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Chapter 4
Matt YLT 4:1  Then Jesus was led up to the wilderness by the Spirit, to be tempted by the Devil,
Matt YLT 4:2  and having fasted forty days and forty nights, afterwards he did hunger.
Matt YLT 4:3  And the Tempter having come to him said, `If Son thou art of God--speak that these stones may become loaves.'
Matt YLT 4:4  But he answering said, `It hath been written, Not upon bread alone doth man live, but upon every word coming forth from the mouth of God.'
Matt YLT 4:5  Then doth the Devil take him to the holy city, and doth set him on the pinnacle of the temple,
Matt YLT 4:6  and saith to him, `If Son thou art of God--cast thyself down, for it hath been written, that, His messengers He shall charge concerning thee, and on hands they shall bear thee up, that thou mayest not dash on a stone thy foot.'
Matt YLT 4:7  Jesus said to him again, `It hath been written, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.'
Matt YLT 4:8  Again doth the Devil take him to a very high mount, and doth shew to him all the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them,
Matt YLT 4:9  and saith to him, `All these to thee I will give, if falling down thou mayest bow to me.'
Matt YLT 4:10  Then saith Jesus to him, `Go--Adversary, for it hath been written, The Lord thy God thou shalt bow to, and Him only thou shalt serve.'
Matt YLT 4:11  Then doth the Devil leave him, and lo, messengers came and were ministering to him.
Matt YLT 4:12  And Jesus having heard that John was delivered up, did withdraw to Galilee,
Matt YLT 4:13  and having left Nazareth, having come, he dwelt at Capernaum that is by the sea, in the borders of Zebulun and Naphtalim,
Matt YLT 4:14  that it might be fulfilled that was spoken through Isaiah the prophet, saying,
Matt YLT 4:15  `Land of Zebulun and land of Naphtali, way of the sea, beyond the Jordan, Galilee of the nations! --
Matt YLT 4:16  the people that is sitting in darkness saw a great light, and to those sitting in a region and shadow of death--light arose to them.'
Matt YLT 4:17  From that time began Jesus to proclaim and to say, `Reform ye, for come nigh hath the reign of the heavens.'
Matt YLT 4:18  And Jesus, walking by the sea of Galilee, saw two brothers, Simon named Peter and Andrew his brother, casting a drag into the sea--for they were fishers--
Matt YLT 4:19  and he saith to them, `Come ye after me, and I will make you fishers of men,'
Matt YLT 4:20  and they, immediately, having left the nets, did follow him.
Matt YLT 4:21  And having advanced thence, he saw other two brothers, James of Zebedee, and John his brother, in the boat with Zebedee their father, refitting their nets, and he called them,
Matt YLT 4:22  and they, immediately, having left the boat and their father, did follow him.
Matt YLT 4:23  And Jesus was going about all Galilee teaching in their synagogues, and proclaiming the good news of the reign, and healing every disease, and every malady among the people,
Matt YLT 4:24  and his fame went forth to all Syria, and they brought to him all having ailments, pressed with manifold sicknesses and pains, and demoniacs, and lunatics, and paralytics, and he healed them.
Matt YLT 4:25  And there followed him many multitudes from Galilee, and Decapolis, and Jerusalem, and Judea, and beyond the Jordan.