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Chapter 16
I Co OEB 16:1  With reference to the collection for Christ’s people, I want you to follow the instructions that I gave to the churches in Galatia.
I Co OEB 16:2  On the first day of every week each of you should put by what he can afford, so that no collections need be made after I have come.
I Co OEB 16:3  On my arrival, I will send any persons, whom you may authorize by letter, to carry your gift to Jerusalem;
I Co OEB 16:4  and, if it appears to be worth while for me to go also, they will go with me.
I Co OEB 16:5  I will come to you as soon as I have been through Macedonia — for I am going through Macedonia —
I Co OEB 16:6  And I will probably make some stay with you or, perhaps, remain for the winter, so that you may yourselves send me on my way, wherever I may be going.
I Co OEB 16:7  I do not propose to pay you a visit in passing now, for I hope to stay with you for some time, if the Lord permits.
I Co OEB 16:8  I intend, however, staying at Ephesus until the Festival at the close of the Harvest;
I Co OEB 16:9  for a great opening for active work has presented itself, and there are many opponents.
I Co OEB 16:10  If Timothy comes, take care that he has no cause for feeling anxious while he is with you. He is doing the Master’s work no less than I am.
I Co OEB 16:11  No one, therefore, should slight him. See him safely on his way to me, for I am expecting him with some of our friends.
I Co OEB 16:12  As for our friend Apollos, I have often urged him to go to you with the others. He has, however, been very unwilling to do so as yet; but he will go as soon as he finds a good opportunity.
I Co OEB 16:13  Be watchful; stand firm in your faith; be brave; be strong.
I Co OEB 16:14  Let everything you do be done in a loving spirit.
I Co OEB 16:15  I have another request to make of you, friends. You remember Stephanas and his household, and that they were the first-fruits gathered in from Greece, and set themselves to serve Christ’s people.
I Co OEB 16:16  I want you, on your part, to show deference to such people as these, as well as to every fellow laborer and earnest worker.
I Co OEB 16:17  I am glad Stephanas and Fortunatus and Achaicus have come, for they have made up for your absence;
I Co OEB 16:18  they have cheered my heart, and your hearts also. Recognize the worth of such people as these.
I Co OEB 16:19  The churches in Roman Asia send you their greetings. Aquila and Prisca and the church that meets at their house send you many Christian greetings.
I Co OEB 16:20  All of the Lord's followers send you greetings. Greet one another with a sacred kiss.
I Co OEB 16:21  I, Paul, add this greeting in my own handwriting.
I Co OEB 16:22  Accursed be anyone who has no love for the Lord. THE LORD IS COMING.
I Co OEB 16:23  May the blessing of the Lord Jesus be with you.
I Co OEB 16:24  My love to all of you who are in union with Christ Jesus.