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Chapter 14
Deut KLV 14:1  SoH 'oH the puqpu' vo' joH'a' lIj joH'a': SoH DIchDaq ghobe' pe' tlhIH'egh, ghobe' chenmoH vay' jIb ghajbe' joj lIj mInDu' vaD the Heghpu'.
Deut KLV 14:2  vaD SoH 'oH a le' ghotpu Daq joH'a' lIj joH'a', je joH'a' ghajtaH wIvpu' SoH Daq taH a ghotpu vaD Daj ghaj possession, Dung Hoch ghotpu' 'Iv 'oH Daq the qab vo' the tera'.
Deut KLV 14:4  Dochvammey 'oH the Ha'DIbaH nuq SoH may Sop: the Qa', the Suy', je the goat,
Deut KLV 14:5  the hart, je the gazelle, je the roebuck, je the wild goat, je the ibex, je the antelope, je the chamois.
Deut KLV 14:6  Hoch animal vetlh parts the hoof, je ghajtaH the hoof cloven Daq cha', je chews the cud, among the Ha'DIbaH, vetlh may SoH Sop.
Deut KLV 14:7  Nevertheless Dochvammey SoH DIchDaq ghobe' Sop vo' chaH vetlh chew the cud, joq vo' chaH 'Iv ghaj the hoof cloven: the camel, je the hare, je the rabbit; because chaH chew the cud 'ach yImev part the hoof, chaH 'oH Say'Ha' Daq SoH.
Deut KLV 14:8  The pig, because 'oH ghajtaH a split hoof 'ach ta'be' chew the cud, ghaH Say'Ha' Daq SoH: vo' chaj ghab SoH DIchDaq ghobe' Sop, je chaj carcasses SoH DIchDaq ghobe' touch.
Deut KLV 14:9  Dochvammey SoH may Sop vo' Hoch vetlh 'oH Daq the bIQmey: whatever ghajtaH fins je scales may SoH Sop;
Deut KLV 14:10  je whatever ta'be' ghaj fins je scales SoH DIchDaq ghobe' Sop; 'oH ghaH Say'Ha' Daq SoH.
Deut KLV 14:12  'ach Dochvammey 'oH chaH vo' nuq SoH DIchDaq ghobe' Sop: the eagle, je the vulture, je the osprey,
Deut KLV 14:13  je the Doq kite, je the falcon, je the kite after its kind,
Deut KLV 14:15  je the ostrich, je the owl, je the seagull, je the hawk after its kind,
Deut KLV 14:16  the mach owl, je the Dun owl, je the horned owl,
Deut KLV 14:17  je the pelican, je the vulture, je the cormorant,
Deut KLV 14:18  je the stork, je the heron after its kind, je the hoopoe, je the bat.
Deut KLV 14:19  Hoch winged creeping Dochmey 'oH Say'Ha' Daq SoH: chaH DIchDaq ghobe' taH eaten.
Deut KLV 14:21  SoH DIchDaq ghobe' Sop vo' vay' vetlh dies vo' itself: SoH may nob 'oH Daq the foreigner yIntaH among SoH 'Iv ghaH within lIj lojmItmey, vetlh ghaH may Sop 'oH; joq SoH may sell 'oH Daq a foreigner: vaD SoH 'oH a le' ghotpu Daq joH'a' lIj joH'a'. SoH DIchDaq ghobe' boil a Qup goat Daq its mother's milk.
Deut KLV 14:22  SoH DIchDaq DIch tithe Hoch the increase vo' lIj tIr, vetlh nuq choltaH vo' vo' the yotlh DIS Sum DIS.
Deut KLV 14:23  SoH DIchDaq Sop qaSpa' joH'a' lIj joH'a', Daq the Daq nuq ghaH DIchDaq choose, Daq cause Daj pong Daq yIn pa', the tithe vo' lIj grain, vo' lIj chu' HIq, je vo' lIj Hergh, je the firstborn vo' lIj herd je vo' lIj flock; vetlh SoH may ghoj Daq taHvIp joH'a' lIj joH'a' always.
Deut KLV 14:24  chugh the way ghaH too tIq vaD SoH, vaj vetlh SoH 'oH ghobe' laH Daq carry 'oH, because the Daq ghaH too Hop vo' SoH, nuq joH'a' lIj joH'a' DIchDaq choose, Daq cher Daj pong pa', ghorgh joH'a' lIj joH'a' DIchDaq ghurmoH SoH;
Deut KLV 14:25  vaj SoH DIchDaq tlhe' 'oH Daq Huch, je bind Dung the Huch Daq lIj ghop, je DIchDaq jaH Daq the Daq nuq joH'a' lIj joH'a' DIchDaq choose:
Deut KLV 14:26  je SoH DIchDaq bestow the Huch vaD whatever lIj qa' desires, vaD cattle, joq vaD Suy', joq vaD HIq, joq vaD HoS tlhutlh, joq vaD whatever lIj qa' asks vo' SoH; je SoH DIchDaq Sop pa' qaSpa' joH'a' lIj joH'a', je SoH DIchDaq yItIv, SoH je lIj household.
Deut KLV 14:27  The Levite 'Iv ghaH within lIj lojmItmey, SoH DIchDaq ghobe' lon ghaH; vaD ghaH ghajtaH ghobe' portion ghobe' inheritance tlhej SoH.
Deut KLV 14:28  Daq the pItlh vo' Hoch wej DISmey SoH DIchDaq qem vo' Hoch the tithe vo' lIj increase Daq the rap DIS, je DIchDaq lay 'oH Dung within lIj lojmItmey:
Deut KLV 14:29  je the Levite, because ghaH ghajtaH ghobe' portion ghobe' inheritance tlhej SoH, je the foreigner yIntaH among SoH, je the vav ghajbe', je the Heghbe'nal, 'Iv 'oH within lIj lojmItmey, DIchDaq ghoS, je DIchDaq Sop je taH satisfied; vetlh joH'a' lIj joH'a' may ghurmoH SoH Daq Hoch the vum vo' lIj ghop nuq SoH ta'.