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Chapter 14
Roma ABP 14:1  But the one being weak in the belief take to yourselves! not for distinction of arguings.
Roma ABP 14:2  Indeed one trusts to eat all things; and the one being weak [2vegetables 1eats].
Roma ABP 14:3  The one eating, [2the one 3not 4eating 1treat not with contempt]! and the one not eating, [2the one 3eating 1judge not]! for God received him to himself.
Roma ABP 14:4  [3you 1Who 2are], the one judging a stranger's servant? To his own master he stands or falls, but he shall be established; [4able 1for 3is 2God] to establish him.
Roma ABP 14:5  The one who indeed judges a day over a day, and who judges every day -- [2each 4in 5his own 6mind 1let 3have full assurance]!
Roma ABP 14:6  The one regarding the day, regards it to the Lord; and the one not regarding the day, [2to the Lord 1regards it not]. The one eating, eats to the Lord, for he gives thanks to God; and the one not eating, [2to the Lord 1eats not], and he gives thanks to God.
Roma ABP 14:7  For not one of us lives to himself, and no one dies to himself.
Roma ABP 14:8  [2if 3both 1For] we should live, [2to the 3Lord 1we should live]; and if we should die, [2to the 3Lord 1we should die]. If both then we should live, and if we should die, [2of the 3Lord 1we are].
Roma ABP 14:9  For, for this Christ both died, and rose up, and lived, that both the dead and living he should lord over.
Roma ABP 14:10  But you, why do you judge your brother? or also why do you treat with contempt your brother? for all of us shall stand before the rostrum of the Christ.
Roma ABP 14:11  For it has been written, As I live, says the Lord, that to me [3shall bend 1every 2knee], and every tongue shall make acknowledgment to God.
Roma ABP 14:12  So then each of us concerning himself [2account 1shall give] to God.
Roma ABP 14:13  No longer then [2one another 1should we judge]. But this judge rather! to not put an occasion of stumbling to the brother or an obstacle!
Roma ABP 14:14  I know and am persuaded in the Lord Jesus, that nothing is profane of itself; except to the one considering anything to be profane, to that one it is profane.
Roma ABP 14:15  But if on account of food your brother frets, no longer [2according to 3love 1do you walk]. Do not [3by your food 2that one 1destroy], for of whom Christ died!
Roma ABP 14:17  For not is the kingdom of God food and drink, but righteousness and peace and joy in [2spirit 1holy].
Roma ABP 14:18  For the one [4in 5these things 1serving 2the 3Christ] is well-pleasing to God, and approved by men.
Roma ABP 14:19  So then the things of peace we should pursue, and the things of the edifying the thing for one another.
Roma ABP 14:20  Do not [5because of 6food 1destroy 2the 3work 4of God]. All things indeed are pure, but it is evil to the man [2by 3an occasion of stumbling someone 1who eats].
Roma ABP 14:21  It is good to not eat meats, nor to drink wine, nor anything in which your brother stumbles against, or be caused to stumble, or is weak.
Roma ABP 14:22  You [2belief 1have]? According to yourself have it before God! Blessed is the one not judging himself in what he distinguishes.
Roma ABP 14:23  But the one scrutinizing, if he should eat, has been condemned, for it is not of belief; and everything which is not of belief is sin.