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Chapter 33
Isai LEB 33:1  Ah, destroyer, and yourself not destroyed! And treacherous one, and no one has dealt treacherously with him! When you ⌞cease⌟ destroying, you will be destroyed. When you stop dealing treacherously, one will deal treacherously with you.
Isai LEB 33:2  Yahweh, be gracious to us, we wait for you. Be our arm in the mornings, indeed our salvation in the time of trouble.
Isai LEB 33:3  At the sound of tumult, peoples fled; because of your exaltation, nations scattered.
Isai LEB 33:4  And your spoil is gathered, as the gathering of the locust, as a swarm of locusts storming on it.
Isai LEB 33:5  Yahweh is exalted, for he dwells on high; he filled Zion with justice and righteousness,
Isai LEB 33:6  and he will be the security of your times, an abundance of salvation, wisdom, and knowledge. The fear of Yahweh is his treasure.
Isai LEB 33:7  Look! Their heroes cry out in the street; the messengers of peace weep bitterly.
Isai LEB 33:8  Highways are deserted; the traveler on the road ceases. One breaks a treaty, he rejects the cities, he does not hold man in high regard.
Isai LEB 33:9  The land mourns; it languishes. Lebanon feels abashed; it withers. Sharon is like the desert, and Bashan and Carmel ⌞are losing their leaves⌟.
Isai LEB 33:10  “Now I will arise,” says Yahweh. “Now I will lift myself up proudly; now I will raise myself.
Isai LEB 33:11  You conceive dry grass, you bring forth stubble; your breath is a fire; it will consume you.
Isai LEB 33:12  And the peoples will be burning to lime— they are burned like thorns that have been cut down in the fire.
Isai LEB 33:13  You who are far away, hear what I have done; and you who are near, know my might!”
Isai LEB 33:14  Sinners are afraid in Zion; trembling has seized the godless: “Who of us can ⌞live⌟ with devouring fire? Who of us can ⌞live⌟ with everlasting consuming hearths?”
Isai LEB 33:15  He who walks in righteousness and speaks uprightness, who rejects the gain of extortion, who ⌞refuses⌟ a bribe, who stops up his ears from hearing ⌞bloodshed⌟ and shuts his eyes from seeing evil.
Isai LEB 33:16  That one will live on the heights; the fortresses of rocks will be his refuge. His food will be given; his waters will endure.
Isai LEB 33:17  Your eyes will see the king in his beauty; they will see a ⌞distant land⌟.
Isai LEB 33:18  Your ⌞mind⌟ will meditate on the terror: “Where is the one who counted? Where is the one who weighed out? Where is the one who counted the towers?”
Isai LEB 33:19  You will not see the insolent people, the people ⌞whose language is too obscure to understand⌟, whose stammering of tongue ⌞cannot be understood⌟.
Isai LEB 33:20  Look on Zion, the city of our appointed festivals! Your eyes will see Jerusalem, an undisturbed settlement, a tent ⌞that is not moved⌟. No one will ever pull out its tent pegs, and none of its ropes will be torn in two.
Isai LEB 33:21  Rather, there Yahweh will be mighty for us, a place of rivers and ⌞broad streams⌟, a galley ship with oars cannot go in it, and a mighty ship cannot pass through it.
Isai LEB 33:22  For Yahweh is our judge; Yahweh is our lawgiver. Yahweh is our king; he is the one who will save us.
Isai LEB 33:23  Your riggings hang slack; they do not hold the base of their mast firm, they do not spread out the sail. Then the prey of spoil in abundance will be divided; the lame will take plunder.
Isai LEB 33:24  And no inhabitant will say, “I am sick”; the people who live in it, their iniquity will be taken away.