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Chapter 42
Isai ABP 42:1  Jacob, my child, I shall take hold of him. Israel, my chosen, [2favorably received 3him 1my soul]. I have put my spirit upon him, [2judgment 3to the 4nations 1he shall bring forth].
Isai ABP 42:2  He shall not cry out, nor shall he send up his voice, nor shall [2be heard 3outside 1his voice].
Isai ABP 42:3  A reed being crushed he will not break, and [2flax 1smoking] he will not extinguish; but to validity he will bring forth judgment.
Isai ABP 42:4  He shall illuminate, and shall not be devastated until whenever he should set [2upon 3the 4earth 1judgment]. And upon his name nations shall hope.
Isai ABP 42:5  Thus says the lord God, the one making the heaven, and pitching it; solidifying the earth, and the things in it; and giving breath to the people upon it, and spirit to the ones treading it.
Isai ABP 42:6  I the lord God called you in righteousness, and I shall hold your hand, and I will strengthen you; and I gave you for a covenant of a race, for a light of nations;
Isai ABP 42:7  to open the eyes of the blind, to lead out of bonds ones being tied; from out of the house of prison also ones sitting in darkness.
Isai ABP 42:8  I am the lord God; this is my name; [3my glory 4to another 1I will not 2give], nor my virtues to the carvings.
Isai ABP 42:9  The things from the beginning, behold, they have come, and the new things which I shall announce, even before the announcing, it was made manifest to you.
Isai ABP 42:10  Sing to the lord [2hymn 1a new]! Glorify his name from the uttermost part of the earth! O ones going down into the sea, and sailing it; the islands, and the ones dwelling in them.
Isai ABP 42:11  Be glad, O wilderness and her towns, properties, and the ones dwelling in Kedar! [4shall be glad 1The ones 2dwelling in 3the rock]. From the tip of the mountains they shall yell.
Isai ABP 42:12  They shall give [2to God 1glory]; [2his virtues 3in 4the 5islands 1they shall report].
Isai ABP 42:13  The lord God of the forces shall go forth, and shall break war. He shall rouse zeal, and shall yell against his enemies with strength.
Isai ABP 42:14  I kept silent from the eon; shall I also continually keep silent and endure? As the woman giving birth perseveres, I will now amaze and dry out at the same time.
Isai ABP 42:15  I will make [4desolate 1mountains 2and 3hills], and [2all 3their grass 1will dry out]. And I will make rivers into islands, and marshes to dry land.
Isai ABP 42:16  And I will lead the blind in the way which they knew not, and [4roads 5which 6they had not 7seen 3to tread 1I will cause 2them]. I will make for them darkness into light, and crooked into straight. These are the things I will do to them, and I shall not abandon them.
Isai ABP 42:17  But they were turned into the rear. You should be ashamed with shame, O ones relying upon the carvings, O ones saying to the molten images, You are our gods.
Isai ABP 42:18  O deaf-mutes, hear! and O blind, look up to behold!
Isai ABP 42:19  And who is blind, but my servants? And who are deaf-mutes, but the ones dominating them? Who is blind as the one receiving? even [4were blinded 1the 2servants 3of God].
Isai ABP 42:20  You beheld many times, and watched not; opening the ears, and heard not.
Isai ABP 42:21  The lord God willed that he should be justified, and should magnify praise.
Isai ABP 42:22  And I beheld, and it came to pass the people were being despoiled and plundered; for the snare is in the storerooms everywhere, and in the houses together where they hid them; they became for plunder, and there was not the one rescuing one seized; and there was not the one saying, Give back!
Isai ABP 42:23  Who among you shall give ear to these things which shall be heard for the things coming about?
Isai ABP 42:24  Who gave [2for 3ravaging 1Jacob], and Israel to the ones plundering? Was it not God to whom they sinned? And they did not want [2in 3his ways 1to go], nor to hear his law.
Isai ABP 42:25  And he brought upon them the anger of his rage; and [2strengthened 3against them 1the war] and the ones burning them round about; and [3did not 4know 1each 2of them], nor put it unto their soul.