Chapter 3
I Sa | Geneva15 | 3:1 | Nowe the childe Samuel ministred vnto the Lord before Eli: and the word of the Lord was precious in those dayes: for there was no manifest vision. | |
I Sa | Geneva15 | 3:2 | And at that time, as Eli lay in his place, his eyes began to waxe dimme that he could not see. | |
I Sa | Geneva15 | 3:3 | And yet the light of God went out, Samuel slept in the temple of the Lord, where the Arke of God was. | |
I Sa | Geneva15 | 3:5 | And he ranne vnto Eli, and said, Here am I, for thou calledst me. But he said, I called thee not: goe againe and sleepe. And he went and slept. | |
I Sa | Geneva15 | 3:6 | And the Lord called once againe, Samuel. And Samuel arose, and went to Eli, and said, I am here: for thou diddest call me. And he answered, I called thee not, my sonne: go againe and sleepe. | |
I Sa | Geneva15 | 3:7 | Thus did Samuel, before hee knewe the Lord, and before the word of the Lord was reueiled vnto him. | |
I Sa | Geneva15 | 3:8 | And the Lord called Samuel againe the thirde time: and he arose, and went to Eli, and said, I am here: for thou hast called me. Then Eli perceiued that the Lord had called the childe. | |
I Sa | Geneva15 | 3:9 | Therefore Eli saide vnto Samuel, Goe and sleepe: and if he call thee, then say, Speake Lord, for thy seruant heareth. So Samuel went, and slept in his place. | |
I Sa | Geneva15 | 3:10 | And the Lord came, and stoode, and called as at other times, Samuel, Samuel. Then Samuel answered, Speake, for thy seruant heareth. | |
I Sa | Geneva15 | 3:11 | Then the Lord said to Samuel, Beholde, I wil doe a thing in Israel, whereof whosoeuer shall heare, his two eares shall tingle. | |
I Sa | Geneva15 | 3:12 | In that day I will raise vp against Eli all things which I haue spoken concerning his house: when I begin, I will also make an ende. | |
I Sa | Geneva15 | 3:13 | And I haue tolde him that I will iudge his house for euer, for the iniquitie which hee knoweth, because his sonnes ranne into a slaunder, and he stayed them not. | |
I Sa | Geneva15 | 3:14 | Nowe therefore I haue sworne vnto the house of Eli, that the wickednes of Elis house, shall not be purged with sacrifice nor offring for euer. | |
I Sa | Geneva15 | 3:15 | Afterward Samuel slept vntil the morning, and opened the doores of the house of the Lord, and Samuel feared to shewe Eli the vision. | |
I Sa | Geneva15 | 3:17 | Then he said, What is it, that the Lord said vnto thee? I pray thee, hide it not from mee. God doe so to thee, and more also, if thou hide any thing from me, of all that he said vnto thee. | |
I Sa | Geneva15 | 3:18 | So Samuel tolde him euery whit, and hid nothing from him. Then hee said, It is the Lord: let him do what seemeth him good. | |
I Sa | Geneva15 | 3:19 | And Samuel grew, and the Lord was with him, and let none of his words fall to the ground. | |
I Sa | Geneva15 | 3:20 | And all Israel from Dan to Beer-sheba knew that faithfull Samuel was the Lordes Prophet. | |