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Chapter 88
Psal OEB 88:1  O Lord my God, I cry for help in the day-time, in the night my cry is before you;
Psal OEB 88:2  let my prayer come into your presence, incline your ear to my cry.
Psal OEB 88:3  For I am sated with sorrow, my life draws near to Sheol.
Psal OEB 88:4  I am counted with those who go down to the pit; without strength am I.
Psal OEB 88:5  My home is among the dead, like the slain that lie in the grave, whom you remember no more cut off as they are from your hand.
Psal OEB 88:6  In the deepest pit you have put me, in shadows deep and dark.
Psal OEB 88:7  Your wrath lies heavy upon me, waves of your anger roll over me. (Selah)
Psal OEB 88:8  You have put my friends far from me, you have made them shun me. I am shut in, and cannot escape,
Psal OEB 88:9  my eyes are wasted with sorrow. I call on you, Lord, every day, spreading my hands out to you.
Psal OEB 88:10  For the dead can you work wonders? Can the shades rise again to praise you? (Selah)
Psal OEB 88:11  Can your kindness be told in the grave, your faithfulness in the tomb?
Psal OEB 88:12  Can your wonders be known in the darkness, or your help in the land of forgetfulness?
Psal OEB 88:13  I cry for help to you, in the morning my prayer comes before you.
Psal OEB 88:14  Why, O Lord, do you spurn me, and hide your face from me?
Psal OEB 88:15  From my youth I am wretched and dying, I am numbed by the terrors I bear.
Psal OEB 88:16  The fires of your wrath have passed over me, your terrors destroy me,
Psal OEB 88:17  surging around me forever, hemming me in altogether.
Psal OEB 88:18  Those who love me you put far from me; the dark is my only friend.