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Chapter 33
Gene KLV 33:1  Jacob qengta' Dung Daj mInDu', je nejta', je, yIlegh, Esau ghaHta' choltaH, je tlhej ghaH loS vatlh loDpu'. ghaH divided the puqpu' joj Leah, Rachel, je the cha' handmaids.
Gene KLV 33:2  ghaH lan the handmaids je chaj puqpu' Daq front, Leah je Daj puqpu' after, je Rachel je Joseph Daq the rear.
Gene KLV 33:3  ghaH himself juSta' Dung Daq front vo' chaH, je bowed himself Daq the yav Soch poHmey, until ghaH ghoSta' Sum Daq Daj loDnI'.
Gene KLV 33:4  Esau ran Daq ghom ghaH, embraced ghaH, pumta' Daq Daj neck, kissed ghaH, je chaH wept.
Gene KLV 33:5  ghaH qengta' Dung Daj mInDu', je leghta' the be'pu' je the puqpu'; je ja'ta', “ 'Iv 'oH Dochvammey tlhej SoH?” ghaH ja'ta', “The puqpu' 'Iv joH'a' ghajtaH graciously nobpu' lIj toy'wI'.”
Gene KLV 33:6  vaj the handmaids ghoSta' Sum tlhej chaj puqpu', je chaH bowed themselves.
Gene KLV 33:7  Leah je je Daj puqpu' ghoSta' Sum, je bowed themselves. After chaH, Joseph ghoSta' Sum tlhej Rachel, je chaH bowed themselves.
Gene KLV 33:8  Esau ja'ta', “ nuq ta' SoH mean Sum Hoch vam company nuq jIH met?” Jacob ja'ta', “ Daq tu' favor Daq the leghpu' vo' wIj joH.”
Gene KLV 33:9  Esau ja'ta', “ jIH ghaj yap, wIj loDnI'; chaw' vetlh nuq SoH ghaj taH yours.”
Gene KLV 33:10  Jacob ja'ta', “Please, ghobe', chugh jIH ghaj DaH tu'ta' favor Daq lIj leghpu', vaj Hev wIj present Daq wIj ghop, because jIH ghaj leghpu' lIj qab, as wa' sees the qab vo' joH'a', je SoH were pleased tlhej jIH.
Gene KLV 33:11  Please tlhap the gift vetlh jIH qempu' Daq SoH, because joH'a' ghajtaH dealt graciously tlhej jIH, je because jIH ghaj yap.” ghaH urged ghaH, je ghaH tlhapta' 'oH.
Gene KLV 33:12  Esau ja'ta', “ chaw' maH tlhap maj journey, je chaw' maH jaH, je jIH DichDaq jaH qaSpa' SoH.”
Gene KLV 33:13  Jacob ja'ta' Daq ghaH, “ wIj joH SovtaH vetlh the puqpu' 'oH tender, je vetlh the flocks je herds tlhej jIH ghaj chaj Qup, je chugh chaH overdrive chaH wa' jaj, Hoch the flocks DichDaq Hegh.
Gene KLV 33:14  Please chaw' wIj joH juS Dung qaSpa' Daj toy'wI', je jIH DichDaq Dev Daq gently, according Daq the pace vo' the livestock vetlh 'oH qaSpa' jIH je according Daq the pace vo' the puqpu', until jIH ghoS Daq wIj joH Daq Seir.”
Gene KLV 33:15  Esau ja'ta', “ chaw' jIH DaH mej tlhej SoH 'op vo' the folk 'Iv 'oH tlhej jIH.” ghaH ja'ta', “ qatlh? chaw' jIH tu' favor Daq the leghpu' vo' wIj joH.”
Gene KLV 33:16  vaj Esau cheghta' vetlh jaj Daq Daj way Daq Seir.
Gene KLV 33:17  Jacob traveled Daq Succoth, chenta' himself a tuq, je chenmoHta' shelters vaD Daj livestock. vaj the pong vo' the Daq ghaH ja' Succoth. { Note: succoth means shelters joq pa'Hommey. }
Gene KLV 33:18  Jacob ghoSta' Daq roj Daq the veng vo' Shechem, nuq ghaH Daq the puH vo' Canaan, ghorgh ghaH ghoSta' vo' Paddan Aram; je Dabta' qaSpa' the veng.
Gene KLV 33:19  ghaH je'ta' the parcel vo' yav nuqDaq ghaH ghajta' ngeH Daj juHHom, Daq the ghop vo' the puqpu' vo' Hamor, Shechem's vav, vaD wa' vatlh pieces vo' Huch.
Gene KLV 33:20  ghaH erected an lalDanta' Daq pa', je ja' 'oH El Elohe Israel. { Note: El Elohe Israel means “ joH'a', the joH'a' vo' Israel” joq “The joH'a' vo' Israel ghaH HoS.” }