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Chapter 14
Roma BWE 14:1  Be ready to take a person into the church even if he does not know and believe all you believe. Do not judge what he thinks about things.
Roma BWE 14:2  One person believes he may eat anything. Another person, who does not believe that, eats only things that grow in the garden.
Roma BWE 14:3  The one who eats anything must not despise the one who does not eat everything. And the one who does not eat must not judge the person who does. God has accepted him as he is.
Roma BWE 14:4  Why do you judge another person’s servant? He stands or he falls before his own master. But he will stand because the Lord can give him power to stand.
Roma BWE 14:5  One man thinks, ‘This day is better than that day.’ But another man thinks, ‘All days are alike.’ Every man should be sure in his own mind what he believes.
Roma BWE 14:6  One man honours the day to honour the Lord; another man does not honour the day to honour the Lord. The person who eats everything, eats it because he honours the Lord. And he thanks God. And the person who will not eat every kind of food also does so to honour the Lord. And he still gives thanks to God.
Roma BWE 14:7  Not one of us lives for himself. And not one of us dies for himself.
Roma BWE 14:8  If we live, we live for the Lord. And if we die, we die for the Lord. So then, if we live or if we die we belong to the Lord.
Roma BWE 14:9  Christ wanted to be Lord, both of dead people and of living people. That is why he died and lived again.
Roma BWE 14:10  Why do you judge your brother? Or why do you despise your brother? We shall all stand before God to be judged.
Roma BWE 14:11  The holy writings say, ‘The Lord says, “As sure as I live, every knee will bow to me. Every tongue will praise God.”’
Roma BWE 14:12  So each of us will tell God about what he has done.
Roma BWE 14:13  So we must not judge each other any longer. But it is better for us to judge this. Never put anything in a brother’s way that will hurt him or that will make him fall down.
Roma BWE 14:14  As a Christian, I know and believe that nothing in itself is not right to eat. But it is not right for anyone to eat who thinks it is not right to eat.
Roma BWE 14:15  Does what you eat trouble your brother? If it does, you are no longer living in love. Do not destroy the faith of someone because of what you eat. Christ died for him.
Roma BWE 14:16  What is good for you must not be something that other people say is wrong.
Roma BWE 14:17  The kingdom of God is not about what a person eats and drinks. But it is about living in a way which is right with God. It is peace. It is joy because a person has the Holy Spirit.
Roma BWE 14:18  A person who does the work of Christ in this way pleases God. And people like him.
Roma BWE 14:19  But we must do the things that make peace and that help each other to do better.
Roma BWE 14:20  Do not spoil what God has done because you want some food. Everything is right. But it is wrong for anyone to eat anything if that will make his brother fall.
Roma BWE 14:21  The right thing is to eat no meat, and drink no wine, and not do anything that makes your brother fall.
Roma BWE 14:22  Keep to yourself and God what you believe about these things. God blesses a man who does not feel he has done wrong when he did what he thought was right.
Roma BWE 14:23  But a man who is not sure that he should eat something, does wrong if he eats it. That is because he does not believe the thing he is doing is right to do. And it is wrong to do what you do not believe is right.