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Chapter 1
I Pe ABP 1:1  Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, to the chosen immigrants of the dispersion of Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia,
I Pe ABP 1:2  according to the foreknowledge of God the father, in sanctification of spirit, in obedience and sprinkling of blood of Jesus Christ. Favor to you and peace be multiplied.
I Pe ABP 1:3  Blessed is the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the one according to his great mercy regenerated us unto [2hope 1a living] through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,
I Pe ABP 1:4  unto an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and unfading, being kept in the heavens for us,
I Pe ABP 1:5  the ones by power of God being guarded through belief, for deliverance prepared to be uncovered in [2time 1the last].
I Pe ABP 1:6  In which you exult a little just now, if it is necessary, being fretted by various tests,
I Pe ABP 1:7  that the proving [3of yours 1of the 2belief] (much more esteemed than gold that perishes) [3through 4fire 1even 2being tried], should be found in high praise, and glory, and honor, in revelation of Jesus Christ.
I Pe ABP 1:8  Whom not having seen, you love; in whom now not looking on, but believing, you exult with joy unspeakable, and glorifying;
I Pe ABP 1:9  carrying on the end of the belief of yours -- deliverance of your souls.
I Pe ABP 1:10  Concerning which deliverance [2sought 3and 4searched out 1the prophets], the ones [2concerning 3the 5towards 6you 4favor 1prophesying];
I Pe ABP 1:11  searching in what, or of what kind of time [3was manifest 4in 5them 1spirit 2of Christ], testifying beforehand the [2in 3Christ 1sufferings], and the [2after 3these things 1glories];
I Pe ABP 1:12  to whom it was revealed that, it was not to themselves, but to us they were serving up those things, which now were announced to you by the ones announcing good news to you in [2spirit 1holy] sent from heaven, in which [2desire 1angels] to lean over to see.
I Pe ABP 1:13  Therefore having girded the loins of your mind, being sober, perfectly hope upon the [2being brought 3to you 1favor] in the revelation of Jesus Christ!
I Pe ABP 1:14  being as children of obedience, not conforming to the former things in the ignorance of your desires.
I Pe ABP 1:15  But as the one calling you is holy, even you yourselves [2holy 3in 4all 5your behavior 1become]!
I Pe ABP 1:16  Because it has been written, [2holy 1Become], for I am holy!
I Pe ABP 1:17  And if [2the father 1you call upon], the one impartially judging according to the [2of each 1work], [6in 7fear 2the 3sojourn 4of your 5time 1behave]!
I Pe ABP 1:18  knowing that not by corruptible silver or gold were you ransomed from out of your vain behavior handed down from your fathers;
I Pe ABP 1:19  but by the esteemed blood, as of a lamb unblemished and spotless, of Christ;
I Pe ABP 1:20  having been foreknown indeed before the founding of the world, but being manifested at the last of the times for us,
I Pe ABP 1:21  the ones through him believing in God, the one raising him from the dead, and [2glory 3to him 1having given], so as for the belief of yours and hope to be in God.
I Pe ABP 1:22  Your souls being purified in the obedience of the truth through spirit, in [2brotherly affection 1unpretentious], from out of a pure heart [2one another 1love] fervently!
I Pe ABP 1:23  Being regenerated, not from out of [2sowing 1a corruptible], but of incorruptible, by the word of God living and abiding in the eon.
I Pe ABP 1:24  For all flesh is as grass, and all glory of man is as the flower of grass. [3withered 1The 2grass], and its flower fell away.
I Pe ABP 1:25  But the word of the Lord abides into the eon. And this is the word -- the good news being announced to you.