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Chapter 2
Prov Rotherha 2:1  My son, if thou wilt receive my sayings, and, my commandments, wilt treasure up by thee;
Prov Rotherha 2:2  So that thou direct, unto wisdom, thine ear, bend thy heart, unto understanding;
Prov Rotherha 2:3  Yea if, for understanding, thou cry aloud, for knowledge, utter thy voice;
Prov Rotherha 2:4  If thou seek her as silver, and, like hid treasure, thou search for her,
Prov Rotherha 2:5  Then, shalt thou understand the reverence of Yahweh, and, the knowledge of God, shalt thou find.
Prov Rotherha 2:6  For, Yahweh, giveth wisdom, out of his mouth, knowledge and understanding;
Prov Rotherha 2:7  Yea he treasureth, for the upright, safety, A shield [is he] to them who walk in integrity,
Prov Rotherha 2:8  To him that observeth the paths of justice, yea, the way of his men of lovingkindness, he doth guard.
Prov Rotherha 2:9  Then, shalt thou understand righteousness and justice, and equity—every noble course.
Prov Rotherha 2:10  When wisdom entereth thy heart, and, knowledge, to thy soul, is sweet,
Prov Rotherha 2:11  Discretion, shall watch over thee, understanding, shall preserve thee:—
Prov Rotherha 2:12  To rescue thee from the way of the wrongful, from the man that speaketh perverse things;
Prov Rotherha 2:13  From them who forsake the paths of rectitude, to walk in the ways of darkness;
Prov Rotherha 2:14  Who rejoice to do wrong, exult in the perversities of the wrongful;
Prov Rotherha 2:15  Whose paths, are twisted, and they are tortuous in their tracks:
Prov Rotherha 2:16  To rescue thee, from the woman that is a stranger, from the female unknown, who with her speeches seduceth;
Prov Rotherha 2:17  Who forsaketh the friend of her youth, and, the covenant of her God, hath forgotten;
Prov Rotherha 2:18  For she hath appointed, unto death, her house, and unto the shades, her courses;
Prov Rotherha 2:19  None who go in unto her, come back, neither attain they unto the paths of life:
Prov Rotherha 2:20  To the end that thou walk in the way of good men, and, the paths of the righteous, that thou observe.
Prov Rotherha 2:21  For, the upright, shall abide on the earth,—and, the men of integrity, shall remain therein;
Prov Rotherha 2:22  But, the lawless, out of the earth, shall be cut off, and, traitors, shall they tear away therefrom.