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Chapter 7
Ezek Geneva15 7:1  Moreover the word of the Lord came vnto me, saying,
Ezek Geneva15 7:2  Also thou sonne of man, thus saith the Lord God, An ende is come vnto the lande of Israel: the ende is come vpon the foure corners of the lande.
Ezek Geneva15 7:3  Nowe is the ende come vpon thee, and I wil sende my wrath vpon thee, and will iudge thee according to thy wayes, and will laye vpon thee all thine abominations.
Ezek Geneva15 7:4  Neither shall mine eye spare thee, neither will I haue pitie: but I will laye thy waies vpon thee: and thine abomination shall bee in the middes of thee, and yee shall knowe that I am the Lord.
Ezek Geneva15 7:5  Thus saith the Lord God, Beholde, one euil, euen one euill is come.
Ezek Geneva15 7:6  An ende is come, the end is come, it watched for thee: beholde, it is come.
Ezek Geneva15 7:7  The morning is come vnto thee, that dwellest in the lande: the time is come, the day of trouble is neere, and not the sounding againe of the mountaines.
Ezek Geneva15 7:8  Now I will shortly powre out my wrath vpon thee, and fulfil mine anger vpon thee: I will iudge thee according to thy wayes, and will lay vpon thee all thine abominations.
Ezek Geneva15 7:9  Neither shall mine eie spare thee, neither will I haue pitie, but I will laye vpon thee according to thy wayes, and thine abominations shalbe in the middes of thee, and ye shall knowe that I am the Lord that smiteth.
Ezek Geneva15 7:10  Beholde, the day, beholde, it is come: the morning is gone forth, the rod florisheth: pride hath budded.
Ezek Geneva15 7:11  Crueltie is risen vp into a rod of wickednes: none of them shall remaine, nor of their riches, nor of any of theirs, neither shall there bee lamentation for them.
Ezek Geneva15 7:12  The time is come, the day draweth neere: let not the byer reioyce, nor let him that selleth, mourne: for the wrath is vpon al the multitude thereof.
Ezek Geneva15 7:13  For hee that selleth, shall not returne to that which is solde, although they were yet aliue: for the vision was vnto al the multitude thereof, and they returned not, neither doeth any encourage himselfe in the punishment of his life.
Ezek Geneva15 7:14  They haue blowen the trumpet, and prepared all, but none goeth to the battel: for my wrath is vpon all the multitude thereof.
Ezek Geneva15 7:15  The sword is without, and the pestilence, and the famine within: he that is in the field, shall dye with the sword, and he that is in the citie, famine and pestilence shall deuoure him.
Ezek Geneva15 7:16  But they that flee away from them, shall escape, and shalbe in the mountaines, like the doues of the valleis: all they shall mourne, euery one for his iniquitie.
Ezek Geneva15 7:17  All handes shalbe weake, and all knees shall fall away as water.
Ezek Geneva15 7:18  They shall also girde them selues with sackecloth, and feare shall couer them, and shame shalbe vpon all faces, and baldnes vpon their heads.
Ezek Geneva15 7:19  They shall cast their siluer in the streetes, and their golde shalbe cast farre off: their siluer and their gold can not deliuer them in the day of the wrath of the Lord: they shall not satisfie their soules, neither fill their bowels: for this ruine is for their iniquitie.
Ezek Geneva15 7:20  He had also set the beautie of his ornament in maiestie: but they made images of their abominations, and of their idoles therein: therefore haue I set it farre from them.
Ezek Geneva15 7:21  And I will giue it into the handes of the strangers to be spoyled, and to the wicked of the earth to be robbed, and they shall pollute it.
Ezek Geneva15 7:22  My face will I turne also from them, and they shall pollute my secret place: for the destroyers shall enter into it, and defile it.
Ezek Geneva15 7:23  Make a chaine: for the lande is full of the iudgement of blood, and the citie is full of crueltie.
Ezek Geneva15 7:24  Wherefore I will bring the most wicked of the heathen, and they shall possesse their houses: I will also make the pompe of the mightie to cease, and their holie places shalbe defiled.
Ezek Geneva15 7:25  When destruction commeth, they shall seeke peace, and shall not haue it.
Ezek Geneva15 7:26  Calamitie shall come vpon calamitie, and rumour shall bee vpon rumour: then shall they seeke a vision of the Prophet: but the Lawe shall perish from the Priest, and counsel from the Ancient.
Ezek Geneva15 7:27  The King shall mourne, and the prince shall be clothed with desolation, and the handes of the people in the land shall be troubled: I wil doe vnto them according to their waies, and according to their iudgements will I iudge them, and they shall knowe that I am the Lord.