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Chapter 4
Matt LO 4:1  Then was Jesus conducted by the Spirit into the wilderness, to be tempted by the devil.
Matt LO 4:2  And after fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry.
Matt LO 4:3  Then the tempter accosting him, said, If thou be God's Son, command that these stones become loaves.
Matt LO 4:4  Jesus answering, said, It is written, "Man lives not by bread only, but by everything which God is pleased to appoint."
Matt LO 4:5  Then the devil conveyed him into the holy city, and having placed him on the battlement of the temple,
Matt LO 4:6  said to him, If thou be God's Son, throw thyself down; for it is written, "He will give his angels the charge of thee: they shall uphold thee in their arms, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone."
Matt LO 4:7  Jesus again answered, It is written, "Thou shalt not put the Lord thy God to the proof."
Matt LO 4:8  Again the devil took him up a very high mountain, whence he showed him all the kingdoms of the world in their glory,
Matt LO 4:9  and said to him, All these will I give thee, if thou wilt prostrate thyself, and worship me.
Matt LO 4:10  Jesus answered, Satan, begone; for it is written, "Thou shalt worship the Lord they God, and shall serve him only."
Matt LO 4:11  Then the devil leaving him, angels came and ministered to him.
Matt LO 4:12  Now Jesus, hearing that John was imprisoned, retired into Galilee,
Matt LO 4:13  and having left Nazareth, resided at Capernaum, a seaport in the confines of Zebulun and Naphtali,
Matt LO 4:14  thereby verifying the words of Isaiah the Prophet;
Matt LO 4:15  "The canton of Zebulun and the canton of Naphtali, situate on the Jordan near the sea, Galilee of the nations;
Matt LO 4:16  the people who abode in darkness, saw a great light, and on those who inhabited a region of the shades of death, light has arisen.
Matt LO 4:17  From that time Jesus began to proclaim, saying, Reform, for the Reign of Heaven approaches.
Matt LO 4:18  Then walking by the sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon named Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a drag into the sea, for they were fishers.
Matt LO 4:19  And he said to them, Come with me, and I will make you fishers of men.
Matt LO 4:20  Immediately they left the nets and followed him.
Matt LO 4:21  Passing on he saw other two brothers, James the son of Zebedee and John his brother, in the bark with their father Zebedee, mending their nets, and he called them.
Matt LO 4:22  They immediately, leaving the bark and their father, followed him.
Matt LO 4:23  Then Jesus went over all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and proclaiming the glad tidings of the Reign, and curing every sort of disease and malady among the people.
Matt LO 4:24  And his fame spread through all Syria, and they brought him all their sick, seized and tormented with various distempers, demoniacs, and lunatics, and paralytics, and he healed them.
Matt LO 4:25  And vast multitudes followed him from Galilee, Decapolis, Jerusalem, Judea, and from the banks of the Jordan.