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Chapter 14
I Ki Rotherha 14:2  Then said Jeroboam to his wife—Arise, I pray thee, and feign thyself another, that it be not known, that, thou, art the wife of Jeroboam,—and thou shalt go thy way to Shiloh, lo! there, is Ahijah the prophet, who promised I should be king over this people;
I Ki Rotherha 14:3  and thou shall take with thee ten loaves, and cracknels, and a bottle of honey, and shalt go unto him,—he, will tell thee what shall befall the young man.
I Ki Rotherha 14:4  And the wife of Jeroboam, did so, and arose, and went to Shiloh, and entered the house of Ahijah,—now, Ahijah, could not see, for his eyes were fixed, by reason of his old age.
I Ki Rotherha 14:5  But, Yahweh, had said unto Ahijah—Lo! the wife of Jeroboam, coming to enquire something of thee, concerning her son, for he is sick, thus and so, shalt thou speak unto her,—though, when she cometh in, she feign to be a stranger-woman.
I Ki Rotherha 14:6  So it came to pass, when Ahijah heard the sound of her feet, as she entered the doorway, that he said—Come in, thou wife of Jeroboam,—wherefore, is it that thou art feigning to be a stranger-woman, seeing that, I, am sent unto thee, with something hard to bear?
I Ki Rotherha 14:7  Go, say to Jeroboam—Thus, saith Yahweh, God of Israel, Forasmuch as I exalted thee out of the midst of the people,—and gave thee to be leader over my people Israel;
I Ki Rotherha 14:8  and rent the kingdom away from the house of David, and gave it to thee,—and yet thou hast not been like my servant David, who kept my commandments, and who followed me, with all his heart, to do only that which was right in mine eyes;
I Ki Rotherha 14:9  but hast made wicked thy doings beyond any who were before thee,—and hast gone and made thee ether gods, even molten images, to provoke me to anger, and hast cast, me, behind thy back,
I Ki Rotherha 14:10  therefore, behold me! bringing misfortune against the house of Jeroboam, and I will cut off the meanest pertaining to Jeroboam, whether shut up or left at large, in Israel,—and will consume after the house of Jeroboam, as one consumeth dung, till it be all gone:
I Ki Rotherha 14:11  Him that dieth of Jeroboam in the city, shall, the dogs, eat, and, him that dieth in the field, shall, the birds of heaven, eat,—For, Yahweh, hath spoken.
I Ki Rotherha 14:12  Thou, therefore, arise, go to thine own house,—as thy feet are entering the city, the young man shall die.
I Ki Rotherha 14:13  Then shall all Israel lament for him, and bury him, for, this one, pertaining to Jeroboam, shall reach a burying-place,—because there hath been found in him something good toward Yahweh, God of Israel, in the house of Jeroboam.
I Ki Rotherha 14:14  Therefore will Yahweh raise up for himself a king over Israel, who will cut off the house of Jeroboam, this day, but why, even now?
I Ki Rotherha 14:15  Therefore will Yahweh smite Israel, as a reed shaketh in water, and will root out Israel, from off this goodly soil, which he gave unto their fathers, and will scatter them beyond the River (Euphrates),—because they have made their Sacred Stems, provoking Yahweh to anger:
I Ki Rotherha 14:16  That he may deliver up Israel,—on account of the sin of Jeroboam, which he committed, and which he caused, Israel, to commit.
I Ki Rotherha 14:17  Then arose the wife of Jeroboam, and went her way and entered Tirzah,—as, she, was coming into the entrance hall, the young man died.
I Ki Rotherha 14:18  And, when they buried him, all Israel lamented him,—according to the word of Yahweh, which he spake through his servant Ahijah the prophet.
I Ki Rotherha 14:19  Now, the rest of the story of Jeroboam, how he warred, and how he reigned, behold them! written in the book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel.
I Ki Rotherha 14:20  And, the days which Jeroboam reigned, were twenty-two years,—and he slept with his fathers, and, Nadab his son, reigned, in his stead.
I Ki Rotherha 14:21  And, Rehoboam, son of Solomon, reigned in Judah,—forty-one years old, was Rehoboam when he began to reign, and seventeen years, reigned he in Jerusalem, the city which Yahweh had chosen to put his Name there, out of all the tribes of Israel, and, his mother’s name, was Naamah, the Ammonitess.
I Ki Rotherha 14:22  And Judah did the thing that was wicked in the eyes of Yahweh,—and provoked him to jealousy, above all that their fathers had done, with their sins which they committed.
I Ki Rotherha 14:23  And, they also, built for themselves high places and pillars, and Sacred Stems,—upon every high hill, and under every green tree.
I Ki Rotherha 14:24  Moreover also, there were, male devotees, in the land,—they did according to all the abominable practices of the nations, which Yahweh dispossessed from before the sons of Israel.
I Ki Rotherha 14:25  And it came to pass, in the fifth year of King Rehoboam, that Shishak king of Egypt, came up against Jerusalem;
I Ki Rotherha 14:26  and took away the treasures of the house of Yahweh, and the treasures of the house of the king, yea, the whole, took he away,—and took away all the bucklers of gold, which, Solomon, had made.
I Ki Rotherha 14:27  So King Rehoboam made, in their stead, bucklers of bronze,—and committed them unto the hand of the captains of the runners, who kept guard at the entrance of the house of the king.
I Ki Rotherha 14:28  And so it was, whensoever the king went into the house of Yahweh, the runners bare them, and then brought them back into the chamber of the runners.
I Ki Rotherha 14:29  Now, the rest of the story of Rehoboam, and all that he did, are, they, not written in the book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Judah?
I Ki Rotherha 14:30  And there was, war, between Rehoboam and Jeroboam, continually.
I Ki Rotherha 14:31  So then Rehoboam slept with his fathers, and was buried with his fathers in the city of David, and, the name of his mother, was Naamah the Ammonitess,—and, Abijah his son, reigned, in his stead.