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Chapter 24
Acts BWE 24:1  Five days later, Ananias the high priest came from Jerusalem. He brought with him some of the leaders and a lawyer named Tertullus. They told the ruler their complaint against Paul.
Acts BWE 24:2  Paul was called in. Tertullus began to bring the complaints. ‘Great ruler Felix,’ he said, ‘we have peace because of what you have done. These people have a better life because of you.
Acts BWE 24:3  We are always very glad for this everywhere we go.
Acts BWE 24:4  I do not want to take much of your time. But please be kind and listen to a few words from us.
Acts BWE 24:5  We have found this man to be a real trouble-maker. He talks to the Jews all over the world and causes them to disobey the laws. He is the leading trouble-maker of the Nazarene group.
Acts BWE 24:6  He even tried to make the temple unclean. But we caught him and were going to judge him by our law.
Acts BWE 24:7  But Lysias the commanding officer came. He took Paul away from us by force.
Acts BWE 24:8  He told those who have complaints against him to come to you. Ask him yourself and you will find out from him about all these complaints we have brought against him.’
Acts BWE 24:9  The Jews agreed with what Tertullus the lawyer said. They said, ‘Yes, yes, he is telling the truth.’
Acts BWE 24:10  The ruler made a sign for Paul to speak. So Paul said, ‘I know that for many years you have judged matters for this people.
Acts BWE 24:11  So I am happy to speak for myself. Not more than twelve days ago I went to Jerusalem to worship. If you ask the people, you will find this out.
Acts BWE 24:12  They did not find me quarrelling with anyone in the temple. I was not making trouble among the people in the meeting houses or in the city.
Acts BWE 24:13  They cannot prove the things they have said against me here.
Acts BWE 24:14  But I myself tell you this. I worship the God of my fathers in the Christian way. They say this is not the right way. I believe everything that the law teaches. I believe everything that the prophets have written.
Acts BWE 24:15  I believe that God will raise from death both the good people and the bad people. These people here believe the same thing.
Acts BWE 24:16  I always try to do what is right to God and to men.
Acts BWE 24:17  ‘I was away for a few years and I had come to Jerusalem to bring gifts to my people, and to give offerings.
Acts BWE 24:18  While I was doing this, they found me in the temple. I had made myself clean the way the law says to do. I did not have many people around me. I was not making trouble.
Acts BWE 24:19  Some Jews were there from Asia Minor. They should be here before you and talk against me if they have anything to say.
Acts BWE 24:20  Or let these men here tell if they found anything wrong with me when I stood in their court.
Acts BWE 24:21  I did this one thing. I shouted while I was standing among them, “I am being judged today because I believe that the dead will be raised again.”’
Acts BWE 24:22  Felix sent them away because he knew many things about the Christian way. He said, ‘When Lysias, the commanding officer, comes down, I will know everything about this matter.’
Acts BWE 24:23  He said to the officer, ‘Keep Paul in prison but let him have some freedom. Let his friends come to visit him and to do things for him.’
Acts BWE 24:24  Some days after that, Felix came with his wife Drusilla. She was a Jewess. He sent for Paul and listened to what Paul said about believing in Christ Jesus.
Acts BWE 24:25  Paul talked about what is right, about living the right way, and about the time when all people will be judged. Felix was very much afraid when he heard these things. He said to Paul, ‘You may go now. When I have time, I will call you again.’
Acts BWE 24:26  He hoped that Paul would give him money to free him. And so he often sent for Paul and talked with him.
Acts BWE 24:27  After two years, a man named Porcius Festus came to rule in Felix’s place. Felix had wanted to please the Jewish leaders, so he left Paul in prison.