene ABP 28:21  and will return me with safety unto the house of my father, and the lord will be to me for God,
Gene ABP 28:22  and this stone which I set as a monument, will be to me a house of God. And all, what ever, you should give to me, [2a tenth 1I will tithe] of it to you.