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Chapter 18
Acts Murdock 18:1  And when Paul departed from Athens, he went to Corinth.
Acts Murdock 18:2  And he found there a man, a Jew, whose name was Aquila, who was from the region of Pontus, and had just then arrived from the country of Italy, he and Priscilla his wife, because Claudius Caesar had commanded that all Jews should depart from Rome. And he went to them
Acts Murdock 18:3  and, because he was of a their trade, he took lodgings with them, and worked with them; for by their trade they were tent-makers.
Acts Murdock 18:4  And he spoke in the synagogue every sabbath, and persuaded the Jews and Gentiles.
Acts Murdock 18:5  And when Silas and Timothy had come from Macedonia, Paul was impeded in discourse, because the Jews stood up against him, and reviled, as he testified to them that Jesus is the Messiah.
Acts Murdock 18:6  And he shook his garments, and said to them: Henceforth I am clean; I betake myself to the Gentiles.
Acts Murdock 18:7  And he went away, and entered into the house of a certain man named Titus, one who feared God, and whose house adjoined the synagogue.
Acts Murdock 18:8  And Crispus, the president of the synagogue, believed on our Lord, he and all the members of his house. And many Corinthians gave ear, and believed in God and were baptized.
Acts Murdock 18:9  And the Lord said to Paul in a vision: Fear not, but speak and be not silent:
Acts Murdock 18:10  for I am with thee, and no one is able to harm thee; and I have much people in this city.
Acts Murdock 18:11  And he resided in Corinth a year and six months, and taught them the word of God.
Acts Murdock 18:12  And when Gallio was proconsul of Achaia, the Jews assembled together against Paul; and they brought him before the judgment-seat,
Acts Murdock 18:13  saying: This man persuadeth the people to worship God contrary to the law.
Acts Murdock 18:14  And when Paul requested that he might open his mouth and speak, Gallio said to the Jews: If your accusation, O Jews, related to any wrong done, or any fraud, or base act, I would listen to you suitably.
Acts Murdock 18:15  But if the contests are about words, and about names, and concerning your law, ye must see to it among yourselves, for I am not disposed to be a judge of such matters.
Acts Murdock 18:17  And all the Gentiles laid hold of Sosthenes an Elder of the synagogue, and smote him before the judgment-seat. And Gallio disregarded these things.
Acts Murdock 18:18  And when Paul had been there many days, he bid adieu to the brethren, and departed by sea to go to Syria. And with him went Priscilla and Aquila, when he had shaved his head at Cenchrea, because he had vowed a vow.
Acts Murdock 18:19  And they came to Ephesus; and Paul entered the synagogue, and discoursed with the Jews.
Acts Murdock 18:20  And they requested him to tarry with them: but he could not be persuaded.
Acts Murdock 18:21  For he said: I must certainly keep the approaching feast at Jerusalem. But, if it please God, I will come again to you.
Acts Murdock 18:22  And Aquila and Priscilla he left at Ephesus, and he himself proceeded by sea and came to Caesarea. And he went up and saluted the members of the church, and went on to Antioch.
Acts Murdock 18:23  And when he had been there some days, he departed, and travelled from place to place in the regions of Phrygia and Galatia, establishing all the disciples.
Acts Murdock 18:24  And a certain man named Apollos, a Jew, a native of Alexandria, who was trained to eloquence, and well taught in the scriptures, came to Ephesus.
Acts Murdock 18:25  He had been instructed in the ways of the Lord, and was fervent in spirit; and he discoursed and taught fully respecting Jesus, while yet he knew nothing except the baptism of John.
Acts Murdock 18:26  And he began to speak boldly in the synagogue. And when Aquila and Priscilla heard him, they took him to their house, and fully showed him the way of the Lord.
Acts Murdock 18:27  And when he was disposed to go to Achaia, the brethren anticipated him, and wrote to the disciples to receive him. And, by going, through grace, he greatly assisted all them that believed.
Acts Murdock 18:28  For he reasoned powerfully against the Jews, before the congregation; and showed from the scriptures, respecting Jesus, that he is the Messiah.