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Chapter 15
John Wycliffe 15:1  Y am a very vyne, and my fadir is an erthe tilier.
John Wycliffe 15:2  Ech braunch in me that berith not fruyt, he schal take awey it; and ech that berith fruyt, he schal purge it, that it bere the more fruyt.
John Wycliffe 15:3  Now ye ben clene, for the word that Y haue spokun to you.
John Wycliffe 15:4  Dwelle ye in me, and Y in you; as a braunche may not make fruyt of it silf, but it dwelle in the vyne, so nether ye, but ye dwelle in me.
John Wycliffe 15:5  Y am a vyne, ye the braunchis. Who that dwellith in me, and Y in hym, this berith myche fruyt, for with outen me ye moun no thing do.
John Wycliffe 15:6  If ony man dwellith not in me, he schal be caste out as a braunche, and schal wexe drie; and thei schulen gadere hym, and thei schulen caste hym in to the fier, and he brenneth.
John Wycliffe 15:7  If ye dwellen in me, and my wordis dwelle in you, what euer thing ye wolen, ye schulen axe, and it schal be don to you.
John Wycliffe 15:8  In this thing my fadir is clarified, that ye brynge forth ful myche fruyt, and that ye be maad my disciplis.
John Wycliffe 15:9  As my fadir louede me, Y haue loued you; dwelle ye in my loue.
John Wycliffe 15:10  If ye kepen my comaundementis, ye schulen dwelle in my loue; as Y haue kept the comaundementis of my fadir, and Y dwelle in his loue.
John Wycliffe 15:11  These thingis Y spak to you, that my ioye be in you, and youre ioye be fulfillid.
John Wycliffe 15:12  This is my comaundement, that ye loue togidere, as Y louede you.
John Wycliffe 15:13  No man hath more loue than this, that a man putte his lijf for hise freendis.
John Wycliffe 15:14  Ye ben my freendis if ye doen tho thingis, that Y comaunde to you.
John Wycliffe 15:15  Now Y schal not clepe you seruauntis, for the seruaunt woot not, what his lord schal do; but Y haue clepid you freendis, for alle thingis what euere Y herde of my fadir, Y haue maad knowun to you.
John Wycliffe 15:16  Ye han not chosun me, but Y chees you; and Y haue put you, that ye go, and brynge forth fruyt, and youre fruyt dwelle; that what euere thing ye axen the fadir in my name, he yyue to you.
John Wycliffe 15:17  These thingis Y comaunde to you, that ye loue togidere.
John Wycliffe 15:18  If the world hatith you, wite ye, that it hadde me in hate rather than you.
John Wycliffe 15:19  If ye hadden be of the world, the world schulde loue that thing that was his; but for ye ben not of the world, but Y chees you fro the world, therfor the world hatith you.
John Wycliffe 15:20  Haue ye mynde of my word, which Y seide to you, The seruaunt is not grettere than his lord. If thei han pursued me, thei schulen pursue you also; if thei han kept my word, thei schulen kepe youre also.
John Wycliffe 15:21  But thei schulen do to you alle these thingis for my name, for thei knowen not hym that sente me.
John Wycliffe 15:22  If Y hadde not comun, and hadde not spokun to hem, thei schulden not haue synne; but now thei haue noon excusacioun of her synne.
John Wycliffe 15:24  If Y hadde not doon werkis in hem, whiche noon other man dide, thei schulden not haue synne; but now both thei han seyn, and hatid me and my fadir.
John Wycliffe 15:25  But that the word be fulfillid, that is writun in her lawe, For thei hadden me in hate with outen cause.
John Wycliffe 15:26  But whanne the coumfortour schal come, which Y schal sende to you fro the fadir, a spirit of treuthe, which cometh of the fadir, he schal bere witnessyng of me; and ye schulen bere witnessyng, for ye ben with me fro the bigynnyng.