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Chapter 9
Jere ABP 9:1  Who will give my head water, and my eyes a spring of tears, that I shall weep for [2my people 1this] day and night, the ones being slain of the daughter of my people?
Jere ABP 9:2  Who shall give to me [3of 4the 5wilderness 1a post house 2at the end]? for I shall leave my people, and I shall go forth from them, for they all commit adultery; a convocation of ones annulling covenant.
Jere ABP 9:3  And they stretched tight their tongue as a bow; a lie and no trust grows in strength upon the earth. For [2from 3evils 4unto 5evils 1they went], and [2me 3not 1they knew], says the lord.
Jere ABP 9:4  [2each 4of 5his neighbor 1Let 3take guard], and [3upon 4their brethren 1let them not 2rely]! For every brother [2with the heel 1shall stomp], and every friend [2deceitfully 1shall go].
Jere ABP 9:5  Each [2against 3his friend 1shall mock]. [3truth 1In no way 2shall they speak]. [2has learned 1Their tongue] to speak falsely. They wronged, and stopped not to turn back.
Jere ABP 9:6  Interest upon interest, treachery upon treachery; they have not wanted to behold me, says the lord.
Jere ABP 9:7  On account of this, Thus says the lord of the forces, Behold, I shall set them on fire, and try them. What will I act before the face of the wickedness of the daughter of my people?
Jere ABP 9:8  [3arrow 2is a piercing 1Their tongue]; [4deceitful 1the 2words 3of their mouth]; [3to 4his neighbor 1one speaks 2peaceably], and in himself he has hatred.
Jere ABP 9:9  Shall [3upon 4these 1I not 2visit], says the lord? or, [5on 7a people 6such 3not 1shall 4take vengeance 2my soul]?
Jere ABP 9:10  Concerning the mountains, take up a lamenting! and for the roads of the wilderness, a wailing! For they failed by there not being men. They heard not the sound of the existence of winged creatures of the heaven. And the cattle receded -- they were set out.
Jere ABP 9:11  And I will give Jerusalem for displacement, and for a home of dragons. And the cities of Judah [2for 3extinction 1I will appoint], so as to not be dwelt in.
Jere ABP 9:12  Who is the [2man 1discerning]? then let him perceive this! And the word of the mouth of the lord is with him, let him announce to you on account of why [3was destroyed 1the 2land]! It was lit on fire as a wilderness, so as to not travel through it.
Jere ABP 9:13  And the lord said to me, On account of their abandoning my law which I put before their face, and they have not hearkened to my voice;
Jere ABP 9:14  but went after the things pleasing their heart -- the evil thing; and after the idols which [2taught 3them to worship 1their fathers].
Jere ABP 9:15  On account of this, thus says the lord of the forces, the God of Israel, Behold, I will feed them distresses, and I will cause them to drink water of bile.
Jere ABP 9:16  And I will disperse them among the nations which [2not 1they knew], nor their fathers. And I will send [3as a successor 4upon 5them 1the 2sword], until they are completely consumed by it.
Jere ABP 9:17  Thus says the lord, Call the wailing women and let them come! And to the wise women send, and let them utter their voice!
Jere ABP 9:18  And let them take upon you a lamentation! And let [2lead down 1your eyes] tears! And [2your eyelids 1let] flow water!
Jere ABP 9:19  For a voice of lament was heard in Zion, saying, O how we became in misery. We were disgraced very much, for we abandoned the land, and threw away our tents.
Jere ABP 9:20  Hear indeed, O women, the word of God! And let [2receive 1your ears] the words of his mouth! And teach your daughters a lamentation! and let every woman teach her neighbor wailing!
Jere ABP 9:21  For [2ascended 1death] through your windows; it entered into your land to obliterate infants outside, and young men from the squares.
Jere ABP 9:22  And [4will be 1the 2dead 3of men] for an example upon the face of the plain of your land; and as grass after being mowed, and there will not be one gathering.
Jere ABP 9:23  Thus says the lord, Let not [2boast 1the 2wise man] in his wisdom! And let not [3boast 1the 2strong man] in his strength! And let not [3boast 1the 2rich man] in his riches!
Jere ABP 9:24  But in this [2let him boast 1boasting]! To perceive and to know me, that I am the lord, the one having mercy, and judgment, and righteousness upon the earth. For [2is in 3these things 1my will], says the lord.
Jere ABP 9:25  Behold, days come, says the lord, and I will visit upon all having been circumcised of their uncircumcision;
Jere ABP 9:26  upon Egypt, and upon Judah, and upon Edom, and upon the sons of Ammon, and upon the sons of Moab, and upon every one shaving round about his face -- of the ones dwelling in the wilderness. For all the nations are uncircumcised in flesh, and all the house of Israel uncircumcised of their heart.