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Chapter 8
Wisd KJVA 8:1  Wisdom reacheth from one end to another mightily: and sweetly doth she order all things.
Wisd KJVA 8:2  I loved her, and sought her out from my youth, I desired to make her my spouse, and I was a lover of her beauty.
Wisd KJVA 8:3  In that she is conversant with God, she magnifieth her nobility: yea, the Lord of all things himself loved her.
Wisd KJVA 8:4  For she is privy to the mysteries of the knowledge of God, and a lover of his works.
Wisd KJVA 8:5  If riches be a possession to be desired in this life; what is richer than wisdom, that worketh all things?
Wisd KJVA 8:6  And if prudence work; who of all that are is a more cunning workman than she?
Wisd KJVA 8:7  And if a man love righteousness her labours are virtues: for she teacheth temperance and prudence, justice and fortitude: which are such things, as en can have nothing more profitable in their life.
Wisd KJVA 8:8  If a man desire much experience, she knoweth things of old, and conjectureth aright what is to come: she knoweth the subtilties of speeches, and can expound dark sentences: she foreseeth signs and wonders, and the events of seasons and times.
Wisd KJVA 8:9  Therefore I purposed to take her to me to live with me, knowing that she would be a counsellor of good things, and a comfort in cares and grief.
Wisd KJVA 8:10  For her sake I shall have estimation among the multitude, and honour with the elders, though I be young.
Wisd KJVA 8:11  I shall be found of a quick conceit in judgment, and shall be admired in the sight of great men.
Wisd KJVA 8:12  When I hold my tongue, they shall bide my leisure, and when I speak, they shall give good ear unto me: if I talk much, they shall lay their hands upon their mouth.
Wisd KJVA 8:13  Moreover by the means of her I shall obtain immortality, and leave behind me an everlasting memorial to them that come after me.
Wisd KJVA 8:14  I shall set the people in order, and the nations shall be subject unto me.
Wisd KJVA 8:15  Horrible tyrants shall be afraid, when they do but hear of me; I shall be found good among the multitude, and valiant in war.
Wisd KJVA 8:16  After I am come into mine house, I will repose myself with her: for her conversation hath no bitterness; and to live with her hath no sorrow, but mirth and joy.
Wisd KJVA 8:17  Now when I considered these things in myself, and pondered them in my heart, how that to be allied unto wisdom is immortality;
Wisd KJVA 8:18  And great pleasure it is to have her friendship; and in the works of her hands are infinite riches; and in the exercise of conference with her, prudence; and in talking with her, a good report; I went about seeking how to take her to me.
Wisd KJVA 8:19  For I was a witty child, and had a good spirit.
Wisd KJVA 8:20  Yea rather, being good, I came into a body undefiled.
Wisd KJVA 8:21  Nevertheless, when I perceived that I could not otherwise obtain her, except God gave her me; and that was a point of wisdom also to know whose gift she was; I prayed unto the Lord, and besought him, and with my whole heart I said,