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Chapter 2
Hose GodsWord 2:1  "So call your brothers Ammi My People, and call your sisters Ruhamah Loved.
Hose GodsWord 2:2  "Plead with your mother; plead with her. She no longer acts like my wife. She no longer treats me like her husband. Tell her to stop acting like a prostitute. Tell her to remove the lovers from between her breasts.
Hose GodsWord 2:3  If she refuses, I will strip her. I will leave her as naked as the day she was born. I will turn her into a dry and barren land, and she will die of thirst.
Hose GodsWord 2:4  I won't love her children, because they are children of a prostitute.
Hose GodsWord 2:5  Their mother acted like a prostitute. The woman who became pregnant with them did shameful things. She said, 'I'll chase after my lovers. They will give me food and water, wool and linen, olive oil and wine.'
Hose GodsWord 2:6  "That is why I will block her way with thornbushes and build a wall so that she can't get through.
Hose GodsWord 2:7  She will run after her lovers, but she won't catch them. She will search for them, but she won't find them. Then she will say, 'I'll go back to my first husband. Things were better for me than they are now.'
Hose GodsWord 2:8  "She doesn't believe that I gave her grain, new wine, and olive oil. I gave her plenty of silver and gold, but she used it to make statues of Baal.
Hose GodsWord 2:9  That is why I will take back my grain when it has ripened and my new wine when it's in season. I will take away the wool and the linen that I gave her to cover her naked body.
Hose GodsWord 2:10  I will show her naked body to her lovers, and no one will rescue her from my power.
Hose GodsWord 2:11  I will put an end to all her celebrations: her annual festivals, her New Moon Festivals, her weekly worship days--all her appointed festivals.
Hose GodsWord 2:12  I will destroy her grapevines and fig trees. She said that they were gifts from her lovers. I will turn her vineyards into a forest, and wild animals will devour them.
Hose GodsWord 2:13  I will punish her for all the times she burned incense as an offering to other gods--the Baals. She put on her rings and jewelry, and she chased after her lovers. She forgot me," declares the LORD.
Hose GodsWord 2:14  "That is why I'm going to win her back. I will lead her into the desert. I will speak tenderly to her.
Hose GodsWord 2:15  I will give her vineyards there. I will make the valley of Achor Disaster a door of hope. Then she will respond as she did when she was young, as she did when she came out of Egypt.
Hose GodsWord 2:16  "On that day she will call me her husband," declares the LORD. "She will no longer call me her master.
Hose GodsWord 2:17  I won't allow her to say the names of other gods called Baal. She will never again call out their names.
Hose GodsWord 2:18  "On that day I will make an arrangement with the wild animals, the birds, and the animals that crawl on the ground. I will destroy all the bows, swords, and weapons of war, so people can live safely.
Hose GodsWord 2:19  "Israel, I will make you my wife forever. I will be honest and faithful to you. I will show you my love and compassion.
Hose GodsWord 2:20  I will be true to you, my wife. Then you will know the LORD.
Hose GodsWord 2:21  "On that day I will answer your prayers," declares the LORD. "I will speak to the sky, it will speak to the earth,
Hose GodsWord 2:22  and the earth will produce grain, new wine, and olive oil. You will produce many crops, Jezreel.
Hose GodsWord 2:23  I will plant my people in the land. Those who are not loved I will call my loved ones. Those who are not my people I will call my people. Then they will say, 'You are our God!'"