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Chapter 1
I Sa ABP 1:1  And there was [2man 1one] from Ramathaim Zophim of mount Ephraim, and his name was Elkanah, son of Jeroham, son of Elihu, son of Tohu, son Zuph from mount Ephraim.
I Sa ABP 1:2  And to this one was two wives; the name to the one was Hannah, and the name to the second was Peninnah. And there was to Peninnah a child, and to Hannah there was no child.
I Sa ABP 1:3  And [3ascended 2man 1that] from days to days from out of his city of Ramathaim to do obeisance and to sacrifice to the lord of Hosts in Shiloh. And [2there 1was] Eli and [2two 3sons 1his], Hophni and Phinehas, priests of the lord.
I Sa ABP 1:4  And came to pass a day that Elkanah sacrificed, and he gave to Peninnah his wife, and to all her sons, and to her daughters, portions.
I Sa ABP 1:5  And to Hannah he gave [2portion 1one], for there was no child to her; except that [2loved Hannah 1Elkanah] above Peninnah. But the lord locked the matter concerning her womb.
I Sa ABP 1:6  And [2provoked her to anger 1her rival], and even a provocation to anger because of the treating her with contempt, for the lord closed up the matters concerning her womb to not give to her a child.
I Sa ABP 1:7  Thus she did year by year in her ascending unto the house of the lord; and she was depressed, and she wept, and did not eat.
I Sa ABP 1:8  And [3said 4to her 1Elkanah 2her husband], Hannah, what is it to you that you weep? And why do you not eat? And why does [2beat 3you 1your heart]? [2not 3good 1Am I] to you over ten children?
I Sa ABP 1:9  And Hannah rose up after their eating in Shiloh, and after drinking. And Eli the priest sat upon the chair at the doorposts of the temple of the lord.
I Sa ABP 1:10  And she was in severe pain of soul, and she prayed to the lord, and with weeping she wept.
I Sa ABP 1:11  And she vowed a vow, saying, O lord of hosts, if looking you should look upon the humiliation of your maidservant, and should remember me, and should not forget your maidservant, and should give to your maidservant seed of a male, then I will put him before you, dedicated until the day of his death. And an iron razor shall not ascend upon his head.
I Sa ABP 1:12  And it came to pass when she multiplied praying before the lord, that Eli the priest watched her mouth.
I Sa ABP 1:13  And she spoke in her heart, and her lips moved, but her voice was not heard. And [2considered 3her 1Eli] to be intoxicated.
I Sa ABP 1:14  And [2said 3to her 1Eli], Until when shall you be intoxicated? Remove your wine!
I Sa ABP 1:15  And Hannah answered and said, No, O master, [3a woman 4with 5a hard 6day 1I 2am], and wine and strong drink I have not drunk, and I pour out my soul before the lord.
I Sa ABP 1:16  You should not grant your maidservant for [2daughter 1mischievous]. For from the amount of my meditation, and from the amount of my depression, I have been stretched out until the present.
I Sa ABP 1:17  And Eli answered and said to her, Go in peace! The God of Israel will give to you all your request which you asked of him.
I Sa ABP 1:18  And she said, [2found 1Your maidservant] favor in your eyes. And [3went 1the 2woman] her way, and ate with her husband, and drank, and her face was not downcast any longer.
I Sa ABP 1:19  And they rose early in the morning, and did obeisance to the lord, and they went their way. And Elkanah entered unto his house in Ramah, and he knew Hannah his wife; and [2remembered 3her 1the lord], and she conceived.
I Sa ABP 1:20  And it came to pass in the time of the days, that Hannah bore a son, and she called his name Samuel, saying that, From the lord almighty I asked him.
I Sa ABP 1:21  And [4ascended 1the 2man 3Elkanah], and all his house, to sacrifice in Shiloh, for the sacrifice of the days, and his vows.
I Sa ABP 1:22  And Hannah did not ascend with him, for she said to her husband, I will wait until the ascending of the boy, whenever I should have weaned it, and he shall appear in front of the lord, and he shall settle there unto the eon.
I Sa ABP 1:23  And [3said 4to her 1Elkanah 2her husband], You do the good thing in your eyes, sit until whenever you should wean it! Only may the lord establish the thing coming forth from out of your mouth. And [3sat 1the 2woman], and nursed her son until whenever she weaned him.
I Sa ABP 1:24  And she ascended with him unto Shiloh with a calf being three years old, and an ephah of fine flour, and a skin flask of wine. And she entered into the house of the lord in Shiloh, and the boy with them.
I Sa ABP 1:25  And they led him before the lord, and they slew the calf. And [6brought it 1Hannah 2the 3mother 4of the 5boy] to Eli.
I Sa ABP 1:26  And she said, By me, O master, [2should live 1your soul]; I am the woman standing before you with you while praying to the lord.
I Sa ABP 1:27  Over this boy I prayed, and [2gave 3to me 1the lord] my request which I asked of him.
I Sa ABP 1:28  And I lend him to the lord all the days which he should live for use by the lord.