Chapter 3
I Co | Tyndale | 3:1 | And I coulde not speake vnto you brethre as vnto spretuall: but as vnto carnall even as it were vnto babes in Christ. | |
I Co | Tyndale | 3:2 | I gave you mylke to drinke and not meate. For ye then were not stronge no nether yet are. | |
I Co | Tyndale | 3:3 | For ye are yet carnall. As longe verely as ther is amoge you envyige stryfe and dissencio: are ye not carnall and walke after ye manner of me? | |
I Co | Tyndale | 3:4 | As loge as one sayth I holde of Paul and another I am of Apollo are ye not carnall? | |
I Co | Tyndale | 3:5 | What is Paul? What thinge is Apollo? Only miministers are they by who ye beleved even as the Lorde gave every ma grace. | |
I Co | Tyndale | 3:7 | So then nether is he that planteth eny thinge nether he yt watreth: but god which gave the increace. | |
I Co | Tyndale | 3:8 | He that planteth and he that watreth are nether better then the other. Every man yet shall receave his rewarde accordynge to his laboure. | |
I Co | Tyndale | 3:10 | Accordynge to the grace of god geven vnto me as a wyse bylder have I layde the foundacio And another bylt thero But let every ma take hede how he bildeth apo. | |
I Co | Tyndale | 3:11 | For other foundacion can no man laye then yt which is layde which is Iesus Christ. | |
I Co | Tyndale | 3:12 | Yf eny man bilde on this foundacion golde silver precious stones tymber haye or stoble: | |
I Co | Tyndale | 3:13 | every mannes worke shall appere. For the daye shall declare it and it shalbe shewed in fyre. And ye fyre shall trye euery mannes worke what it is. | |
I Co | Tyndale | 3:15 | If eny manes worke burne he shall suffre losse: but he shalbe safe him selfe: neverthelesse yet as it were thorow fyre. | |
I Co | Tyndale | 3:16 | Are ye not ware that ye are the temple of god and how that the sprete of god dwelleth in you? | |
I Co | Tyndale | 3:17 | Yf eny man defyle the temple of god him shall god destroye. For the temple of god is holy which temple ye are. | |
I Co | Tyndale | 3:18 | Let no man deceave him silfe. Yf eny man seme wyse amonge you let him be a fole in this worlde that he maye be wyse. | |
I Co | Tyndale | 3:19 | For ye wisdome of this worlde is folysshnes with god. For it is writte: he compaseth the wyse in their craftynes. | |
I Co | Tyndale | 3:22 | Therfore let no ma reioyce in men. For all thinges are youres whether it be Paul other Apollo other Cephas: whether it be ye worlde other lyfe other deeth whether they be present thinges or thinges to come: all are youres | |